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By : ujikiu / On : 19/11/2022

This content was published on January 22, 2022 - 19:01

USA Russia - kyiv - The first game of 90 tons of lethal armament from the US arrives in kyiv in the midst of lack of advances in negotiations between Washington and Moscow for Russian military reinforcement on the border with Ukraine.(Sent)



Russia - Moscow - Cornavirus cases detected in Russia have doubled in just one week and reach almost 50.000 newspapers before the advance of the omicron variant, already detected in more than half of the country's regions.(Sent)

Djokovic - Belgrade - The skeptical posture of tennis player Novak Djokovic in the face of vaccination against the coronavirus is a reflection of reality in his native Serbia, where less than half of the population has been immunized against COVID -19. Por Snezana Stanojevic (CHRONICLE)(Sent)


Italy Presidency


Berlusconi - Rome - Italian parties continue without agreement for two days of starting voting to choose a new president of the Republic, while the right -wing coalition meets to assess whether supporting the aspirations to the position of the populist minister Silvio Berlusconi. (Photo)

Negotiations - Rome - Every seven years, the Italian Parliament becomes a hotbed of negotiations and pacts to fulfill one of its highest duties: the choice of the head of the State, a ceremonial that will begin on Monday, this time altered byThe Coronavirus, which could even force some voters to vote from their car in the parking lot of the Chamber of Deputies.By Gonzalo Sánchez. (CHRONICLE)(Sent)


(A note on the keys to the presidential election has also been sent)


EU Energy - Amiens (France) - The Energy Ministers of the countries of the European Union debate closed doors in an informal council the gas and electricity price crisis, energy efficiency and the future of hydrogen.(Sent) (audio)

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Federal Voting of February 13, 2022

Navigation Sábado, 22 de enero de 2022 (19.00 GMT) Iniciar sesión Registrarse Confirme restablecimiento de su contraseña

Media aid, Tax on Timbre, Animal Experimentation and tobacco advertising at the polls on February 13.

R.Little Scotland - Glasgow (R.United) - Thousands of protesters will march in the heart of the Scottish city of Glasgow for "the self -determination of Scotland" and "against Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the crisis of his government". por Guillermo Garrido(Sent) (video)

Tonga Tsunami - Sydney (Australia) - A week after suffering a violent volcanic eruption and the subsequent tsunami, Tonga tries to recover from an unprecedented disaster in that Pacific archipelago.(Sent) (audio)(video)

Germany parties - Berlin - The German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) celebrates its Federal Congress, which ratifies as president's right -wing Friedrich Merz, historical internal rival of former chancellor Angela Merkel.(Sent)


Portugal Elections - Lisbon - The campaign for the legislative of January 30 is heated in Portugal while the distances between the favorite candidates, the socialist António Costa, who play re -election, and conservative Rui Rio, leader of the Social Democratic Party (the Democratic Social Party (PSD). por Carlota Ciudad(Sent)


Mexico diplomacy - Mexico City - The diplomatic appointments of Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who include former opponents and an ally accused of sexual harassment, threaten to tighten the relationship with Spain and Panama, but also with the opposition, feminists and the bodydiplomatic. por Pedro Pablo Cortés(Sent)


Good intentions do not guarantee success

This content was published on 12 Jan.2022 The extracurricular programs to develop children's STEM skills are booming.Some may be useful, but others may be...


USA abort - Washington - The feminist movement in the United States commemorates the last anniversary of the decision of the Supreme Court that legalized abortion in the country in 1973, while looking for solutions to protect access to that medical service if the highest courtrepealed that sentence.For Lucía Leal.(Sent)


Paris Fashion - Paris - The Spanish firm Loewe, of the LVMH International Group, presents its collection of man for autumn -winter 2022/23 by the hand of the British Jonathan Anderson, one of the most admired creators in the industry.By María d.Valderrama(Sent)




Spain Doñana - Amiens (France) - The vice president of the Government of Spain Teresa Ribera said in an interview with Efe that the plan of the Junta de Andalucía to regularize 1.460 hectares of illegal strawberries around the Doñana is a "denial attack" that promotes "the illegality and destruction" of the park.By Javier Albisu.(Sent) (audio) (Photo)

Pope Latin America - Ciudad del Vaticano - The Mexican philosopher Rodrigo Guerra López, newly appointed secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America (CAL), explains to Efe that the Pope "is concerned about polarization" in Latin America, where the decline of CatholicsIt is, above all, to the lack of an open church that is not just "an aristocratic cenacle of chosen". Por Cristina Cabrejas(Sent)

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Fifth Switzerland: poll on the use of information media

This content was published on Jan 14.2022 How is it informed of what happens in Switzerland?What is the most important thing for you when you consult an informative medium?Your opinion interests us.

(Photo) (video)

Ana Frank - The Hague - FBI's retired agent Vince Pankoke led the team that revealed that a Jewish notary from Amsterdam was the one who allegedly revealed to the Gestapo the hiding place of Ana Frank, but, in an interview with Efe, he asks "not to judge"to the suspect with the eyes of the present because he would not have been "another option" to protect his family. Por Imane Rachidi(Sent)



The US Historical Memory - New York - One of the most controversial statues in New York City, the former president Theodore Roosevelt on horseback over a black and an Indian, has just left with all discretion of the majestic facade of the Museum of History of HistoryNatural, thus ending another debate about memory than the city owes to some of its heroes.By Javier Otazu.(Sent) (Photo)


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