Musicals triumph again in Madrid despite the Covid, driven by the purchase of tickets during the bridge

By : ujikiu / On : 06/03/2022

Cultural and leisure activities have been one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. After the total confinement decreed during the first wave of the coronavirus, and after several setbacks in the form of a spike in infections, musicals are once again successful in Madrid despite the sixth wave and the appearance of the omicron variant.

Now the situation is different from that of the previous attacks of the virus: Spain has one of the best vaccination rates against Covid in the world, and Madrid in particular opted almost from the beginning to keep open all the places that offered activities such as theater, concerts or monologues.

This includes musicals, a genre that in the capital of Spain has always enjoyed very good health, not in vain Madrid is, today and despite the pandemic, the third world capital in terms of musicals , only surpassed by New York and London

In 2019, in fact, 1.5 million spectators attended this type of show in the Spanish capital. An activity that not only benefits the sector itself, but also a whole series of surrounding businesses, mainly in the hospitality industry: restaurants, hotels and other packages for tourists that include visits to museums or football stadiums such as Real Madrid or Atlético de Madrid. .

Ticket sales grow during the December bridge

The long bridge in December has also served to underpin a positive trend in terms of the number of spectators. Ticket sales have increased during these days, with some of the most popular musicals being 'Grease' and 'A Chorus Line' some of the most popular.

"Grease is a great classic and a unique phenomenon that everyone knows," explains Quique González, who plays the famous Danny Zuko, the character who launched John Travolta into stardom, in statements to Antena 3 Noticias .