The writer Murakami criticizes pandemic management in Japan

By : ujikiu / On : 12/10/2022

(AP).Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami criticized Sunday in his monthly radio program to the country's prime minister and said Yoshihide Suga has ignored a rebound from COVID-19 and the public's concerns about pandemic.

Murakami cited Suga's words that "there is now an exit in view after a long tunnel," expressed just before the delayed Tokyo Olympic Games began last month.Since the beginning of the games the daily figure of new cases in the country has multiplied almost five nationwide and more than three in Tokyo.

“If I really saw an exit, his eyes would be extremely good for his age.I am of the same age as Mr. Suga, but I don't see any exit at all, ”said Murakami, 72 years old.

"It seems that he does not listen to others, and maybe he only has eyes that see well, or see only what he wants to see," he said.

El escritor Murakami critica gestión de la pandemia en Japón

Murakami has criticized politicians in the past to read texts prepared by bureaucrats and not communicating with powerful messages that can reach people's hearts.

"Even if we don't see an exit, we must survive until we really start seeing an output, while we use everything available," said Murakami.

Suga, considered excessively optimistic about the effectiveness of vaccines, has been criticized for celebrating the Olympic and Paralympic Games despite extended health concerns and public protests.Support for your government has sunk below 30% this month, compared to 70% shortly after its investiture in September last year.

The prime minister extended emergency measures against COVID-19 three quarters of Japan.

When he expanded emergency measures, he cited a new treatment that combines infusions as an additional weapon and said that "we clearly began to see a light", a comment that was badly received.He has also celebrated the rhythm of vaccination in Japan, which began at the end of May and exceeded the goal of one million doses administered per day despite a slow start and with delays with delays.

Around 44% of the Japanese population is completely vaccinated.Suga said that all the suitable and arranged people have completed their guideline for October or November, but experts say it would be impossible to get group immunity due to the contagious virus delta variant.

Murakami started writing when he directed a jazz bar in Tokyo after graduating from the university.After the debut of his 1979 novel "Listen to the song of the wind", the romance of 1987 "Tokyo Blues" became his first sales success and consolidated him as a young literary star, with later successful novels.

His radio program began to broadcast in August 2018 in Tokyo FM.