The animalistic activism that takes to the streets burns

By : ujikiu / On : 01/06/2022

The technique is important.Therefore, this spring nocita, the publicist Federico Callegari immerses a brush in swelling and while spreading the highest sector of a wall of Villa Urquiza, meters from the Chinese embassy, explains that the posters are fixed from the center to the ends to the endsAnd that it is important that the corners are well attached "if they are released, the whole paper ends up falling," he points out while tracing perfect wet diagonals.On this day of stickers, 16 Voicot volunteers participates, the artistic movement that fights for animal liberation, gathered to wallow the area with posters against the pig agreement with China.Before, other groups that also support this fight left their mark on the same streets.Tomorrow there will be a fairly nourished march.But first, there are things to organize.

“We are a little warriors of a lost cause.It feels like that, ”says Callegari days before, by Zoom and from a Buenos Aires town to almost 600 kilometers from the capital.It is cold there and the Rosita cat passes in front of the camarita during the talk.Before, that is, before he moved to the south and before even Voicot, he studied art direction and met Malena Blanco, who was in advertising writing.

They were the last 90s and advertising generated not only money but also social prestige."In our generation, the advertising creatives were like rock stars," she explains and remembers that it was her professors Ramiro Agulla and Carlos Baccetti, the famous duo who after selling telephone lines or beers, transformed "boring" Fernando de laRúa in President of the Nation.

Debut in the US.

Thus, from a magma of professional, personal and ethical coincidences, the idea of fighting for a better world emerged.First, in a conceptual way.Then, in 2014, while filming a notice in the United States, Callegari joined the Fuck Fur Fashion Wild Posting - an action of fashion stickers with animal skins, in a mirror at New York Fashion Week.Voicot was born like this, with the printing of posters through the city.

“Voicot is an artistic movement that fights for animal liberation.We do it through art, communication and advertising, which, instead of selling things, shows you what happens behind what we all see, ”they once defined.Now, from their website, they complete: “Before we were publicists and photographers, we were writers too.Now we are activists, because we cannot remain oblivious to the tremendous animal massacre of which we are part of as a society. ”

"There are about 140 groups, mainly in Argentina and in Latin America, although there are also in Europe and the United States," calculates Callegari.Printing costs (local) are borne by Voicot in many cases.For that, they receive donations through their page and sell garments, posters and accessories in the stores they manage (on the web, in the Liceo courtyard and in the Bond Street gallery).

Meanwhile, the animalist movement advances even in complex systems such as the Cuban, where its militants achieved in February this year the first law of protection of the country, a "first step" still incomplete since the fights of roosters and sacrifices are maintainedReligious, as explained to AFP Grettel Montes de Oca, founder of the Cuban civil organization in defense of animals (CEDA), to whom the news surprised her on the street looking for food for the 60 animals she houses at home, in the middle ofThe sustained shortage that the island lives.

Thus, the management of President Miguel Díaz-Canel sought to partially contain a focus of conflict that agglutinated behind him many other discontent that Jaquean Jaquean months ago the political system.

Steps to follow

Arde el artivismo animalista que toma las calles

Police want to know which political party the armed group responds with swelling, brushes and paper rolls, in the corner of Triunvirato and Larralde.When they assume that the thing goes from animals and veganism, they let it continue.Tonight there are eight volunteers who join for the first time.There are those who load the materials and who is encouraged to paste, even if the corners are loose.There will be new days to perfect the technique.“We do not cover posters from other groups, or housing facades.Only abandoned walls or on posters of specist companies “(those that sell animal or tested products on them), says Federico Callegari.

There are several vegan groups in all the neighborhoods of the city: they are mostly black and white stickers, of little contrast and lucrative tone of denunciation: their aesthetics is closer to the crudeness of punk and its melancholy hits.Voicot, on the contrary, has advertising language and bets on identification with the victims before reaching the slaughterhouse.There are blue posters shouting against the pig agreement ("Argentina, slaughterhouse of the world").There are pink pig color, against specism ("we are the species in danger of extinguishing everything").And there are with photos of the hug to a little need and legend: "Veganism is love."Here, a corner offers meters available and while some apply the blue, others make up the largest poster.

Days before, Blanco and Callegari explain the variety of records."The first shirt was a failure," they say from the screen."We thought that, as the rest of the people would find out how the industry that makes animals food, was going to say enough!"And convinced, they printed the photo of a bloody cow hanging from the hook.The message was very clear.Maybe too clear.No one bought those garments ...

Then, they built the Voicot brand as they had previously built that of different companies."From the mistakes, we were looking for other roads, always with the idea of finding the tools that were necessary for the message to effectively reach the public," Complete Callegari by Zoom.

Ricardo Carpani's footprint

The duo has a clear antecedent in the political art of the 60s. "There is much of the Ricardo Carpani School of Art in us," says Malena.Not only because of family ties - his grandfather of her met the Argentine painter and muralist, who died in 1997, and she treated his widow, Doris Halpin de Carpani."All their experience taking the streets and filling public space by multiplying the works was from the beginning," she says.

Voicot has a “carpasian” platform of diffusion through which the posters yield so that a group of volunteers from anywhere in the world download them, prints them and sow the message.For actions outside the country, translate legends or reformulate them in the language of the case.

With regard to the multiplication of the work of art, the artist and researcher Alejandra Viviana Maddoni in her article "Ricardo Carpani: art, graphics and political militancy" rescues an anecdote: "The originality and effectiveness of her posters on public roads were overwhelming: The Buenos Aires stopped to discuss the meaning of these unusual images, their political root, their message.The one who tried with affectionate care was not missing, to take off the poster to take him to his home. ”For the academic, the novelty resided in the fact that they were posters illustrated by an artist who took sides.

There is nothing more to see Voicot's photographs and documentaries to verify the talent of the founding duo.

- Do they participate from the art circuit?

–Malena Blanco: Since we started at the Fuck Fur Fashion Wild Posting in New York, we were once selected in an English art gallery to participate in an exhibition.In addition, just before the pandemic, they had summoned us for the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, but all that was suspended.Now, in a few months we will be in the CCK exposing.But in general, they always call us on personal initiatives, someone who knows us or shares the same objectives.We also work with the plastic artist, audiovisual director and performer Sofia storm, with whom we made a shirt model.

Federico Callegari: We also work with muralists and illustrators.But I think that veganism generates a prejudice, and that also happens in art.

Other influences that converge are the cartoonist and film director Raúl Perrone (with whom Malena Blanco was formed and whose influence shows in the documentaries that Voicot produces), the poetry in the cinema of Mexican Arturo Ripstein, by Leonardo Favio and Woody Allen;And in the case of Federico, a clear benchmark is the anti -consumption collective Adbusters - which carries out an attack on the media and consumerist philosophy and, for that, they use advertising to compensate for the “manipulation“ that exerts on society-, the English designer Jonathan Barnbrook ("the one who made the tapas to Bowie," he points out) and the entire counter -publicity movement, subvertising, Brandalism movement and many others worldwide.

Si cows, cats and dogs no

For ten years Voicot activism has been developing a sustained debate in the legal field on animals as subjects of law.In that sense, in 2014, Judge Porteña Elena Liberatori considered the Oranguta Sandra "non -human person", "subject of rights" and "being symptoms."She was a pioneer.Something had changed.

"The arguments to sustain discrimination (between humans and animals) require increasingly difficult intellectual contortions," says Silvina Pezzetta, a doctor's right and teacher of animal ethics in the UBA.And if so, it is due to forty years of specialized debates and publications "that have achieved that, at least on the academic level, they are now those who support animal exploitation who have to make efforts to justify it."

For the specialist, the academic work dialogues with the social plane, where “the antispecist movements are increasingVoicot's work seems as original as moving.They have managed to make the issue massive in a very creative way.I am very respectful of all activism groups in general.No one has the recipe to end this injustice so we need creativity, openness, reflection and also a lot of training to be able to sustain a posture as minority as disruptive of the social order built on human supremacism. ”

And a last factor could gain weight on that path: the Covid.“It is not yet known what the origin of the Coronavirus is although it is suspected that it may be related to intensive breeding.Zoonotic diseases are well known and also the potential of deforestation and environmental damage when bringing wild species closer to human populations and/or "rook" animals that can be infected and infected later.This is not new, only for the general public seemed unknown, ”says the lawyer who is a researcher at CONICET.

Dangerously perched on the wall of an ochava on Galván Avenue, a very thin boy managed to hit the last of the posters tonight.The swelling was over and the debutants did not know that everyone must bring his own provision.He was very high, which guarantees greater permanence.However, one of the poster tips threatens to let go.It is not serious.Tomorrow, another group will go out again in a neighborhood.You just have to be attentive.

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