London desists for now squeezing the nuclear button in your dispute with the EU

By : ujikiu / On : 31/01/2023


Boris Johnson will not suspend the Brexit's pacts on Northern Ireland at the moment

Rafael Ramos


RECULAR: Go back (said of a person: give up their opinion or opinion).Frena: moderate or stop with the brake the movement of a machine, moderate the impetus.(Dictionary of the Spanish Academy?.

That is what Boris Johnson's government did yesterday after several weeks of threatening ("imply with acts or words that someone wants to do to someone, give indications of being imminent something bad or unpleasant").In this case, the threat was to invoke article 16 of the Brexit agreements and unilaterally suspend the Northern Ireland protocol, which regulates merchandise traffic between the province and the rest of Britain and imposes customs controls to preserve the market unique.To which the European Union had responded with another, to establish rates and even break the subscribed commercial treaty.

While Brussels offers practical solutions, Downing Street puts the emphasis on Brexit's philosophy

Pero tras mucho ruido de sables, como ha sido desde el principio tónica habitual en el Brexit, London no se ha atrevido de momento a apretar el botón nuclear, y Bruselas ha respondido en consecuencia.Prime Minister Boris Johnson is politically weakened by the last corruption scandal in the conservative party (the second salaries chargedSo at the moment he has decided not to open a new front that would have distracted the attention of his problems, but with serious practical and economic complications.

London desiste por ahora de apretar el botón nuclear en su disputa con la UE

The conversations to modify the Northern Ireland protocol will now move to a fifth assault on Brussels, with an improved EU offer to reduce or eliminate customs controls to medicines and some foods, and the British insistence on which the European courts do nothave jurisdiction when resolving disputes.Norirlands unionists are very upset with the existence of a virtual border in the North Sea to prevent a hard with the Republic, because it makes dublin trade easier than with England, Wales and Scotland, and they think it is a stepTowards the reunification of the island.Armed paramilitaries have burned four buses so far this year, last week last week.

The respective negotiators, the bellicose Lord Frost and the vice president of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic, adopted yesterday a more optimistic tone in their statements to the press after concluding the fourth round of contacts. London había sugerido que podría invocar el artículo 16 y romper la baraja al concluir la cumbre del cambio climático de Glasgow, y todavía no descarta que pueda hacerlo si no hay concesiones por parte de Bruselas en el tema de la jurisdicción de sus Tribunales (pide un arbitraje independiente).But the emphasis has passed, at least, of the confrontation to the search for solutions.

"There has been a very necessary change of tone from a British part that I hope will translate into tangible benefits for the inhabitants of Northern Ireland," said Sefcovic said. La UE ofrece ventajas prácticas (menos controles), mientras London pone el énfasis en la filosofía del Brexit.Which is logical since, according to his former Dominic Cumming advisor, until recently Boris Johnson did not understand what the customs union was.

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