The Cardin Cardin rejuvenates and plans to return to Paris Fashion Week

By : ujikiu / On : 17/09/2022

Paris - On the contrapation of some great fashion firms that wish their collections at its pace, the French house Pierre Cardin Haanuncia that he wants to return to Paris Fashion Week, one year after the death of its founder.

During the last twenty -five years Pierre Cardin, deceased September 2020 at 98, presented his creations in an independent way.His nephew, Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin, new president of the house, will pay tribute with a parade on January 28, a day later of the end of the Fashion Week in Paris (spring/summer collections).

"Pierre wanted to be free.When he approached his 80 years he declared many young creators who needed to integrate this week of Lamoda.'I don't want to take your place.I want to develop on my own, '"explained Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin to the AFP.

The Pierre Cardin house starred spectacular parades in recent years.In the Great Wall of China in 2018, in Moscow in 2016, in Astana (Kazakhstan) in 2017...The great stylist did not stop working until the end.

La casa Cardin rejuvenece y planea volver a la Semana de la Moda de París

Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin now wants to change the message: Relauncar Lamarca with the support of the powerful federation haute couture and fashion in Enforcement, which organizes the weeks in Paris.

"We want to enter the week, at least once a year.We have to communicate.My uncle worked a lot and communication came alone, "he explains.

"He dedicated the last part of his life to creativity, not to the Ladistribution.I wanted the house to have material, "he says.

Dress space travelers

The tribute parade of January 28 will last about 30 minutes, two more than more than a model pass in the week of Lamoda in Paris.

The chosen place is again spectacular: in Le Bourget, in the air and space museum, where he will present about thirty still -encounter creations of the late designer, as well as other works of his study, in the colorful and minimalist style style that characterized him.

"We wanted to rely on the subject of space, to evoke the years 1960, when Pierre Cardin wanted to dress the man traveling in navespacials," explains Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin.

"It was the first, along with Andrés Courrèges, in daring, and was criticized throughout the world at the time," he recalls.

Now, with the first space tourism trips starring pioneer billionaires, perhaps the story proved him.

Basilicati-Cardin was appointed general director of the company in 2018, and then president shortly before the death of his uncle.He is an engineer and graphic designer, and worked with Pierre Cardin from the end of the 1990s.

Cardin studio drawings permanently arrive at your phone."I find something new in one in fifty," he explains.And when that silk, "I take it, to work the proportions".

The plans to "rejuven" the house advance.Basilicati-Cardin wants a new group of designers, to bring "fresh air" to the house.For Cardin's centenary, an event is probably planned, where the creator was born on July 2.(AFP)