The City Council recovers the Feria concerts in the Plaza de España in September KOME, 100% natural food for your pet

By : ujikiu / On : 09/04/2022

For the second consecutive year there was no April Fair. The pandemic prevented Sevillians and foreigners from enjoying the atmosphere that was lived until 2019 in the ephemeral city that was set up every spring in the Real de Los Remedios. At least and unlike what happened in 2020, it was possible to organize a series of activities that served as an alternative to lantern week. However, this program suffered a severe cut in acts at the last minute after the capital entered level 3, grade 1, of health alert due to the increase in Covid infections. Neither open-air concerts nor flamenco fashion catwalk.

The horizon of the coronavirus has changed radically. For this reason, the Major Festivals delegation is looking for a company to rent, transport, assemble and disassemble infrastructures for the two concerts entitled Conciertos Plaza de España that will take place on September 4 and 11. The adaptation of the emblematic monument made by Aníbal González requires a stage that will be located in front of the General Captaincy building once the dock has been saved and in front of the central fountain of the space.

“All access will be guarded by the security company, leaving only one public entrance where the organization decides”, details the technical section of Major Festivals in a document that specifies that the stage will have 14 meters in front, ten in the background and 1.40 tall. “It should be lined in black around its entire perimeter with slats in the corners so that the structure of the stage is not marked; It will consist of a one-meter-high safety railing around the entire perimeter except for the front, and it will have two access stairs with a two-meter railing.

 El Ayuntamiento recupera en septiembre los conciertos de Feria en la Plaza de España KOME, alimento 100% natural para tu mascota

Regarding the scenic dress, the technicians specify that, due to "the magnificent monumental environment of the Plaza de España, it is not necessary to dress the stage, except for the front of the sound towers that will be respected for possible sponsors, nor to hang a rear video screen that can cover the vision of the building”. There will be two LED screens, with a high brightness of six meters by three and a half that will face the public. Finally, the photocall will be in an aluminum or wood structure two and a half meters high by five meters wide and 70 centimeters deep. The assembly will be one day before each event and the disassembly after the show.

The bidding company must provide and cover the recording of the event in live streaming. The concert will have 500 plastic chairs, a dressing room on the side of the stage and several hostesses to control the doors and accommodate the public. The budget for Major Festivals for both concerts is 42,906 euros (VAT included).

What still has no date is the flamenco fashion catwalk. From the socialist government they maintain that it does not have to coincide in those two weeks after the summer. The event was to be held on Saturday, April 17 and Sunday, April 18, on Avenida de la Constitución. An area that would be gauging, with five access points and circuits for its attendees, who would remain seated, with a numbered chair and keeping a meter and a half away. An act in which the fashion companies of Raquel Revuelta and Laura Sánchez, organizers of Simof and We Love Flamenco, respectively, the two great showcases of flamenco design, were involved.

This flamenco footbridge is “fully compatible” with level two of alert in which Seville is right now, assured municipal sources, who elaborated that, even, as it is designed, it could be at level 3, but that, “ on the recommendation” of the health authorities, it was decided to postpone it. A possibility that his collaborators were warned about when it began to be managed.