The 5 most seen documentaries in June online and free

By : ujikiu / On : 26/10/2022

I authorize to spread widely my name

What a key and bolt.

I am surrounded by a terrifying collectiveadement...

I'm surprised that they haven't shot me yet.

I will never step on the streets of Salamanca.

They will take me from Aquisolo when I have died.

All these people are against intelligence.

The intellectuals are shooting.

If they succeed, Spain will become a country of fools.

After years of exile for his position to the dictator and the monarchy,

Miguel de Unamuno returns to Salamanca.

I told you to come back.

Not with my freedom, that nothing is worth.

But with yours.

What is presented in Spain is a political problem,

but an ethical and dignity problem.

Now many left and right -wing struggles will come,

of believers and unbelievers.

In Spain there is a conscience that begins to wake up.

In April 1931 municipal elections are held

And they become a plebiscite.

Monarchy or Republic?

I advocate a civil republic,

Because militarism is the greatest plague of the century.

A secular republic, which is not irrelive.

Because religion belong the most intimate of man.


Four centuries ago, the community members got up

against the first of the Habsburg,

Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany.

So, like now,

He fought for popular sovereignty.

In this same city, in this same place

And under this same blue sky,

proclaimed a community sovereignty popular.

And today,

In the twentieth century,

We have completed the work that those could not do,

Throwing outside of Spain Habsburg:

Alfonso de Borbón.

Today began a new era

and ended a dynasty that has impoverished and debased...


to those that have been called "embankment",

You have given beautiful citizenship,

maintaining the ordering those of order.

that was nothing more than organized disorder.

I trust that the Republic will go for everyone,

No distinction.

And for the good of Spain.

Long live Spain!

Long live the Republic!

-That the proclamation of the Republic,

The mob was set on land and destroy the statues.

I ask you to file your influence, if you have any,

so that our tranquility is served.

Loves you,

your sister.

-I said that Spain hurt.

And today it still hurts.

It also hurts

its republic.

I do not belong to any political party,

which does not mean that it is not republican.

The burning of the convents and the confiscation of their assets.

I criticize the laws of exception and newspaper censorship

by the current government.

New Spain is necessary,

A federal Spain.

-Ayer spoke a conference.

Many people were outraged.

If everyone had made it the same case as me,

They would be avoided to get outraged.

-Caredly with azaña.

He is a writer without readers.

And will be able to make a revolution to have them.

You have to save all the Republic.

Indeed, you have to save it

Because it is the means of Salvara España.

But not as an end,

but as a medium.

Now the steam other paths.

Fascism or communism.

They make men an immense flock.

And intends to focus the world in materialism.

Is it that our Spain is curdling in our Spain

Something similar to Italian fascism

And the German National Socialism?

Is it nothing more impersonal and more blurred

that that poor Führer? A mentally and spiritual poor.

How can a human mass fascinate?

And that tragic polychinela is Mussolini.

The Peliculer's leader of the black shirts,

who can drag unsuspected abysses.

This return to barbarism

demands an fierce fight against Hitler fascism.

The great torture that Germany suffers,

the repression of all freedom,

of any manifestation of the labor movement,

It forces us to launch this call.

Here we still have not arrived silly from the swastika

and racism.

But we have an aspiring Spanish Mussolini...

Millán-Astray, creator of the legion and the legend of the third,

With a cinematographer feeling.

In the first flag swear of the legion,

Francisco Franco is lieutenant of Millán-Astray.

Commander Millán-Astraycreó the Legion

After the defeats of Spain

In the colonial wars of North Africa.

The legion approves extreme violence methods.

Terror applies.

Millán-Astray gave their mystical style to the legion.

Maybe it was his experience in the Philippines, under the command of natives,

the one that helped develop these methods.

With only 17 years,

Millán-Astray volunteer

To combat the insurrection of another Spanish colony,


Casually, in the same, he,

The heroede the insurgents is arrested,

Rizal, accused of high treason.

Unamuno always admired Rizal.

He even came to Prologarsu Biography.

The Rizal Filipino came to study philosophy and letters in Madrid,

for the same years as me,

In the same faculty.

Although he was ending up when I started.

Rizal was always a dreamer,

An idealist.

Rizal ansiaba que Philippinestuviese los mismos derechos

that any Spanish province

And not those of a colony.

And that is why he was sentenced to death.

For insurgents,

Rizal was his hero and martyr.

Millán-Astray hated him all in life with the same intensity

that Unamuno admired him.

Millán-Astray, head of the Legion,

did more damage with cinematographic suspicions

than others fleeing.

The legion was integrated by Spaniards and foreign

that voluntarily get ready.

So the propaganda was crucial.

The young Spaniards are charging

A film conception of life.

Thus it is explained that Millán-Astray,

The clearance,

That film hero,

It has been a representative figure for a part of youth.

And we could forgive the movie

If they always end up smoke queues.

And no, once, in skulls.

The Miners of Asturias rises the government

In the so -called "October Revolution".

The legion is sent to suppress the rebellion.

Francisco Franco, Murder Minister of War,

Directs operations.

Heavy artillery is used on civilian population.

We are in full civil war.

Or revolution, which is the same.

It is therefore necessary to make light

And the devil does not continue asking for blood.

You do not know what to spend this letter.

It's not about my poor homeland, you want one of its most serious crises.

It is something intimate and familiar.

My poor woman

is intertwined life and death.

In just eleven months,

Unamuno suffers the loss of his wife and daughter Salome.

His sister Susana also dies.

My students,

It would be congeduous to exercise the abuse of firearms.

But more harsh would be other worse weapons.




And the insult, which so much begins to abuse.

All this is a symptom of a national dissolution,

civil and social.

To nobody

subject or party, group or school

I recognize the authenticity,

and less the exclusivity of patriotism.

After the political change that occurred since 1933

Unamuno has taken a clear attitude against us

that can be considered as the spiritual spokesman

of the fight against Germany

In the intellectual circles of Spain.

For this attitude

We do not support your request for the Nobel.

In 1935,

The Nobel Prize Quediestiere at the last moment.

Only in the category of literature.


The delivery of the Nobel Prize Solose suspended on one occasion:

On the occasion of World War I.

In 1930, almost a third of the Spaniards was illiterate.

In 6 years,

The Republic carries out

a policy of democratization of culture.

Thousands of schools are created.

The elders appear

that our games are more serious that yours

because in ours the players kill.

And many of us want our games.

Tell you no!

Tell them that the schools in Spain

They must be the true people of the town.

Tell them not to enter them

Our damn civil war games.

And now children,

I'm going to take your name in your name

and to tell my colleagues

To tell you with you:

Let us play alone.

We do not want your games of rage and death

And I did not show us threatening each other.

Teach us to live in peace.

Some lift the fist on high

And others raise their arm the Roman greeting.

When going to my office,

I contemplate the statue of Fray Luis de León

and his admirable gesture.

The hand laid advised and meditation.

It is the best advice in these moments.

We must save Western civilization,

Cristianatan civilization seriously threatened.

July 12, 1936

Lieutenant Castillo is killed by an extreme right group.

One day later

The deputy Calvo Sotelo is killed

By socialist gunmen.

I see this very bad.

What takes force here something that is not seen in Europe.

It is unionism in the anarchist fund.

And on the other hand fascism.

As for Republican...

every time it exists that means that.

I, who elaborated as much as the most for the Republic...

Lost individuality,

The regime does not satisfy me.

I might think that the coup d'etat

was motivated by the murder of Calvo Sotelo,

or for violent actions of anarchist and communist groups

On the one hand and the violence on the other side.

The reality is that he had been organizing for years.

General cool,

with the key name of "the director",

He wrote and spread military from his trust,

reserved instructions in which it was organizing the coup d'etat

Since years before.

He received the support from Mussolini.

Paramilitary groups on the extreme right,

They store weapons and receive training.

Volunteers were recruited in several points in Spain.

Mola joined the African military.

-"All the state can be attributed"

It will be taken into account that the action of being extremely violent

To reduce the enemy..

Two days after the start of the military coup,

Salamanca is a fulminant way.

Twelve deceased in the called "Shot of the Plaza".

They will be imprisoned

Los 5 documentales más vistos en junio online y gratis

all directors of political parties,

societies and unions not affected by movement.

Applying exemplary punishments said individuals,

To strangle the subordinations of rebellion or strikes.

The coup plotters take the City Council,

Correos, Telefónica, the train station and the media.

Radio and press are key.

In Salamanca, it is pleasant to make loyalty and discipline public

of the regiments that keep the capital and the province.

That with whose loyalty and discipline they attend the Government of the Republic.

The information given to the population

differs from the Secretas guidelines of rebel generals.

The military commander wants to express the Salamanca people

thanks for the numerous and valuable offerings of people

of all social classes,

who wish to collaborate with the movement of salvation of Spain.


Spanish people,


Long live Spain!

Long live the Republic with dignity!

Unamuno believes that the coup d'etat is taking place

It is a more military pronouncement, of those who have already lived.

Franco, in his manifesto of the day of the military coup,

Use words like "freedom", "equality" and "fraternity".

Unamuno is summoned as the first plenary councilor of the City Council

After the blow.

He believes that, once restored the order, elections will be convened.

Unamuno was the perpetual honorary mayor of the city.

I consider myself here today as an element of continuity.

The people brought me here,

To the Salamanca City Council

By bringing the Republic, in the elections of April 12, 1931.

And here you have my years,

Like Fray Luis de León.

With his gesture of the hand he laid in a gesture of calm and peace.

Unamuno tries with his presence

guarantee civism by the new rulers.

He will not return to the City Hall will sign any minutes.

Beginning your blindness..

The Official Commission participates

that the amount that has been indicated for such

is the five thousand pesetas,

hoping serve to enter them as soon as possible...

More than an invitation to make a donation,

The letter looks like an evening imposition.

In areas occupied by rebels,

A "donations" program is articulated.

Now my disastrous economic situation.

My income has reduced the fifth.

Of my eight children I will have to help five who only tell me.

Of my writings, almost a year ago I get nothing.

5.000 pesetas are 6 months after Unamuno's pension.

With the economic hardships of the family,

The fertilization of said amount is little plausible.

And less with the speedy that this income is made.

It is possible that the money required to pay a local entrepreneur.

As documented in the case of other personalities

In a situation similar to that of Unamuno.

The rebels make propaganda use

of certain donations.

Among them, that of a figuraclave like Unamuno.

The goal was to favor donations.

And show your adhesional beating coup.

The former mayor and friend ofUnamuno,

Castro Prieto,

Together with other councilors, they are taken to prison

After the murder of Federico García Lorca,

The coup drivers exploit the adhesion of Unamuno.

Outside and within Spain.

The government sees with pain that Miguel deUnamuno,

For whom the Republic had reserved

the maximum expressions of respect and devotion,

has not responded at the present time

to the loyalty to which he was forced

adding the faction in arms in a public way.

Days later,

The coup plotters restore a university rector of the university.

At the end of July,

The rebel military manages the support of Hitler and Mussolini.

The Paneuropea International Union

It was a movement that sought peace between peoples.

They request the mediation of UNAMUNO.


studied the problem on the granting of an armistice,

I am very sorry to manifest that it is not possible.

-It almost all come on hate.

In almost no one compassion.

Unamuno returns to university.

It feels flattered transsu restitution as rector

Is not aware of the acceptance of the position

will make him host of the coup plotters.

Your Rector will barely run six weeks.

General cool,el director del golpe,

Press Unamuno to send a letter of apologies

To another military coup.

General Martínez Anido.

The reason?An article written 16 years before.

Unamuno denounced brutal repression


Qualified the person in charge, General Anido,

Like hysterical goose.

Unamuno, after many doubts, sends the apology letter.

He probably fears for his family's safety.

In this context,

UNAMUNO presides over the southern southern as rector.

Former rector Ramos Loscertales,

Read a text supporting the military coup.

Submits it for consideration of the cloister.

It is unanimously approved.

Unamuno, in his role as rector, certifies the vote of the cloister.

A few hours after the document is approved

General Mola is made known.

The letter written by thecertales and approved by the cloister,

appears in the rebel press

Under the only authorship of Unamuno.

That letter, agreed in cloister, is not mine,

but of the university.

I didn't write it.

And then put it in a "macarronic" Latin a priest cerril.

Well, it's a lie.And you know it.

-Named to take charge

from the command of the propaganda management,

I refer to the instructions that will let the censors know,

To newspaper directors

and of all kinds of written publications:

magazines, books, brochures, etc..

And to those in charge of radio stations and their censors.

In order to know what to abide

Regarding the publication of articles,

photographs and radiations of all kinds.

I will give the slogans and you will implement them.


Do you know the maximum idol of the legion?

The glorious General Millán-Astray.

Creator of the gloriacuerpo that you admire today.

Look at it, today shattered with a plethoric body of spirit!

It was the most cowardly death than him!

Alish yourself in the Legion!

-The cheats of that youth,

of that fictitious "giovinezza".

The terrible programmatic phrases.

Youth is having a sad mental capacity.

A certain hatred of intelligence attached to a cult of violence,

For the violence itself.

A labrador finds in a gutter

The lifeless bodies of the mayor of Salamanca, Casto Prieto,

and deputy José Andrés y Manso.

The news of the murder of his friend Prieto shakes Unamuno.

I, that I have accused my compatriots of having gone crazy,

I feel that his madness wraps me.

I am raising bad blood.

-I ask you to interpostct influence...

-I beg him to intervene...

-Your valuable influence on...

In order to get...

-Would you want to do something for us?

The Protestant Pastor, Atilano Coco,

He is arrested in Salamanca by the military.

He is one of Unamuno's closest friends.

Days later Salvador Vila,

Unamuno disciple and friend.

Next to him is arrested Leimdörfer,

Salvador's wife.

It is Jewish German.

I celebrate that Salamanca,

the city of thecular intelligences of Spain,

that of humanities studies,

It is again...Salamanca!

With their eager youth,

Heart of Spain!

And the damn and a thousand times damn intellectuals

that, having quite culture and means,

They poisoned our mastas and made them believe

that happiness was in crime.

Long live Spain!


Long live death!


-They are like animals.

We have to kill, kill and kill.

Our program consists of exterminating

A third of the male population in Spain.

With that the country would be cleaned.

He will not have employee again in Spain.

Captain Gonzalo de Aguilera was the orders of Millán-Astray.

By dominating six languages,

He is responsible for foreign media and journalists

All are ideologically close to the cause of the coup plotters.

Aguilera provides propaganda guidelines.

As the terminology to refer to the side of their own, the "national",

And to the enemy side, "Los Rojos".

Unamuno, during the war,

will be interviewed on everything by foreign media.

Then their interventions in national media are replicated.

Aguilera is present in Los Entrevistas foreign to Unamuno.

French journalist André Salmon,

cuenta en sus memorias, quela entrevista que le hizo aUnamuno,

The testimonies of the intellectual were modified and censored

By Aguilera.

Unamuno's texts appeared in the war during the war

They are just words attributed to Unamuno.

From this stage, we can only resort to writings of his handwriting.

I already run from interviews.And more with foreigners.

Make me say what I don't say...

or they put borlitas.

Aguilera comes to put in Bocade Unamuno its ideology.

The press officer and propagandajamás hid his racist ideas.

To the Civil War the so -called Race War.

For years, Unamuno wrote about the concept of race.

They were reflections on the feast of October 12,

then called the race day.

That ridiculous party, which have called the Fiesta de la Raza.

Race, begins to want to mean what it means

In the current Germany, that of racism.

Something better would have stabbed her the party of the Language.

The Spanish of Spain is also the Spanish of America.

And the Spanish of the end of Asia.

The South American Liberators of the 19th century are of the same race.

Like the great José Rizal.

Even if it was between tagalo and Chino,

He thought and felt and spoke and wrote in Spanish.

A good tagaloque is better a Spanish evil.

There are a few days left for October 12, 1936.

Celebration of "Race Day".

Atilano Coco Protestant pastor's wife

Take a letter to Unamuno.

Pray that mediation continues to free her husband.

On the reverse of said letter,

Unamuno took the notes at that time

For its improvised intervention in the Paraninfo.

That day is to preside over the act.

That day he will have tragic consequences for him.

There are those who deny what happened

or minimizes the events.

To clarify it, we must agree to the tests.

Only some photographs.

One from the public.

And another of the presidential table.

Carmen Polo de Franco,

Unamuno, the bishop of the city,

And General Millán-Astray.

The images of the output could give more information from the incident.

Carmen Polo climbs into the car.

Millán-Astray seems to say goodbye to someone.

But his arm is not seen.

Does it say goodbye to Unamuno or the Bishop?

This photographs of a few seconds later.

Carmen Polo and Millán-Astrayya are in the car.

Falangists and others, raise their arm.

Of that day, we only keep

The transcripts of the Maldonado de Guevara speeches

and José María Pemán in the press.

But there is no trace of what Unamuno and Millán-Astray.

It is striking to make their interventions appear.

There is no single historical truth.

Only stories of the past diverse,

some better founded than others.

But now it is possible

A reliable reconstruction

of the confrontation of a unamunocon million-anray.

Eighty -four years later,

Thanks to the finding of historical documents, unpublished and very valuable.

This is the only live testimony at the time of facts,

That October 12, 1936.

Its author, a professor of Civil Law of the University.

Ignacio Serrano.

A first -year witness and contrasted rigor.

In 1938 he would be named

Military Legal Body Honorary First Officer.

Professor Serrano barely incurred with Unamuno.

Little university had been incorporated in.

On October 12, Serrano,

aware of the transcendence of events,

transcribed the interlocutions of the speakers

and decon the public reactions.

As a act.

This important document

It has been compared

With other historical materials written by Unamuno.

The notes he took in the letter from Atilano Cocó's wife.

The texts of ‘’ resentment ’’,

His intimate diary written during the war.

And the letter he writes to his friend Quintín de Torre.

In all documents,

Unamuno talks about the confrontation of October 12.

The previous versions of what happened in the Paraninfo

They were built from oral stories

By people who were not present at the scene,

Those who were, told him later.

Likelihood is debatable,

by the traicnse filter of the memory.

Unamuno and Serrano did not have the year during the act,

nor later the same.

But his texts agree.

Let us finally know the words.

Let's do what God has done in Spain with the Alcazar de Toledo,

which was surrounded by enemies, the demons of Spain.

Boys from Spain, let's make each one, in each chest,

An Alcazar de Toledo

And we always live that only slogan:

Spain, always Spain and nothing more than Spain!

Spain, one !!

Long live Spain!

-I can't shut up.

Above all, after the words of Francisco Maldonado

against the Catalans and Basques.

I do not admit that I call them "exploiters of the Spanish name and man".

We are all Spanish.

And I, Basque on the four sides,

I have come to Castilla to teach the Spanish to this university.

This whirlwind of collective madness

It is necessary to impose a true peace of conviction.

Because only hate and none of compassion are heard.

Not even part of women!

The same as the reds boast all crimes and evils,

There are also some that are robbing us

With the shooting show.

Winning is not convincing.

Conquer is not converting.

And that some call no foundation

Anti-Spanish, is as Spain as the other.

And the greatest danger is that Laramplonería equals both sides.

For me it is so Spanish as the rizal philippine,

who said goodbye to the world in Spanish.

-There! Out!


-Yes Yes...I know what I'm saying.


-I can talk!?

-Then, will everyone talk?

-The Catalan will die !!

And certain teachers,

Those who intend to teaching yourself damaged,

They will die too!

Die the traitorous intellectuality!


-Viva death!


-¡Viva Franco!-Live!

-Long live Spain!


-Mistor, give the arm of the head of state.

They tell me that the casino has expelled Unamuno from his bosom.

And instead, for now, there will be no dismissal of the position of rector.

Thus ends the document of the professor Serrano.

The chronicle is written by the facts

And its author does not know the outcome.

What happened after the confrontation in the Paraninfo

It belongs to the oral registry, as Serrano confirms.

On the other hand, the conclusion of testimonies based on the conclusion.

The founding version

of the speech of alamunodel October 12,

Written by Gabriel Portillo.

"The offense was considered enough gravity.

But someone better informed understood that such an act,

the execution

could cause fatal damage prestige of the movement.

It was never carried out.

But that night,

The soldiers were guard in front of their home.

The precaution that a prisoner was prisoner in his own home was taken

During their last three months of life.

The facts and documents of the day after

They show the consequences for Unamuno

of the confrontamientocon Millán-Astray.

“I have learned of a serious incident with the occasion of the act of Paraninfo.

Your father said some things

that raised raw protests and violent attendees,

With Millán-Astray at the head.

It would be painful for your father to happen to him

some unpleasant incident.

It is my duty to let you know, in case things go further,

The spirits are excited ".

One day later de la celebracióndel 12 de octubre,

Unamuno is canceled as the perpetual honorary mayor of Salamanca.

On October 14, at the initiativate the former rector Loscertales,

The cloister withdraws his support Unamuno as Rector.

On October 22, Franco himself

signs the comorector cessation to Miguel de Unamuno.

El 23 de octubre, el discípulodeUnamuno, Salvador Vila,

He is killed with 28 people.

They are thrown into a common grave.

Gerda, Salvador's widow,

It will not be released until Judaism is established,


and give up his name by María de las Angustias.

The night that informs a friend of his friend's liberation,

Atilano Cocó Protestant pastor,

It is actually shot.

The date chosen to kill the pastor is December 8,

Immaculate Conception's Day.

Dogma denied by Protestants.




Disarticulations and brokenness.

The entrails revolt.

People's tremor.





-Go Spain!

-Ah, of those intellectuals

that the dark paths!

And those who use subtle roads,

the costumes,

Word games

that throw poisonous arrows and hide the chest.

Those will be fulminated.

-Equivocada philosophy.

The wrong current of men

to which an exaltadenomination called,

During these last times, intellectuals...

Men who walked with the intellect.

Those who saw things down.

With opinions upside down

and whose very old species or chest.

Because in Greek they were called "those of the opposite".


Heterodox, sophists, heretics,




Mystics crave Spain,

frente a los intellectualsrebeldes, insumisos y locos

for an absurd freedom,

show the Spaniards that there is no true freedom,

more than in submission.

-The character of the purification that today pursues is not just punitive,

but also preventive.

It is necessary to ensure that, with weapons in hand

And without haggling of blood sacrifices, civilization is saved.

It will not be tolerated again, or less to protect and subsidize,

to the poisoners of the popular soul.

Greater responsible for all crimes.

-The Freemasonry

He has led two fingers from ruin to Spain

and to the people to misery.

I accuse!And accuse without rhetoric,

With tests, to Unamuno.

In whose help intervened

all the Freemoneralibberal and Socialist of France.

-I write this letter from my home,

Where I have been imprisoned for days disguised.

They retain me in hostage I know what or for what.

But if they have to kill me, like others, it will be here in my house.

They have murdered, without training of cause,

Two university professors.

One of them, my disciple.And others.

Also to the Protestant pastor, for being a Mason.And my friend...

They haven't killed me yet

These beasts to the SERVICIODEL MONSTRO.

Come here to kill me, like Salvador Vila.

In that grenade...

Worst the "HOTOS" that the "Hunos".

Poor García Lorca.

In his last twenty days of life,

The writings in Queunamuno believe that he will be killed.

Never before had expressed in these terms.

Eight days before his death,

Unamuno donates his library personala the University of Salamanca.

Are these the last words of Miguel de Unamuno?

Someone who ended his days defining him, "Above Spain!"

as the "Holy and Sign of Arribists",

Could you exclaim compatible phrases

of the Falangist ideology before dying?

The story of the death of Unamunoy his last words,

They have as a source a text written by Loscertales.

A work by Bartolomé Aragón appears in the prologue.

The former rector gives the details Talk as the only witness

of Unamuno's death

They were transmitted by the mismoche on December 31.

The text appears on January 16, 1937.

Solo dos semanas despuésof Unamuno's death.

And it is imposed as the official story of the death of the intellectual.

Surprise the speed with which the text is published.

And more in the middle of a war.

And with the shortage of a paper

which was mainly destined to propaganda.

Pero, ¿quién fue el únicotestigo of Unamuno's death?

Who collected his last words?

Bartolomé Aragón, contrary to what they have told us for 85 years,

He was never student of Unamuno.

There is no academic file as a student

In the archives of the University of Salamanca.

Unamuno passionately cultivated the epistolary genre.

Among its more than twenty -five preserved letters,


Nor has it found a correspondence from the young to Unamuno.

It doesn't seem like there would be

No friendly relationship close to them.

Who then was Baragón?

After graduating in Madrid,

Bartolomé Aragón completes its studies at the University of Pisa.

Lord Diploma at the School of Corporate Sciences in 1934.

From this center arise theoretical

of fascist corporatism.

At this stage, the young man will be marked

For the fascist culture and the figure of Mussolini.

In March 1936,

Bartolomé Aragón

He takes care of the Chair of Political Economy

In the Salamanca Law Faculty.

According to Aragon testimony,

At that time Friendship with Professor Torres López.

During the war he will be head of the press and propaganda of Salamanca,

under the orders of Millán-Astray.

Another of his friends Professor Rodríguez Aniceto.

In a few months he will be a foreign press collaborator,

Also under the orders of Millán-Astray.

Aragon refers to them as their "dear and admired companions".

The burst of the military coup

Find Bartolomé Aragidernde Vacation in his land.Huelva.

In August 1936,

Aragón is ready to volunteer the ‘’ Virgen del Rocío ’’ requirements.

Wants to go to fight.

It also belongs to Falange.

Millán-Astray returns from abroad to join the coup plotters.

Entra en Españapor el puerto deHuelva.

This is where he signs his fichade admission to Falange.

The Requetés "Virgen del Rocío"

They are integrated into the Round Column Order of Queipo de Llano.

Bartolomé Aragón marched them in front of Riotinto.

The round column formed by the infantry,

Cavalry, shoeters, machine guns,

Civil Guard and Aviation.

All come together in the Minera Basin.

August 25, 1936.

The City Council of Nerva surrenders.

The mayor, along with other 200 people, flees.

In the Minerosolo town, widows, orphans are

and women victims of terror.

The troops leave women violated and shaved.

200 killed.

In Nerva it is located

The greatest common grave of the Civil War in Rural Environment.

More than 1 were thrown.400 shot.

There are more than 500 bodies to dig.

El director del periódicoLa Provincia deHuelva

It is Bartolomé Aragón.

He is also a press head and Falange Propaganda in the city.

Health, animosa youth of Falange!

I congratulate you to know how to alternate

The rifle with the book and with the word,

To offer it to the Holocaust of Spain.

In Italy and Germany, students serve the country

Through rifle and book.

Like Falange, with his motto

"Book and rifle, Falangist in profile!"

Los Requetés deHuelva organizanVía Crucis, bajo el lema:

‘’ God for the salvation of Spain ’’.

There will be those who think the act of burning

who performs importation tonight of importation.

For remembering a recent burning of the Berlin Square of the Reichstag.

We have to tell them that they do not know the best of our literature:

The Quijote.

The burning that the priery the barber performs.

“The barber sent were giving those books.

One by one...

To see what they were trying,

They could find some who would not need the punishment of fire.

No! Said the niece.

There is no to forgive any.

Because everyone has been the damaging.

It will be better to throw them through the venues, and hit them fire! ”.

Bartolomé Aragón is claimed

To join your teacher position in Salamanca.

Aragon arrives five weeks later

of the confrontation of a unamunocon million-anray.

During its salmantine rear,

Aragon combines teaching

With the purification of university teachers.

Of those last weeks of the year, one day will mark the life of Aragon.

December 31, 1936.

It is striking that you barely have it.

La versión of Unamuno's death

Writing the Certales according to Aragon's testimony.

Not the witness himself.

The statements of Aragon Sonconfusas and sometimes contradictory.

Let's try to rebuild that December 31,

through data and declarations counted,

Together with official documents.

Bartolomé Aragón and the rector of the university, Esteban Madruga,

They are left to have a coffee before Lavisita that they are going to make to Unamuno.

Madruga is a close friend of Don Miguel.

The young Aragon will accompany.

Has not been at the writer's house.

There is no record, the official story begins,

that Aragon was regularly visiting Unamuno.

According to Aragon, the afternoon of the last day of the year

quiere mostrar a Unamuno un ejemplardel periódico que dirigía enHuelva.

In another version,

He affirms that he wanted to give him a study on Italian fascism.

In the last moment,

Esteban Madruga does not go with Aragona his appointment.

You have to attend a burial.

Aurelia, the maid, receives Bartolomé.

At that time, María is at the neighbor's house.

Felisa and Miguelín are seeing them Christmas nativity scenes of the city.

Aurelia leads Bartoloméal study by Unamuno.

Leaves them alone.

Aurelia has to prepare New Year's Eve Supper.

After a while, Aurelia oyedes from the kitchen shout at Unamuno.

Leaves to see what happens,

But tranquility returns and returns to work.

A sudden cry again to Aurelia.

Bartolomé Aragón, out of his own, shouts:

"I haven't killed it!"

Aurelia y María, la hijadeUnamuno, llegan al estudio.

The three move the body inertede Don Miguel to a sofa.

Felisa returns home.

Hey shouts.

Rises hurried.

A young man who does not know shouts.

Aragon tells that a mounted his head gently,

As if sleeping.

And that he realized his death

for the smell of burnt of the shoe.

Soon a doctor who certifies his death arrives.

According to relatives and witnesses, it produces between 18:00 and 18:30.

That same afternoon,

A certificate of grave is issued in the parish.

The document changes the defallery time that witnesses give.


This document cannot be obtained

without previously having the Civil Registry death certificate.

Dr. Núñez was a unamuno and Casto Prieto friend,

The murdered mayor.

The doctor had a republican sidoconcejal.

December 5 receives a high fine.

He is a man under the yoke of the rebels.

Dr. Nñues a prestigious surgeon.

The opinion offered by Unamuno's death

It is impossible to practice an autopsy.

No autopsy was never performed.

A bulbar hemorrhage is a type of intracranial hemorrhage.

Today and in the thirties,

When intracranial hemorrhage produces sudden death,

It is included in the legal concept

of "suspicious death of crime".

So you have to perform a judicial autopsy.

It is possible to produce a hemorrhage with little or no external signal.

Given the state of anxiety in which Bartolomé Aragón is located,

The doctor recommends that you come out.

Aragon locks himself in his hotel room.

That same night, according to its version,

mecanografía las circunstanciasof Unamuno's death.

And deliver the document to the lecertales,

who has approached the hotel to see the young man.

It is the information that appears oversight on January 16, 1937.

16 días despuésof Unamuno's death.

The next day in the morning,

January 1,

The death certificate is written in the Court.

Bartolomé Aragón does not attend or sign as a witness.

Nor any of the relatives.

The witness of the minutes a stranger to the family.

It appears as a time of deaths four in the afternoon,

Before Bartolomé Aragón

had arrived at the domicile of Unamuno.

The death certificate is signed

By the judge at 10:50 in the morning of January 1.

Ten minutes before

that the urgent are carried out in honor of the deceased.

According to the legality of the time,

24 hours a minimode had to go

From the death of burial.

Why those hurries on New Year's Eve and the first day of the year?

The night of 31 he was at home, already dead.

Some relatives arrived, my father for example,

They told him, he was in Palencia.

And they arrived at the wake.

The next day, already in the morning,

Suddenly, without warning, some phalangists were presented,

known, fleta, etc....

They grabbed the coffin and took it without further ado.

Without asking anyone, or comment.

Then were the famous cemetery scenes, the exit...

all that fascist manifestation,

organized and quite prepared.

And then my cousin, who was 7 years old

He was scared, and I think he said: "They will throw it into the river"...

that my aunt Felisa said, who lived with him.

That's what I know.

It was a robbery.

Violent, and without asking permission.

They seized him until the end.

Not only of the body but of the use...

propaganda, trying to present it as a fascist.

That's all, which is a lot.