What days of Christmas 2021 are holidays in Zaragoza?

By : ujikiu / On : 19/10/2022

Taking this factor into account, what days are holidays in Zaragoza Ciduad this Christmas 2021?This year the week of December 20, in which the lottery raffle falls on Wednesday 22, has no holidays during the week, but Christmas will be holiday that Saturday and therefore the workers whose days are from Monday to Friday notThey will notice the difference with respect to other weeks.However, those who usually work on Saturdays can enjoy Christmas Eve, because on Saturday 25 the establishments will remain closed.

This is what will happen the next week, last of December.We will say goodbye to 2021 on Friday 31 and we will begin on 2022 on Saturday, which means that New Year's Day will be weekend.In this sense, the same will happen and the holiday will fall on Saturday, which will not affect the working hours of many workers, although there are others that will benefit from this day free.

¿Qué días de la Navidad 2021 son festivos en Zaragoza?

Once 2022 started there will be a holiday during the week.On the 6th, Thursday, it is a national festive for Reyes, so the Zaragozanos will enjoy a day off to open the gifts with the little ones in the house.

The school calendar

On the other hand, also every year children have a holiday period of about three weeks during these dates.On this occasion, the youngest will have 18 days of school rest.The last classes for schoolchildren will be Wednesday 22, the day of the lottery draw.

Vacation will begin on Thursday, December 23, 2021 and these will run until Friday, January 7, 2022, both included.Of course, these would be 16 days that come together with the weekend of January 8 and 9, 2022, so, in total, they will have 18 days free.