The 'brick' moves 100 million dollars in metaverso

By : ujikiu / On : 11/11/2022

  1. Antonio Lorenzo

Buying properties in metoverso promises to be part of normality in the coming years, thanks to the activity of real estate agents of these new virtual spaces. De hecho, se ha tenido constancia de inversiones en terrenos y edificios virtuales superiores a los 100 millones de dólares, más de 88 millones de euros, solo en el pasado diciembre, según datos DappRadar.

These sums are paid through cryptodivisas, always condemned to high fluctuations at the value of one week for another, so it is difficult to establish scales per square meter.

Pero al margen de los importes propios de la compraventa de edificios, la actividad inmobiliaria también incluye contratos formalizados a través de blockchain y disfruta de las garantías jurídicas de los NFT (token no fungibles), es decir, activos digitales que no pueden consumirse ni sustituirse.The digital properties will be unique, they will have an owner accredited in cyberschritures and will be subject to transactions subject to agreements between the parties. Todo apunta a que proliferarán las empresas especializadas en este tipo de negocios y se crearán nuevos registros de la propiedad específicos para el medio.

The tenants of these spaces will be avatars, which will not pay invoices for water, light or heating, although they could tax as the treasury detects the existence of an economic activity.Everything is so recent that for now there is no more law than supply and demand. Con estas reglas, Decetraland ha roto los moldes con su Genesis City, una ciudad compuesta por más de 900.000 virtual plots, each of them of a size higher than a basketball court.

The price of each of these land is around 200.000 dollars to change in cryptocurrencies, although prices vary depending on the location, are already located in the center or in the suburbs.It does not cost the same a space close to a commercial area, surrounded by Drumbrón brands, than in spillage business sites.

Decentraland is defined as the first totally decentralized virtual world.The property of virtual and other assets belongs to the so -called DAO (decentralized Autonomous Organization), which is responsible for putting order between people and companies that create and play in this virtual space.The course currency in this space is Mana, a totally decentralized cryptodivisis, since "the private key that controlled its intelligent contract has been destroyed," according to the decentralland website.

El carácter descentralizado de Decentraland, donde los propietarios toman las decisiones de forma democrática, marca diferencias respecto a otros metaversos propietarios, como el de Meta (multinacional anteriormente conocida como Facebook) o el que pueda construir Microsoft tras la compra de Activision Blizzard por 60.000 millones de euros, no solo la mayor adquisición de los casi 47 años de vida de los padres de Windows, sino también de toda la historia de la industria de los videojuegos.

El 'ladrillo' mueve 100 millones de dólares en el metaverso

In order not to be behind the Meta and Microsoft offensive, Decentraland has its own fund with more than 500 million euros in Mana to invest in the future benefits of the platform.

The sale of that virtual land that will never be torn reaches these days close to madness.The best example is starred in the Canadian investment firm, propietaria de Metaverse Group, que ha recibido la atención mediática gracias a la segunda mayor compra de terreno online del mundo, con una inversión de 2,3 millones de euros (al cambio en la criptodivisas Mana) para adquirir un espacio virtual que en dimensiones reales sería comparable a la mitad de un campo de fútbol reglamentario.

To justify its disbursement, the American company argued that the land is located in the most commercial area of Genesis City, in the fashion district of that lies.This location will favor the realization of "fashion parades and digital fashion sales", according to Tokens

El récord en una operación de real state en el metaverso corresponde a Republic Realm, una firma de inversión inmobiliaria del metaverso que desembolsó a finales del año pasado más de 4,3 millones de dólares por un terreno en el mundo virtual The Sandbox, anteriormente propiedad de la compañía de videojuegos Atari.

According to that company The Wall Street Journal, its properties cover 2.500 virtual land in 19 virtual worlds, including a shopping center, a community of 100 virtual residences and even a private island.Among the most distinguished customers in Sandbox, Adidas stands out, giant sportswear that markets its virtual sneakers models for all kinds of avatars.

Hasta el momento, las grandes empresas han preferido moverse con cautela para no repetir el fiasco de Second Life.In this way, instead of buying they have chosen to lease virtual plots to maximize their risks.

Weddings in virtual formats

Hace casi dos años, y con motivo de las restricciones propias de la primera ola de la pandemia, decenas de parejas se animaron a celebrar sus bodas a través de plataformas online como Zoom, Teams y Hangouts.On the other side of the screen, the bride and groom could declare eternal love before their guests conveniently dressed for the occasion.

Those scenes are already part of the iconography of a dates in which half the world had to postpone all the plans, including the visit to the vicaria.More or less surpassed all that, now begins to talk about links in metaversus.

Among other peculiarities, the celebration of marriages in metaverso does not require physical displacements -always sensitive in times of covid -. Además, los mundos virtuales invitan a crear metaversos de iglesias donde formalizar los esponsales, junto a salones donde compartir el ágape.It is enough that friends and family attend through the Web Directorate of Metaverso, but equipped with virtual reality viewers and hand and fingers controlling devices.The entire delegation is represented with custom avatars, including the virtual priest and the official photographer.

Nor is the menu missing, with a cake and champagne previously sent by messenger to the guests.Among the pioneers in exploring these new Bodorios formats are Tracy and Dave Cagnon, 52 and 60 years respectively, both employees of a Las Vegas real estate agency.The witnesses remember that in their link there was no lack of dance, laughs and overflowing happiness through the screen and virtual reality glasses, although no one knew anything from the honeymoon. El coste de la fiesta, invertido en el desarrollo del metaverso, rondó los 30.000 dollars, although it is estimated that it could be done for just 10.000 euros if a large part of the pomp is reduced.

Barbados premieres 'goal embassy'

The announcement of the creation of the Barbados Embassy in Metaverso, the first in the world in its kind of record, happened at the end of last year, but it has been in recent days when diplomatic representation has begun its activity. Los servicios consulares del país caribeño ya pueden recibirse en los nuevos escenarios virtuales, abiertos las 24 horas a la promoción del turismo y la actividad económica de la república situada en las Antillas, vecina de Venezuela y Trinidad y Tobago.

Its less than 300.000 inhabitants can boast of having an official delegation of the country in a territory that is accessed without more visas than an internet connection.The occurrence plans to boost the commercial relations of a country with a metaverso already recognized by Decentraland, a firm of decentralized virtual reality that currently markets more than 90.000 online plots through the criptomoneda mana.

Jerome Walcott, ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Barbados, aseguró a la prensa que "esta plataforma será un foro importante en el que Barbados trabajará con sus socios tradicionales para profundizar sus relaciones en la arena diplomática, así como en las inversiones, negocios, turismo, industria cultural e interacciones entre la gente.

The same president expects the technological audacity of his government to generate sympathies in the rest of the planet, to add them to the spectacularity of their paradisiacal beaches.The country hopes to receive the world in its metoverso embassies ".Everything indicates that your example will have continuity in other states of the world.

Metaverso, real world metaphor and much more than the Internet in 3D

