The United States reopens its borders to the vaccinated ones: Guide of requirements for traveling to the country

By : ujikiu / On : 10/11/2022

The main international airports of the United States have become on Monday the set of long -awaited reunions between European families, boyfriends and friends.After almost 20 months, the US has raised travel restrictions to foreigners completely vaccinated against Coronavirus.New York, Miami and Los Angeles have served as entrance door for tens of thousands of passengers who have starred emotional scenes from the first hour.The airlines have been preparing for an “avalanche” of transatlantic travelers who plan to visit Nopeperth America on the eve of the end of the year parties have been preparing for weeks.

Visitors who arrive in the US must meet a series of health requirements for pandemic.The new criteria benefit tourists from 33 countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom, China, India and Brazil, which until now had the entrance to the country prohibited, but harms travelers from countries that have been immunized with a vaccinethat is not admitted by WHO or the US medication regulatory entity (FDA).The following are the keys to attend foreigners who want to travel to the US if they do not want to take a surprise at the boarding door.

Is it mandatory to be vaccinated?

Yes.Before traveling, foreigners must submit to the employees of the airline with which the vaccination certificate with the complete pattern fly, either in digital or paper format. Deberán haber recibido al menos dos semanas antes la dosis única de Johnson & Johnson, o la segunda de cualquiera de las otras marcas.

Do you just have to present the vaccination certificate?

Estados Unidos reabre sus fronteras a los vacunados: guía de requisitos para viajar al país

Nopepe.Travelers must show a negative PCR test carried out within three days prior to shipping.If the person has recently infected, he can present a COVID recovery certificate carried out within the last 90 days before addressing the first flight to the United States and a letter from a sanitary that indicates that he was authorized to travel.The State Department informs that they will also accept the amplification tests of molecular nucleic acid (NAAT) and the Antigen Tests.

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Will exceptions be made?

Yes.Children under 18 and travelers from countries with a vaccination rate of less than 10% due to the lack of vaccine availability may enter without being immunized (WHO is responsible for updating the list, in which there are about 50 countries).The US government clarified that the latter need to have a "specific and convincing" reason to want to enter the country. Nopepe se les pedirá certificado de vacunación, pero sí una prueba negativa de covid realizada un día antes de viajar, salvo para los menores de dos años.

Are there exceptions for medical matters?

Yes.The entry of non -vaccinated adults who have medical contraindications, such as allergies, to receive a vaccine will be accepted.Also those who travel for emergency reasons or humanitarian reasons, such as medical treatments patients on which their lives depend.

Does the United States accept any vaccine?

Nopepe. Solo las vacunas autorizadas por el ente regulador del medicamento de Estados Unidos o la Organización Mundial de la Salud: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm y Sinovac.This requirement excludes hundreds of millions of people in places such as India, Russia, Mexico or Argentina, who have received the vaccine from other brands such as Sputnik V.

¿Cuándo se considera que un viajero tiene la pauta completa, requisito necesario para entrar en Estados Unidos? Independientemente de que en los países de origen, como sucede en España, se entienda que una persona que haya pasado la Covid está vacunada solo con que se pinche una vez, en Estados Unidos son necesarias las dos tomas de las vacunas cuando el medicamento (como Pfizer o Moderna) así lo exija. Basta con una en el caso de Johnson & Johnson.

Should I request this?

Yes.Travelers can request the electronic system for travel authorization (this), even before reserving the flight.The form, which collects data on medical history and the possible criminal record of the passenger, is required by the United States National Security Department of National Security.Digital travel authorization for tourists and business travelers can be requested online and applies to stays of less than 90 days.It has a validity of two years, unless the passport of interested body before.

What are the rules for not vaccinated Americans?

The Americans who travel from abroad and are not immunized must give negative in a COVID test one day before returning to their country and teaching documentation that proves that they bought another test to be done after their arrival.

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