Vox sets fire to the UN 2030 Agenda at your party

By : ujikiu / On : 02/09/2022

What is the 2030 Agenda?"It is globalism, which wants to steal freedom," replies a middle -aged man, with a flap army badge.Given the disbelief of his interlocutor, he adds: “Have you heard that we should not eat meat?Well that is ".

The 2030 Agenda, approved in September 2015 by the UN General Assembly, does not say a word about meat consumption.Its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, universal access to education and health.But at the party that Vox celebrates this weekend at the Madrid Fairgrounds (IFEMA) there is no forum to discuss the 2030 Agenda.The 2030 agenda set fire.

In a corner, next to the stage, the fault that Vox projected to burn on Saturday night, such as “colossal closure” (sic) of the first day of Viva 21, a vault of the party that the PCE has been celebrating since 19777, with tortilla sandwiches and musical performances, but without tedious and brave debates.

At the base of the failure, workers who hold society (a nurse, a worker, a chef, a policeman) and about them, like parasites, a feminist, an environmentalist and a left -wing magnate are represented (byThe closed fist in the shirt that appears under the jacket), surrounded by Coronavirus.On the pyramid, a sun with the symbols of the 17 objects of the UN, destined to be the Pasto of the flames for joy of the attendees.

From a while before it opened its doors, a crowd queued to access the fairgrounds.Vox hoped to congregate about 20.000 people throughout the weekend.They could be more.There is nothing more popular than free.You just have to get the entrance through the Internet - initially the access was restricted to the affiliates, but since Monday it opened to the public - and, if you want, to contribute a donation.

Vox prende fuego a la Agenda 2030 de la ONU en su fiesta

The fair occupies four hectares of parking, including a children's attraction park.There are 52 booths - one for each province, more Ceuta and Melilla - because for Vox the autonomous communities should not exist.In Gerona, written with E, a poster with the slogan "Municipality of the Catalan Republic" serves as a pelpudo.Signatures are collected asking for the illegalization of separatist parties and tickets are sold to overcome a flag of Spain and a ham leg.

Lo que más afecta es lo que sucede más cerca. Para no perderte nada, suscríbete.Suscríbete

Upon entering the enclosure, the traveler's credential is received, a notebook that is sealed in each of the provincial positions.If completed, a book about Spain is won as a gift.He wants to imitate the compostelana, the ecclesiastical document that proves to have traveled at least 100 kilometers from the Camino de Santiago.Like an enclosure with cardboard bulls he recalls the Sanfermines and a Correfoc, the Mediterranean popular party.Spain that would recognize any foreign tourist.

The fair shows to what extent Vox has generated a constellation groups in its orbit.There is an association of victims of Coronavirus, another of neighbors, one of help to victims of domestic violence (not confusing with sexist violence) and even an association of women for equality, which defends “a healthy and equitable feminism”.When asking the woman who attends the curious if men can also be associated, responds with evasive.A foundation of segregated schools, the VOX union, its editorial and its television (the TV bull) are also represented.It is possible to develop any daily activity without leaving the Vox Universe.

Visitors take pictures with some chulapos with Organillo, some gentlemen of the Crusades and a couple with a typical Asturian suit.Also with a cardboard abascal at the entrance of a clothing store.But the most demanded is the Authentic Abascal, who visits one for one the booths followed by a crowd that fell to greet him and ask for a selfi.For megafonía, people are reminded to put the masks, without much success.

No political speech tarnishes the festive atmosphere during the morning.That remains for the afternoon, when Abascal charges against "the unfortunate president of the United States", Joe Biden, who criticized on Friday "the painful history of errors and atrocities that many European explorers inflicted" the American indigenous."How do you dare to say that?" The Vox leader wonders indignant.“Not a step back, we do not apologize to the progress.We are proud of our history, ”.In this Sunday's rally, the great political act of the party will share a tribune with André Ventura, leader of the Portuguese Chega, and Giorgia Melloni, of Fratelli d'Italia, Vox's brothers parties, and will present the Spain agenda, its alternativeto the 2030 Agenda, which keeps a secret and it is not known whether or not to include any point related to meat consumption.