Rare is the week that I don't tell Rai: 'Are we going to renew now, right?

By : ujikiu / On : 10/07/2022

It started almost joking and has been 11 years as president of Coria.Why so long?

I tried at this time, when fulfilling my eighth year in office, leaving the presidency.It was after the elimination in the ascent playoff against Villarrubia.That year they had to operate, since I got a sliding thyroid.I was a little discouraged.He encouraged me to follow my daughter, who was 16 years old.In Villarrubia she hugged me crying and she told me: "Dad, please, don't leave it."And in reality, I did not leave it or leave it for the support I have at home, for my wife, my son and my daughter.They always accompany me, this year also when we go to the Canary Islands.I am very happy with this and as long as I have its support and the majority of the Board of Directors I am in a hurry to leave, whenever things are going well and people are happy.Things are very pleased in this way.

Did these results expect?

Obviously not.The team that had been done in summer liked us, but we didn't think we could be up there.We thought we could be in the middle zone of the table.We are surprising all of us.

What is the key to the season?

Everything influences.The first thing is that there is a good group.The second is that the coach and the coaching staff have very plugged into players.I see them on a day to day I can say that there is a very good roll.In addition, analyzing it, the team is not lame.It is fine, it has a lot of quality.

At this point, what can you dream of?

I tell the truth: right now with permanence, with saving us.You immediately excite yourself and look up, but you also lose in Tamaraceite and you say: ‘Now the cables cross a little, we lose a couple of games and go to the middle zone and we are 12 points of the descent ...’.Once we have salvation what arrives will come, but this permanence is first.

What ‘but’ puts the season?

I can't think of any.In summer it was a bit sad and screwed what happened, and personally it has greatly influenced me.But I don't want to enter it, no.It is a very complicated issue.

What can Coria really aspire?

With the team that is very excited and I think there are possibilities to get into promotion.Once all the teams are seen, if the injuries respect us and everything continues with the roll we have now, and the reinforcements that we will have, I think we will have the possibility of getting up, among the first five.I always remember it, that we have achieved salvation.

Will there be any more players out of players?

It is not ruled out, but it is not thought, we will see what comes and what is in the market.

Has Coria responded to what was expected?

Yes Yes.Having a thousand partners is very much.I compare it with Cáceres, who puts 1200-1300 people, is fine.We are 13,000 inhabitants in Coria.People who have not seen in the damn life in football telling you: ‘Make me partner’ or buying the team's shirt ... every year we make shirts to sell, and they are always 40-50.This year we have passed from 150. My wife has a perfume store and accessories and I have a separate section with the shirts.Every day a couple of them are sold.It is a pass. In addition, we are taking people to all the games outside.In the Canary Islands, the other day, in addition to my family, there were 15-20 more people.And in the game in Lepe, 40-50 people, then in Vélez there were 30. In Córdoba there will also be many people.

What is the category?

It is not perhaps how strong the second B was before, but neither does the third.Except for Córdoba, which seemed much superior to us, even if they scored in the first play, I see everything very even.Maybe the Extremadura see them above the rest.

Would Rai renew now?Has the subject been raised?

It has already raised, yes.Rare is the week that I don't tell it: are we going to renew now, right?Well, let's save ourselves and then you will see.When she was renewed after the ascent, we sat at this same table and she told us what she wanted.He took advantage of the situation (for the ascent), hehe, and we said: ‘Come, palante’.If he is no longer renewed, it is because he has said that until the saved team is not talking.

Of the players, which one that is most surprising?

I would not highlight any, but from all who have come their professionalism.It has nothing to do with what we had seen: they are young kids who take care of a lot: with the theme of leaving you do not see them out there, only in the morning having breakfast in a central bar.You ask for collaboration and they do it, for example to go to schools.The provision is total.

After the game against Tamaraceite, Rai did get angry and expressed it later.

Well, he said at the press conference he said it in the locker room.She had never seen her like this.He does not want people to relax and are plugged in, that we are still humble and workers.

What is your quiniela for Extremadura teams?

Above Cacereño and Villanoovense, among the top five.The Montijo is going to be very close.Don Benito is going to save and Mérida, despite the problems, will also be there, although if we and the Ceuta get between the five will not have a place, haha.