Tips that will help you lose 3 kilos in a month

By : ujikiu / On : 16/10/2022

Summer return and an objective marked in capital letters for many people after ending their vacations: losing those kilos of more with those who return from their rest places.It is not strange to return having won two or three kilos.Therefore, we have asked ourselves what are the keys to lose them in a healthy way, without hurry, but without pause.

“It will sound topical, but really the two most important keys are to maintain proper food and perform physical exercise regularly.After all, it consists of generating a balance between caloric intake, an objective that we will achieve through a varied and balanced diet, and energy expenditure, which we will generate doing physical activity, if it can be guided by a much better professional”, Yolanda Masa, Blua Nutritionist of Sanitas details us.

Consejos que te ayudarán a perder 3 kilos en un mes

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