Mexican designers will present their works at Expo 2020 Dubai

By : ujikiu / On : 09/06/2022

For this world fair that will take place in Dubai from October 2021 to March 2022 and will feature 192 countries, the Pavilion of Mexico will emphasize the issues of biodiversity and migration.

Therefore, the monarch butterfly was chosen as a symbol, referring to the year after year, he undertakes a great trip of thousands of kilometers, and then returning home.Finally, this image also gives strength to the central motive of the pavilion: "We always return to Mexico."

The previous edition of the World Fair was held in the Italian city of Milan in 2015 and the next one is scheduled for 2025 in Osaka, Japan.This edition will be the first to be carried out in the Middle East, currently one of the most attractive markets for the world, in one of the most relevant cities and a world trade pole;Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

"We are very excited that for the first time the fashion industry is included in a project like this, since it is a very important sector in our country, with a lot of talent, on which many families depend, in a production chain thatHe has been seriously affected with the pandemic, "says Dubai Fashion Mexico director Brenda Jaet.

Diseñadores mexicanos presentarán sus obras en EXPO 2020 DUBAI

Dubai Fashion Mexico will take place from November 14 to 19, and in multiple spaces of Expo 2020 Dubai, within the framework of the official week of tolerance and inclusion.

Expo 2020 Dubai is the greatest business opportunity for the international community, since the main approach is to promote strategic alliances globally.

It is also an incredible opportunity for Mexican designers, since it will be a showcase to the world of the best Mexican creations of this decade.

The task of choosing only seven designers with different styles and from different regions of the country, was exhaustive;However, being speaking tolerance and inclusion, the selection has designers who prepare their collections with great social responsibility, since they work with various Mexican textiles and artisan communities.

The seven Mexican designers who will represent the industry in this sample are: Benito Santos, Jasive Fernández, Pineda Covalin, Lydia Lavin, Montserrat Messeguer, Carlos Pineda and Armando Takeda.