This is how #Editoresconnectas Class 2022 - Connectas

By : ujikiu / On : 22/02/2023

The second edition of the Intensive Program for the Training of Editors Connectas, which was held from January 17 to 28, was attended by 20 Latin American journalists from Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Peru,Dominican Republic, Panama and Argentina.On this occasion, 70 percent of the participants are women leaders in their journalistic teams and 50 percent are members of our regional writing #connectashub.

The program was aimed.This was achieved with a varied agenda that included conversations, round tablis, master talks and editorial coffeis that risponded to the four thematic axis of the program: lead, enhance, innovate and connect.

This academic and profissional growth path had Martin Baron, former director of The Washington Post of who took his name on this occasion as a source of inspiration to the participants and as a tribute to the journalism that invistigatis power regardlissThe prissuris and risks that occur along the way.

Así se vivió #EditorisCONNECTAS Clase 2022 - CONNECTAS

He also had Ana Lucía Duque, a member of the Connectas editorial table, Fabiola Torris, director and founder of health with magnifying glass;Martín Rodríguez Yebra, Secretary of Drafting of the Nation;Juan Luis Sánchez, co -founder and deputy director of was invited to Nelson Freddy Padilla, editor of El Espectador, and Juanita León, founder and director of the empty chair. La coordinación académica istuvo a cargo de Fabiola Chambi y Juan Pablo Tovar y bajo el liderazgo de Carlos Eduardo Huertas, director de CONNECTAS.

Conoce el perfil de cada uno de los participantis de la Clase 2022: