Madrid is fashion returns to the streets with interactive presentations and a 'more human' luxury

By : ujikiu / On : 17/03/2023

After a couple of uncertain seasons, marked by the social distancing and the corresponding health measures, the fashion industry wonders how to offer something new, adapted to the times that run, without losing the essence of the catwalks and presentations.Madrid is fashion continues at the forefront of this idea with its next edition planned by 2021, from September 12 to 21 in the framework of Madrid Fashion Week,.The initiative, which was created in 2015 and continues to reap success, has confirmed today which designers will be part of these activities whose root is to bring fashion to the street.Among the selected signatures, they are well -known faces of the national scene, such as Roberto Verino or Teresa Helbig, and others more recent such as Maison Mesa or Bimani.

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Madrid es Moda vuelve a la calles con presentaciones interactivas y un lujo 'más humano'

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Madrid is fashion: from the catwalk to the street

The objective of this series of activities is to enhance the consumption of national authors in favor of the so -called Slow Fashion, a philosophy that values crafts, sustainability, trades recovery and a new luxury based on the human factor.The Madrid program is Fashion will be announced in the month of August and will include the opening of a unique showroom in Spain, where the public will be able to know, by the hand of a group of renowned stylists, the autumn/winter 2021-2022 collection ofThe participating creators.With the intention of establishing an interaction between the designers and their audience, the entrance to this space, located in the Belgian Serrería, will be totally open under reserve.

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Confirmed 30 designers

Ana Locking, Teresa Helbig, Roberto Verino, Duyos, Andrés Gallardo, Hannibal Laguna, Dolores Cortés and Moses Nieto are some of the usual ones of the Madrid catwalk that will play a role in this dynamic initiative to claim author fashion, although we will also find ourselvesWith young renown brands such as Beatriz Peñalver (in the image), Malne, Maison Mesa, Bimani and Brain and Beast.There are already 30 confirmed firms to take part in this project that has been developed in a biannual way since September 2015, coinciding with each edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM), to enhance the work of the creatives of the sector and putIn value Spanish fashion.

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