The parade with which Giambattista Valli opens the haute couture week

By : ujikiu / On : 01/01/2023

Haute Couture

The brand has presented its digital key proposals combining the pre-fall 2022 collection with its haute couture designs

PorMarita Alonso

While the fashion world is still immersed in the debate of whether or not the face -to -face parades are sense in full pandemic, Giambattista Valli has preferred to leave headaches behind and do what he does best: design. Al fin y al cabo, la forma en la que se presentan las creaciones ya no es tan importante, y teniendo en cuenta que los diseños de la marca siguen siendo relevantes años después de haber sido presentados (no olvidemos que en ‘Emily in Paris’ Lily Collins luce su diseño de Valli para H&M como si acabara de ser dado a conocer sobre la pasarela), el cómo y el dónde es ya lo de menos.The important thing now is to move afloat, and what better way to present to their fans their creations than to bet on a video in which he shows both his 2022 pre-fall proposals and his haute couture designs.Yes, 2x1 sneaks into the couture world...

In a world where everything can come down at any moment (the designer saw how his entire team was getting sick and how his clients canceled his appointments and his trips to Paris), it is best to teach what one is capable of.In the case of Giambattista Valli, that is to say a lot, and that is why his collection helps his clients to dive into the creation process and to live in the same non -physical, but mental space.Although sewing clients are not the same as those made with their 'read-to-wear' creations, the designer wanted to erase the limits that distance them and bet on synergies.

El desfile con el que Giambattista Valli abre la Semana de la Alta Costura

Sewing designs continue to count on the classics of the house, with extravagant volumes of Tafetán and Tul,Brand, something understandable considering that this collection, when presented with the pre-Fall proposals, will also be seen by younger buyers less accustomed to the world 'couture'.Orange designs and fuchsias that play with that innocence that series like ‘Emily in Paris’ have become fashionable they live with maxilazos designs, the trend that sweeps social networks.

This exercise to which the brand has baptized 'The Valli Experience' is a new more fashion turn to adapt to the zancadillas that the coronavirus does not stop putting the normal course of its adventures, but it works perfectly according to the new tactics of someBrands, which refuse to have dates, calendars or seasonal names of collections are responsible for ruling when and how to present the proposals.This experiment is the formula with which Giambattista Vallimezcla El Haute Couture and the prêt-à-porter, and is a bold attempt to cope with the pandemic.

On Monday the haute couture week begins, in which the face -to -face parades will live with the digital ones.The important thing is that in this new one everyone has access to the most exclusive parades thanks to the streaming universe, although perhaps that does not like those who consume haute couture so much...On behalf of the rest of mortals, as Demi Lovato would say, we send them a message: 'Sorry, not sorry'.

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