What does a Victoria’s Secret model eat in a day?

By : ujikiu / On : 07/09/2022


The feeding of the models has always generated curiosity and controversy in equal parts.There are those who think that to devote themselves to that profession it is necessary. ¿Y si no es ni una cosa ni la otra? ANDntonces, ¿qué come una modelo de Victoria' Secret?

Although, of course, it depends on each case, if we focus on the Sanne Vloet model, we could not pigeonhole in any of these perceptions. ANDs evidente que la genética juega un papel importante, pero como ella misma explica a sus más de 700k seguidores en su canal de YouTube, cuida mucho su alimentación.And no, this does not mean that it eats little, but chooses healthy foods and adapts intake to your lifestyle.

"Today I am going to teach what as in a day. ANDs un tema muy solicitado, mucha gente me pregunta sobre mi dieta y cómo me mantengo en forma. ANDn primer lugar yo nunca lo llamaría estar a dieta, porque es más bien un estilo de vida que llevo durante todo el año”, señala la modelo en el primer vídeo que subió mostrando sus comidas hace poco más de un año.

If you do not usually consume content on YouTube, it is likely that all this sounds quite strange, so, before continuing, you should know that on this platform there is a fairly popular theme called what i eat in a day or, in Spanish, in SpanishWhat in one day.Normally these types of videos are published by youtubers with more or less followers, but it turns out that the model we are talking about.And not only that, on his channel he speaks without capujos about other aspects related to his profession, shows his training routine, his beauty tricks and even other more personal topics such as his home or his trips.

Sanne Vloet diet

¿Qué come en un día una modelo de Victoria’s Secret?

But if we focus on the videos in which he shows what he eats in one day, the model usually shares from breakfast to dinner and the occasional snack.It includes many fruits and vegetables in her dishes and although, as she explains, she does not follow a vegetarian diet, she doesn't consume much meat either.In fact, in the most recent video he has published on this subject, he shares vegan recipes because although she is not, she says she feels very good to eat like this at least one day a week. ANDste fue su menú:

-DoSayuno: Coffee and porridge of oatmeal with banana, cinnamon, chia seeds, oat milk, coconut milk, a tablespoon of almond cream, raspberries and gauges of Goji.

-Comida: Quinoa salad with vegetables, tofu and olive oil and avocado dress.

-Cena: cauliflower stew with chickpeas, coconut milk, spices and white garnish rice.

ANDn otras ocasiones comparte comidas que no son veganas, como en este vídeo en el que, además, se centra en mostrar qué es lo que hace las 24 horas previas a un shooting en biquini.Shows your beauty routine, your exercises and, of course, what you eat.

-DoSayuno: Water and Matcha Tea.

-2º Breakfast after the gym: blueberry smoothie, kale, banana, maca, proteins, a spoonful of almond cream and almond milk.

-Comida: spinach salad, cucumber, asparagus, tomato, sweet potatoes, lentils, quinoa and beet hummus.

-Cena: Tuna fillet with zucchini and grilled asparagus.

And these are just some of their videos, but as we said, in their channel you will find many more related to food (daily menus, healthy recipes, snack ideas ...) and also of other topics.Did you imagine that the feeding of a model was like that?

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