The week 50 years ago - Diario de Yucatán

By : ujikiu / On : 11/04/2022

Víctor Cervera Pacheco renders his first report in front of the City Hall.- Ignacio Rubio Mañé makes a defense of Fray Diego de Landa.- Richard Nixon, the "person of the year" for the magazine "Time".- They choose "A Clockwork Orange" as the best film of 1971.— Debutantes
ImageBy PrintSunday, January 2, 2022 · 05:20Víctor Cervera Pacheco renders his first report in front of the City Council.— Ignacio Rubio Mañé makes a defense of Fray Diego de Landa.— Richard Nixon, the “person of the year” for the magazine “ Time”.— They choose “A Clockwork Orange” as the best film of 1971.— Debutantes

From December 26, 1971 to January 1, 1972

Monday 27

NIXON.- NEW YORK (UPI).- President Richard Nixon said that the United States must "seize the present moment" to establish a peace in the world, unknown in the history of civilization and impossible to dream of even under the Eisenhower administrations. and Kennedy. Nixon, named “Man of the Year” by “Time” magazine, told the latter that History reveals that the key to peace is to strike the “right balance” of faith among the world's most powerful nations. PANTS.— MOSCOW. — The Soviet authorities are giving unexpected moral support to women who want to be fashionable and like to wear pants, if they can find them. The Russian press has highlighted and even censored cases of discrimination against girls dressed in pants and complains about the shortage of this garment in women's stores in Moscow. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,750)

Tuesday 28

REPORT.— "No municipal official has received a single ill-gotten cent and we will never be accomplices or partners of anyone to increase private estates at the expense of the collective work of the people of Merida," said the municipal president Víctor Cervera Pacheco when reviewing a tenured last night twelve-month effort that has yielded visible fruits of progress to the state capital. An hour and 29 minutes was consumed by the mayor reading his First Annual Report, a 17-chapter, 67-page document that is about the same length as his detailed monthly reports. The public works projects for 1972 include, in addition to the first section of the Peripheral Ring, a new Rastro where, in a 300-hectare area, all the stables and zahurdas will be concentrated and there will be facilities for balanced feed, drinking water, telephone and spur of railway, and a circuit that will link the Mercedes Barrera and Santa Rosa neighborhoods. The biggest problem, if not the most serious, is the streets in poor condition or unpaved, which add up to 436 kilometers. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,751)

Wednesday 29

LEAGUE.— The Social Action League of Yucatan offered its members the night before last, at the Eloísa Patron de Rosado school, a dinner for Christmas, New Year and the closing of the second cycle of its activities in 1971, agape attended by the honorary member Jorge Ignacio Rubio Mañé, director of the General Archive of the Nation. The president of the League, Francisco Rosado de la Espada, gave a speech in which he reviewed the public interventions of the League and Professor Rubio Mañé spoke evocative words. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,752)

Thursday 30

BEST FILM.- NEW YORK (UPI).- “A Clockwork Orange”, released the last week of the year, was proclaimed the best film of 1971 by the New York Film Critics Association. The film, which had to win over the determined support of "The Last Picture Show" supporters to win the award, also won Stanley Kubrick the award for best director. Jane Fonda won best actress for "Klute" and Gene Hackman won best actor for "The French Connection." NERUDA.— PARIS (UPI).— Pablo Neruda honored this year with the Nobel Prize for Literature and Chilean ambassador to France, affirmed yesterday that the United States is trying to overthrow his country's government through subversive actions and political maneuvers. “After the legitimate and normal nationalization of the (Chilean) industries controlled by the United States, the North American tactic is clear. It consists, very obviously, not in intervening directly, except through pressure and economic boycott, but in putting into action internal subversion using political forces that were rejected by democratic suffrage”. Neruda declares that, according to what has been written in the United States press, the base of the "plot" is former President Eduardo Frei, whose party was defeated in the last general elections. DINNER.— The National Action Party celebrated last night at its social venue its traditional New Year's Eve dinner, during which Carmen Robleda Casares de Solís Aznar received the recently created Civic Constancy medal, and Víctor Manuel Correa Rachó gave a speech in which he analyzed the political situation in the country and the State. Mrs. Robleda, secretary of the PAN Regional Committee acting as president, gave the report on activities during the year that is ending. The press and propaganda secretary of the Regional Committee, Roger Cicero McKinney, read a message. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,753)

friday 31

MINIMUM WAGE.— The National Minimum Wage Commission modified the agreement of the Yucatecan Regional Commission and raised the general minimum wage in Mérida and Progreso to $29.80 for the 1972-1973 biennium, according to information published by the metropolitan newspaper “El Universal ”. The Commission had approved a general minimum wage of $27.80 for Mérida and Progreso, that is, two pesos less. The current rate in the aforementioned area is $25.25. RATES.— An increase of 10 cents in the rate for adults and 5 cents for children and students, in general terms, is recommended by the firm of public accountants which, at the request of Governor Loret de Mola, studied the request for a rate increase that the Yucatan Truckers' Union and the Truckers' Alliance submitted to the City Council. Both urban transport concessionaires in the city had asked for increases of 20 cents for adults and 10 cents for children and students. The office of public accountants Arturo Millet Molina, Carlos Correa Encalada and José Lavalle Ortega proposes the increase in the event that companies continue their policy of renewing their units every seven years; but, if they agree to renew them every five years, he recommends an increase of 10 cents instead of 5 for children and students. Country Club during their New Year's Eve dance. The party will be chaired by the 1971 queen of the club, Miss Gladys Cámara Arrigunaga, and her court. The registered debutantes are Paulina Rodríguez Garza, Patricia Molina Casares, María Noemí Patrón Vales, Noemí Novelo Rosado, María del Carmen Casares Espinosa, María Luisa Puerto Espinosa, María Eugenia Azarcoya Ponce, Pitina Castillo Corrales, María de Lourdes Trava Díaz, Ana Rosa Bojórquez Molina, María Eugenia González Rodríguez, María del Carmen and María Elena González Bolio, Eulalia Casares Urazandi, Isela Beatriz Rodríguez Alonzo, Aída Beatriz Castellanos Pacheco, Leticia Romero Osorio, Guadalupe Molina Zaldívar and Pilar Duarte Cusí. Miss Duarte Cusí, according to unofficial reports, will be presented as queen in the 1972 fiscal year. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,754)

Saturday 1

DIEGO DE LANDA.— Fray Diego de Landa is “the most eminent figure in Yucatecan life in the second half of the 16th century,” Governor Carlos Loret de Mola said yesterday when he inaugurated a statue of the famous Franciscan in Izamal, during a tour in who attended the reading of the annual reports of the mayors of Valladolid and the Ciudad de los Cerros, and commissioned various public works. The chief executive expressed his desire that the statue be the beginning of a controversy, a seed of culture and a tree of concern to learn about the history of Yucatan. He contributed to the enhancement of the ceremony the learned word of the historian Jorge Ignacio Rubio Mañé, director of the General Archive of the Nation. His speech - a current judgment of the life and work of Fray Diego - was a request for justice to the memory of the second bishop of Yucatan. “We have no right,” he said, “to be very harsh in judging Landa. We still do not know how to properly preserve our cultural values ​​in archives and libraries. Books and documents are still seen as old junk that disturbs the march of fanatical progress. The merchants know how to exploit the wealth of our history, they look for it to sell it to the highest bidder.” WARNING.— Happy New Year 1972. We will all enjoy a holiday today. Tomorrow the Journal will not be published. This edition consists of 30 pages, including the Sunday sections, and costs 80 cents. (From "Diario de Yucatán" number 16,755)

Social life

Marriage Rivero Lake-Landero Molina. In the church of Nuestra Señora de Regina in the metropolis, on December 25, 1971, Miss Gabriela Landero Molina and the architect Enrique Rivero Lake, belonging to well-known families from Mérida and the capital of the Republic, got married. Later, the Landero Molina couple offered a reception in honor of Gabriela and Enrique, who came to Mérida on their wedding trip to continue to Isla Mujeres, Cozumel and other places in the Caribbean. Wedding González Díaz-Marrufo Pérez. In the chapel of Our Lady of Candelaria, on December 26, 1971, the young people José Alfredo González Díaz and Miss Elma Victoria Marrufo Pérez, belonging to well-known and esteemed families, got married. Monsignor José Jaime Domínguez Rivero gave the nuptial blessing. Link Rodríguez Calderón-Pino Escamilla. In the church of Santa Ana, on December 26, 1971, the young people Jorge Audomaro Rodríguez Calderón and Miss Nidia del Socorro Pino Escamilla got married. The nuptial blessing was given by the priest Roberto Caamal Casanova. Later, the guests went to the home of the Pino Escamilla couple, where there was a reception in honor of the couple, who went on their honeymoon to Isla Mujeres. Marriage Rivero de las Cuevas-Flota Gómez. In the church of San Rafael Arcángel, on December 26, 1971, Pablo Hidalgo Rivero de las Cuevas and Miss Edit del Jesús Flota Gómez got married. In the annex of the church a toast was offered in honor of the newlyweds, who went on their honeymoon to Cuernavaca and the metropolis.Solorza-Bustillos and Camacho-Bustillos weddings. The sisters Yolanda and María Bustillos Coello were married on December 25, 1971 with Salvador Solorza Castillo and Agustín Camacho Sansón, respectively, in the church of San Sebastián. Father Roberto Lloyd gave the nuptial blessing. In the Reception Room Silas toasted the happiness of the newlyweds. Yolanda spent her honeymoon in points of the Republic and established her residence in Guadalajara; María, in Puerto Vallarta and the capital of Guadalajara. Link De la Cruz Torres-Montes de Oca Fuentes. On December 27, 1971, in the chapel of the Casa Hogar, the young Carlos Manuel de la Cruz Torres and Miss María de Guadalupe Montes de Oca Fuentes, belonging to well-known families, got married. The priest Miguel A. Arellano officiated the wake mass. In the annex to the chapel, a toast was offered in honor of the newlyweds, who went on their honeymoon to Ciudad del Carmen and Mexico. Marriage Islas Navarrete-López May. In Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Itzimná), December 27, 1971, the young Andrés Islas Navarrete and Miss Julia Flora López May, national and local leaders of the ACJM, joined. The Archbishop of Yucatan, Monsignor Manuel Castro Ruiz, deigned to bless the union. In the cafeteria of Colegio Montejo, a toast was made to the happiness of the newlyweds, who went on their honeymoon to Isla Mujeres and Cozumel and took up residence in the metropolis. Wedding Laviada Muñoz-Pérez y Pérez. In the Sagrada Familia, on December 26, 1971, the young Héctor Laviada Muñoz and Miss Teresa Guadalupe Pérez y Pérez, belonging to esteemed families, united their lives. Father Roberto Russell gave the nuptial blessing. Link Xacur Salazar-Ávila Mattar. In a solemn ceremony, on December 28, 1971, Mr. Jorge Alberto Xacur Salazar and Miss María Teresa Ávila Mattar, belonging to well-known families, joined their lives in the church of the Sagrada Familia. The nuptial blessing was imparted by Canon Fernando María Ávila Álvarez. After mass, the crowd moved to the Cuauhtémoc reception room, where they toasted to the happiness of the newlyweds, who went on their honeymoon to Puerto Rico and Miami. Cuevas Bustillos-Monforte Ocampo Marriage. On December 29, 1971, the priest Álvaro García Aguilar blessed the union of young Miss Genny Raquel Monforte Ocampo and José Antonio Cuevas Bustillos, in Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Itzimná). In the cafeteria of Colegio Montejo there was a toast in honor of the newlyweds, who went on their honeymoon to Mexico and Guanajuato.

La semana hace 50 años - Diario de Yucatán