Movistar+ plans to close one of its most mythical channels

By : ujikiu / On : 11/03/2022


Channel #0 could disappear in 2022 after the death of Andreu Buenafuente and leaving unknowns in the air

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#0, the exclusive channel of Movistar+, could have its days numbered from next 2022. And it is that the directors of the platform seem willing to put an end to the adventure of this channel in which the main productions of national programs were broadcast .

José María Álvarez-Pallete, the executive director of Telefónica, would be considering suppressing channel #0 of Movistar+ as El independent progressed this weekend, to the surprise of the followers of some mythical programs such as La Resistencia or Late Motiv.

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If the news is confirmed, channel #0 will disappear from the schedule of Movistar+ subscribers after six years of uninterrupted broadcasts. Among the reasons being considered for the possible closure of the chain would be the different controversies generated by the program David's Resistance Broncano.

Movistar+ se plantea cerrar uno de sus canales más míticos

According to the digital newspaper, after the latest controversies and the drop in audience experienced by the format in recent months, Telefónica would have had enough of maintaining a channel with almost no audience and that only brings headaches.

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On the closing date, the end of June is considered after the end of the television season. Without Andreu Buenafuente's Late Motiv program, which will end on December 23, Movistar+ would only keep Broncano's program as a big bet, with whom negotiations have not been easy in recent months.

In fact, the last renewal of the program La Resistencia took place in extremis and with some changes such as the veto of one of the collaborators (Jaime Caravaca), the change of theater and with a serious restriction: the prohibition of uploading the program to YouTube. This fact has greatly reduced the virality of the space they consume, mostly young people, through the Internet.

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In addition, the different controversies with some of the program's gags would have been eroding the relationship between the network and the program's team. In 2019, a monologue containing jokes about Ortega Lara, a prison officer kidnapped by the terrorist group ETA, was already harshly criticized.

A joke about George Floyd, the African American murdered by an American police officer in 2020, where a dog was seen with a paw on the neck of a man on the ground, the chain's managers did not like either. The straw that broke the camel's back would be the alleged joke about the fatal run over of a girl in Madrid. Although it has been denied that it is related, it would be one of the causes of the chain's weariness.

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