The government veins smoking in the street and closes the discos by the COVID-19

By : ujikiu / On : 27/02/2023

They have determined it at the extraordinary meeting of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System in which the application has been approved, for the first time since the end of the alarm state, of eleven coordinated actions "for the benefit of all communities", As the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has highlighted at a press conference.

In order to control and reduce the number of coronavirus cases in Spain, which yesterday reached almost 3.000 newspapers, the ministry and communities have decided to close the night leisure premises throughout the country: discos, dance rooms and drinks bars with and without live performances.

The minister has indicated that it is the outbreaks originated in this area that generate the most cases and those that, in addition, are more difficult to detect.

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Restaurants and bars will have to close at one o'clock at one in the morning, but from midnight they will no longer be ablemedium in the bar, the same that between the different tables and a maximum of ten people.

El Gobierno veta fumar en la calle y cierra las discotecas por la Covid-19

Other of the agreed measures is the prohibition of smoking in the street and on the terraces, provided that a minimum distance of two meters cannot be guaranteed, a measure that the communities of Galicia first and Canary Islands had already adopted later.

In this sense, the minister has stressed that the best for health is "never smoking", but in the event that the physical distance of two meters on public roads must be guaranteed;If not, it is prohibited.

"The measure adopted we think is correct," said Illa, who stressed that the set of measures adopted are mandatory throughout the national territory."I have asked the communities to put all the means to fulfill them; I know they are doing it," he added.

And it is that the minister has said that it cannot be tolerated that "an uncivic behavior of a citizen puts at risk what we are all getting", after which he wanted to congratulate the elderly for their disciplined behavior and has asked theYoung responsibility.

Illa has highlighted several recommendations to citizens, such as limiting social meetings to stable coexistence groups and a maximum of ten people.

As for the mass events, the obligation to carry out a risk assessment by the health authority, as well as screening by PCR to specific groups has been decided.

In the event that there is an outbreak, ILLA has said, the obligation to make risk populations considered based on the focus, such as residences, neighborhoods, educational centers or housing blocks.