London Fashion Week returns to the catwalks

By : ujikiu / On : 26/12/2022

London Fashion Week, traditionally dedicated to women's spring/summer collections in September, will this year include unisex designs and a few live performances, though most will still be done online, they announced. organizers on Friday.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, London Fashion Week in June was held entirely online.

The same free-access platform will be used for this edition, from September 17 to 22, but some viewers will once again be able to admire the models live in a limited number of shows and presentations.

"Fashion Week is one of the few international events to have been held in London, demonstrating the industry's resilience, creativity and innovation in times of crisis," the British Council said in a statement. de la Moda (BFC), which organizes the event.

London Fashion Week is back to the catwalks

This September, seven fashion shows and presentations will take place only physically (many by appointment), 50 will be 100% digital and about 20 hybrids.

As was the case for its traditionally masculine edition in June, in London September fashion week will now be "gender neutral", showcasing men's, women's and mixed collections.

And all future London Fashion Weeks will follow the same pattern.

The event will open, in which more than 80 designers will participate, a digital parade of the British brand Burberry.

According to the BFC, the British fashion industry, which employs 890,000 people, contributed £35bn ($46bn, €39bn) directly to UK GDP in 2019. (I)