Victoria Beckham's most emotional parade: 10 years of fashion for all women

By : ujikiu / On : 30/08/2022

He has been in fashion for 10 years, but Victoria Beckham has made her last parade unique, while emotional, and an appointment in which her husband, David Beckham, and her children have not missed.The former Spice Girl and now a designer had maintained, so far, her relationship with London Fashion Week slightly frozen when always parading in the framework of the Big Apple event.However, for its 10th anniversary it has returned to its roots, to the city in which it was born and where it became a celebrity.Although this decade is the perfect example of how it has focused on the sector, its relationship with fashion dates back a few years earlier, since in 2006 it began to launch products under the DVB brand (David Victoria Beckham), which would later change forYour personal project.While her professional career began with music, former Spice Girl has proven that it is fashion her true passion.

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In these 10 years he has not only managed to make a name within the sector but to gain recognition as a designer since his brand was the signature of the year in 2011, when the British fashion awards awarded.In this way, the first parade in London that has taken place in his career, should be up.An event that took place in the prestigious Mayfair neighborhood, in the Thaddaeus Ropac galleries, very close to the firm's flagship store.The reception of the country of origin of the British was such that even its parade was transmitted by the immense screens of Piccadilly Circus, a projection that showed the model of the ninety Stella Tennant, 47, opening the presentation, since the businesswomanI wanted to show a fashion for women of all ages.

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El desfile más emotivo de Victoria Beckham: 10 años de moda para todas las mujeres

At the end, an excited Victoria Beckham went to greet triggered at the front row where she kissed one by one to all her children and her husband David Beckham, her great support, which always offer signs of affection and support from one another for what they leaveSee through social networks.A brooch that finished off the emotion of the great moment that was the final carousel of its spring-summer 2019 collection.Interestingly, it was one of the looks that appeared on the catwalk the whole with which the designer arrived at the place of the parade showing, once again, that she is the best ambassador of her brand: a brown American with blue pants.

After the historic parade, the party organized at the Mark's club took place to which great friends of the Beckham couple were not missing, as is the case of chef Gordon Ramsay and his partner Tana Ramsay.In addition, other known faces of the industry such as the Jourdan Dunn, Alanna Arrington and Winnie Harlow models also appeared.The British it girl par excellence, Alexa Chung, also did not miss the prestigious anniversary.

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During these years the designer's line has been changing her design line until she reaches minimalist and asymmetric silhouettes with long fluids that now characterize her collections.A fashion whose objective is, according to her, make feel good and celebrate all women, not only the type of woman 'Victoria Beckham'.His style has been defined by the specialized British media as Elegant Smart with a male touch.A contemporary version of 'Less is more' that has even arrived at the Duchess of Sussex, since it has one of its designs, which he used for the trip with Prince Harry to Belfast in the month of March.

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