Last minute on the coronavirus, live

By : ujikiu / On : 22/05/2022

Last minute with all the information about the evolution of Coronavirus in Spain and in the rest of the world.


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The religious of Santa Engracia make sanitary masks. The four 'parish' auxiliary 'religious' present in the parish of Santa Engracia respond to the call of Cáritas Diocesana de Zaragoza to make fabric masks to better perform their attention, before the health emergency and the lack of this material absolutely necessary to avoid avoiding infections between very exposed people as health personnel, elderly or volunteer residences. The masks they are performing have dimensions of 21x21 cm, which allows three folds to be rectangular. The grammage of the fabric is 165 gr/square meter and 24 wires/cm, that is, quite dense pieces. They are made of cotton to endure the washing at 65 degrees. Thus, this community of Zaragoza joins the collaboration that is already being provided from other convents or monasteries, such as Capuchinas de Barbastro, as well as other civil entities.


The town of Illueca planned to organize on April 4 and 5 the 8th Hunting, Fisheries and Tourism Fair that is carried out alternately in Illueca and Calatayud.But due to the current circumstances, it changes dates on September 12 and 13.The sample will be held in the Illueca Sports Pavilion where around 50 stands will be exhibited, occupying the 1,600 m2 interior.Likewise, the Fairground will have another 2,000 m2 of exterior spaces for the realization of exhibitions and parallel activities.


Cruz Roja, Protección Civil y Cáritas se unen en Monzón para prestar ayuda a domicilio. El Ayuntamiento y la comarca coordinan esta acción para que las personas mayores puedan contar con sus medicamentos y comida durante el aislamiento. >> LEER MÁS


La localidad oscense de Biescas registra seis infectados por coronavirus, según han informado este viernes desde el Ayuntamiento. En el comunicado se añade que todos los pacientes ya están debidamente atendidos y que ninguno de ellos es usuario de la residencia de la tercera edad La Conchada. >> LEER MÁS


Doncic contributes to the donation of half a million dollars for the health of Dallas.The Dallas Mavericks announced Friday that their owner, Mark Cuban, and players Luka Doncic and Dwight Powell joined the foundation that gives name the Texan team to donate half a million dollars to a hospital center in the city, before the crisis byThe expansion of the coronavirus."There is not enough thanks to medical services for helping their patients above them. I thank Luka and Dwight for this union to support medical service workers who are doing everything they can for the health of our community"says Mark Cuban.


Affected in Spain 60,000 workers Temporary suspension of textile employment.The avalanche of temporary employment regulation files (ERTE) in Spain, temporary suspension of the employment relationship, in the textile sector will affect, for the moment, almost 60,000 Spanish workers in this area that is suffering in an accused way the crisis caused by theCoronavirus after the closure of its stores.Companies have been accepting this week the measures taken by the government presided over by the socialist Pedro Sánchez, which will approve all the ERTE proposed by "Force majeure" as a result of the cessation of activity.


La Almunia pide que respeten los horarios de basuras en pro de la desinfección viaria. Desde el Ayuntamiento se insta a los vecinos a colaborar para que las medidas de seguridad tomadas contra el coronavirus sean lo más efectivas posible. >> LEER MÁS


Several patrols of the Ertzaintza honor the Civil Guard in Vitoria. Several patrols of the Ertzaintza have paid tribute this Friday night to the Civil Guard at the gates of the Sansomendi Barracks of Vitoria, after a second agent of the Institute armed by the Coronavirus died. The Basque Police patrols have been placed before the barracks giving the lights of their vehicles and applauding the civil guards. The Ertzainas have directed one by one to greet, shake the hand and give the condolences to the civil guards who guarded the barracks, while the rest remained firmly, as a sign of respect. After this tribute, the Government delegate in the Basque Country, Denis Itxaso, thanked "the detail" of these patrols. "It has just happened, in front of the Sansomendi barracks. Several patrols of the Ertzaintza come to applaud and honor the second civil guard fallen in the fight against the Coronavirus, Francisco Javier, 38, a woman and a 10 -year -old son." "A detail, Mila Esker!" He thanked him.


The president of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, has confirmed on Friday the first three cases of Coronavirus in the country and has announced new measures such as the closure of schools and the suspension of sports acts and events to avoid the spread of the disease.In a statement published by the Presidency, Rajoelina has indicated that the three patients, all of them women, came from abroad and are already in isolation."At this time his health situation is not worrying," he added.Thus, he has detailed that it is a 41 -year -old Malgache woman from France, a 19 -year -old girl who left France and went through Mauricio before arriving in the country, and a 45 woman of 45 also arrived from the European country.


Police prevents Coronavirus patients from leaving the Logroño hospital.The National Police have intervened several times during the last days to prevent the sick admitted by Coronavirus at the San Pedro de Logroño Hospital to abandon it and not to allow other infected to go from health centers.This was explained this Friday the Superior Police Headquarters of La Rioja in a statement, which adds that, for that reason, it has been determined to leave a fixed point of the National Police at the San Pedro Hospital.In relation to this aspect, collaboration with health professionals in every way has intensified.La Rioja, to date of this old, records 497 positive cases, of which 122 are hospitalized and 15 remain in the ICU;while 13 people have been discharged


Manuel Carrasco offers this Saturday 21 a concert at home to liven up confinement.The Huelva artist Manuel Carrasco will offer his followers a concert from his house to live and make the days of confinement to which the population is obliged by the health crisis generated by the Coronavirus.As announced by the artist himself through social networks, the appointment will be tomorrow, starting at 7:00 p.m. and can be seen through Instagram Live.


The Local Police of Huesca has received this Friday morning sanitary material from a citizen.It has been on Danza Avenue.The agents have told him on their Facebook, where they appreciate the donations, the signs of support and the love they receive from the Oscenses.In addition, they remember that they are, as always, 24 hours a day 7 days a week and that they are needed, you have to call 092 or 974 223 000.


El Club Balonmano Huesca ha llevado a cabo los trámites para la presentación este viernes de un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) que afectará a todos sus trabajadores y que se plantea para hacer frente a los problemas económicos derivados de la suspensión de la Liga Asobal, todavía sin una fecha definida para su regreso como sucede en el resto de actividades económicas. Una medida que, en principio, se prolongará durante un mes. >> LEER MÁS


Catalonia confirms 104 elders living in Catalan residences with Coronavirus.The Ministry of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat has reported Friday that there are 104 people living in nursing home that has a diagnosis of COVID-19: they are isolated and are being treated according to the protocols of the Department of Health.In total there are 114 residences with people with symptoms or diagnosis of Coronavirus, the Ministry of Work has detailed in a statement, in which he has specified that in Catalonia they live in public and private residences 64,093 people.


The Zimbabue government has confirmed on Friday the first case of Coronavirus in the country and has indicated that it is a person of foreign nationality arriving from the United Kingdom.The Minister of Health, Obadiah Moyo, has indicated that this person returned to the country from the British city of Manchester and has added that he put himself in a volunteer in his house near the Victoria cataracts.


Cuba closes its borders except residents in the country and commerce.Cuba announced on Friday the closure of its borders except for residents on the island and commercial activities in order to avoid the arrival of new cases of COVID-19 to the country, which already adds 21 people with the disease and at least another 500in preventive isolation.The Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, made the announcement on television during a special program in which the latest government measures were announced against the pandemic, "an unpublished challenge" that "could not be contained by the most societiesdeveloped from the planet, "he recalled.


Torra guarantees Catalan students that they should not repeat this course.The president of the Government, Quim Torra, has guaranteed this Friday the Catalan students who should not repeat this entire course: "I am sure that we will find a way to overcome this course together", even if it is linking content with the next one, he stated."Now do not worry about this, the most important thing is that you are calm at home," he said to questions from various children in the infok children's informative program of TV3, and has assured that the situation will be overcome, so he has asked for peace of mind.Torra, who has coronavirus, has defended that the priority now is to take care of health and has said that the situation requires measures such as delaying rent payments and taxes: "very difficult moments will arrive, but we will overcome it", but it is required to follow the measures ofprotection and stay at home.


S&P mantiene el rating de España, pero prevé una caída del PIB del 1,8%. La agencia de calificación crediticia S&P Global Ratings ha mantenido sin cambios la nota de solvencia 'A' de la deuda a largo plazo emitida por España con una perspectiva estable, aunque ha revisado drásticamente a la baja su previsión de crecimiento para 2020, cuando anticipa que la economía española sufrirá una contracción del 1,8% como consecuencia del impacto en la actividad de las medidas de contención de la epidemia de coronavirus aplicadas por el Gobierno, aunque confía en que el PIB rebotará en 2021, con un crecimiento del 3,1%. "La cuarentena ha interrumpido la actividad económica normal, llevándonos a revisar a la baja nuestra proyección para 2020 hasta el -1,8% desde el anterior incremento del 1,5%, aunque esperamos que la economía se recuperará un 3,1% en 2021%, apuntan los analistas de S&P.


Israel records his first deceased by Coronavirus.An 88 -year -old man has become the first deceased on Friday because of the Coronavirus in Israel, as announced by a hospital in Jerusalem, who added that the man had previous pathologies. The Shaare Zedek center has stated that the patient was admittedIn a very serious condition and with "multiple" previous pathologies, as reported by the newspaper 'The Times of Israel'.Israeli authorities have confirmed more than 700 cases of coronavirus this Friday in the country, which have led to Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to order a mandatory confinement of the population.


Poland declares the "state of epidemic."The Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, has declared this Friday the "state of epidemic" in the country to be ableleft five dead in the country and more than 400 infected.The announcement has occurred since the situation "has reached a point where it is necessary to introduce more strict provisions than those that allow existing laws due to the epidemic threat," as the president has pointed out.Thus, Morawiecki, who has thanked all health personnel members, has assured that the country's educational centers will remain closed to Holy Week, according to information from the local newspaper 'Rzeczpospolita'.


The United States swimming team asks to postpone Tokyo games.The United States Swimming Team asked its Olympic Committee on Friday to request the postponement of Tokyo 2020 Games until next year, due to the problems generated by the Coronavirus pandemic worldwide and therefore in preparationOf the athletes. Because a letter from director Tim Fanchey to the president of the country's Olympic Committee, Sarah Hirshland, American swimming does not see logical to continue with the Tokyo 2020 plan. "As head of our 400,000 members and many ofThe world's largest Olympic champions, I feel forced to talk about the Olympic Games this July in Tokyo, "he says.


Los jóvenes de Down Huesca animan a quedarse en casa con sus arcoíris para frenar el coronavirus. La asociación se suma a la campaña #LosVerdaderosInfluencers en el Día Mundial del Síndrome de Down así como lanza mensajes de ánimo ante la situación de crisis que vive el país por el Covid-19. >> LEER MÁS


Zara responds on Twitter to Monedero who has not yet presented an ERTE.Inditex has clarified that at this time he has not yet presented any temporary employment regulation file (ERTE) to his workforce in Spain, but, on the contrary, will preserve all jobs and cover all his salaries, at least, until next timeApril 15.This has been transferred by the Spanish textile company on a message on Twitter in response to the co -founder of Podemos Juan Carlos Monedero, who criticized the company for being willing "to fire 25,000 workers."


Uruguay closes the doors to the flights of Europe.Uruguay suspended since Friday the arrival of Europe's flights, a measure that was already announced on March 15 by the Government to fight against the Coronavirus Covid-19, a disease that until now leaves 94 affected in the country.From 00.00 hours (03.00 GMT) this Friday and for 30 days, no person from the old continent or "high -risk areas" can enter the country into commercial or private flights, according to a statement issued by the National Directorate ofCivil aviation and aeronautical infrastructure (Dinacia).According to this, the arrivals from China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Iran, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the United States must fulfill mandatory quarantine


Eurovision announces that the 2020 candidate songs will not compete in 2021. The Eurovision Organization announced this Friday that they will not be able to register for the 2021 festival the songs chosen for the edition that should have been held this next month of May in Róterdam (Netherlands) and that the coronavirus has just been canceled by the extension.This closes another of the fringes pending decision by the European Radiodifusion Union (UER), which will let each participating country next year determine whether it will compete with the same candidates selected by 2020. Through RTVE, Spain and SpainHe confirmed that Blas sang, his representative chosen internally by 2020, will go to the festival in his name in 2021, an invitation that the Murcian artist accepted publicly.


Some 380 Spanish tourists remain stranded in India.Some 380 Spanish tourists remain stranded in India dueSpain.Travel restrictions in these countries have been getting worse in recent days, despite the fact that global pandemic for the coronavirus still records relatively low numbers in the region, with 206 infected configured in India, 59 in Sri Lanka, 20 in Bangladesh, and 13 in Maldives.


The hospitals series donate their teams to medical centers by COVID-19.The health crisis for the Coronavirus has forced to suspend the filming of several television series that take place in hospitals, such as 'Anatomy of Gray' or 'The Good Doctor', which have decided to donate the health materials that their interpreters use to real medical centers.For example, the team of the well-known 'Anatomy of Gray' has donated its guts and gloves to several hospitals in California, which begin to have a shortage of equipment to address the new cases of infected by COVID-19.


Mango presents an ERTE that affects 4,767 employees.Mango has activated a contingency plan that includes the presentation of a temporary employment regulation file (ERTE) due to force majeure by the Coronavirus, which will have effects since March 14 and will affect 4,767, has reported in a statement in a statementthis Friday.The affected employees will be mainly from their commercial network in Spain, as well as workers of their LLIçà d'Amunt (Barcelona) and its central Palau-Solità I Foldamans (Barcelona).The company "has been forced to close 1,695 points of sale in 72 countries", about 78% of its shop of stores.


An Iberia company plane is scheduled to arrive in Quito this Saturday to continue with the repatriation of Spanish passers-by tourists who are stranded in Ecuador, where the health emergency status by the COVID-19 governs.The plane, with capacity for 359 passengers, will arrive empty to the Mariscal Sucre airport, about 25 kilometers from the capital, and plans to leave the next day at 14:10 local time (19:10 GMT) to Madrid, confirmed toEFE The Ambassador of Spain in Ecuador, Carlos Abella de Arístegui.


Air Nostrum presents Erte by force majeure for his entire template.Air Nostrum has presented a temporary employment regulation file (ERTE) for its entire template, about 1,500 employees, for a period of three months, since this Saturday, with a flexibility mechanism that allows you to adjust the suspension to the circumstances.The ERTE is to minimize the impact of the crisis of the coronavirus and be able to keep the airline jobs in the medium and long term, as indicated in a statement to the template.The file is presented for a period of three months, but includes a flexibility mechanism to adjust the suspension of employment to the circumstances and activity of the company, and is subject to the evolution of the crisis.


Amazon Prime, Netflix y Youtube reducen la calidad ante la demanda por el Covid19. La idea es evitar un posible colapso de las redes a causa del pico de demanda que se está experimentando estos días. >> LEER MÁS


The king has held various conversations with the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa;the head of Defense, Margarita Robles;the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso;and the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, to address the evolution of the coronavirus.Felipe VI has been in continuous contact with the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who has been informing him of the decisions of the Executive and the data that have been known.But the king has maintained another series of conversations with other government members and representatives of other institutions


The Government activates psychological attention to victims of abuse by WhatsApp.The Ministry of Equality has launched a psychological assistance service by WhatsApp to help victims of sexist violence during the period of confinement by the alarm state.The victims of abuse will be able to access this immediate psychological service that will be provided via instant messaging (WhatsApp) through the phones 682916136 and 682508507. This measure is included in the action guide for victims of gender violence that the Ministry ofEquality to inform women of how they can act in different situations that may occur during the confinement period by the Coronavirus pandemic.


A 70 -year -old with previous pathologies has died this Friday at the Virgen del Castillo hospital, where he was admitted by Coronavirus.This is the first deadly victim for this disease in the Region of Murcia.The deceased was admitted to that hospital, but not in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), sources from the Autonomous Community reported.According to the last balance published, this Thursday, at 9:00 p.m., the number of positives per coronavirus reaches 215 in the Region of Murcia, 177 of them in house isolation, 38 admitted and seven in the ICU.


Washington D.C.Record the first death by Coronavirus.The Washington D.C.They announced this Friday the death of a 59-year-old man who was hospitalized last week by COVID-19, this being the first death by Coronavirus in the US capital."With great sadness we announce a tragic death and, on behalf of our residents, we share our love and condolences with the patient's family and friends," said the mayor, Muriel Bowser, in a statement.The deceased entered last week in a health center with fever and cough, and gave a positive coronavirus after he was subjected to the medical test.


The BSH group temporarily suspends production.The BSH Hausgerrate group will temporarily suspend its productive operations in its factories in Europe, Turkey and North America for three weeks, as reported in a statement."In BSH, the effects of the propagation of the coronavirus are also impacting. The company is experiencing a significant fall in demand, almost affecting all product and market categories," he said. The interruption of production in the factories ofEurope will begin on March 28, 2020.


The president of Huawei donates to Spain a million masks.The president and founder of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, has donated to Spain a million masks to make them available to Spanish authorities for use in the fight against the expansion of COVID-19 in our country.As company sources have explained to Europa Press, this endowment was reserved for the personnel and relatives of Huawei employees in China but the improvement in the conditions in their country and the severity of the condition currently in Spain has made it considered moreappropriate more to donate to our country.The shipment will arrive this Saturday early in the morning on the commercial flight of Air China that joins Beijing and Madrid every day.


The first flight chartered by the Iberia company to get the Spaniards who could not leave this country from the Crown Crishes took off this Friday with 196 passengers on board.The flight left at 11.20 local time (15.20 GMT) from the Américas International Airport, in Santo Domingo, and is destined for Madrid.This is the first plane to Madrid that leaves the Dominican capital with mediation of the Spanish authorities since last week the Caribbean country restricted the air connections with Europe, China and South Korea.


Portuguese airports will install infrared cameras to measure the body temperature of passengers and detect possible cases of coronavirus, the Ana airport manager report today.In a statement, Ana reported that these teams have already been installed at the Lisbon airport and in the next few days they will arrive in those of Porto (north of the country), Faro (South), the archipelago of Madeira and Ponta Delgada (Azores Islands).In this way, the circulation of passengers will not be disturbed so much and there will be greater fluidity


The French health authorities warned Friday that the loss of smell can be one of the symptoms that manifest in case of infection with the Coronavirus and recommended that citizens consult with their doctor by phone if that happens to them.The general director of Health, Jérôme Salomon, pointed out that the Professional Council of Otolaryngologists has warned them of an increase in cases of anosmia (total loss of smell) without nasal obstruction."It seems, according to the first results we have, that these are unreitious ways of infection by the coronavirus, especially among young people," said Salomon, who insisted on the need to be consulted by phone with a doctor or an OtterKnow if specific treatment is necessary.


The balance of the Coronavirus pandemic in France has promoted 450 dead and 12,612 infected after 78 people died during the last 24 hours, as reported on Friday, the general director of Health, Jérome Salomon.Among the confirmed cases, 5,226 are currently hospitalized, 1,279 of them in intensive care.According to information from the local newspaper 'Le Figaro', 35 percent of the hospitalized are over 65, while 87 percent of the deceased were over 70. According to Salomon, which has indicated that more than 1,500 people have receivedThe discharge, the loss of smell could appear among the symptoms of COVID-19, as well as dry cough, difficulty breathing and fever.


The Community of Madrid is reinforcing Madrid's public hospitals before the increase in those admitted by the expansion of the coronavirus in the region, which already registers 7,165 infected and 628 dead.The Severo Ochoa de Leganés Hospital has seen its care pressure increased in the day of this Friday, in which more than 200 patients accumulate in the urgency, almost triple their capacity, as the Association of Doctors Amyts and the union have denouncedDC.Oo.


The players and the technical body of Rome donate their one -day salary.As Roma announced this Friday that it will buy three fans and eight new intensive care beds for a Roman hospital that addresses the Covid-19 crisis, after the players and the coaching staff have donated their one-day salary to the campaignof collection that maintains the club.of 500,000 euros, "the text continued.


La Policía Local de Zaragoza impide la entrada de más caravanas en el camping. Este viernes ha entrado en vigor una Orden Ministerial que decreta el cierre de los establecimientos turísticos, pero permite la estancia en los campings de los usuarios de larga duración. El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza así lo ha comunicado por la mañana a la empresa concesionaria del camping para que procediese a cumplir con la misma. El Consitorio ha tenido conocimiento a primera hora de la tarde de lo que estaba sucediendo con la entrada de nuevos usuarios en tránsito (caravanas). Inmediatamente la institución se ha puesto en contacto de nuevo con el camping, cuyos responsables han comunicado que la Dirección General de Turismo les había autorizado unilateralmente la entrada de usuarios en tránsito. De inmediato, el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza ha contactado con Delegación de Gobierno para comunicar los hechos, quien ha decidido que la Policía Local de Zaragoza no dejase entrar ningún vehículo más al interior de las instalaciones para cumplir así con lo dispuesto en la Orden Ministerial. La propia Delegación de Gobierno ha decidido también que no se va a desalojar a los que han entrado en el día de hoy. Podrán quedarse allí durante 6 días máximo como establece la normativa, pero en estado de confinamiento como el resto de la ciudadanía. Respecto a los motivos por los que la Dirección General de Turismo ha hecho lo que ha hecho, les corresponde a ellos dar las explicaciones que consideren oportunas. >> LEER MÁS


La OMS, a los jóvenes: "No sois invencibles, este virus puede llevaros al hospital o incluso mataros". El director general de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, anunció que los casos de covid19 son ya más de 210.000 en todo el mundo y las muertes superaron la barrera de los 9.000. >> LEER MÁS


La página web de la Comunidad de Madrid que autodiagnóstica el virus y localiza al usuario realiza 100.000 evaluaciones. No se guarda la localización más que para el envío de las auto-evaluaciones, garantizar la calidad de los datos y para su análisis epidemiológico, tampoco se hace "traqueo" y el uso previsto "no es para la cuarentena". >> LEER MÁS


Los agricultores ofrecen su maquinaria para ayudar en la desinfección de las vías públicas. El Gobierno elabora un protocolo para que estas acciones se realicen de forma coordinada y a través de las cooperativas. En la imagen, un tractor en Berbegal. >> LEER MÁS


The City of Huesca has decided to maintain exclusively line C3 of the Urban Transportation Service on the occasion of the alarm state decreed by the central government as a result of the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus.This decision will come into force from next Monday, March 23.Line C3 will work every day from 8.00 to 22.00 with a half hour frequency and two stops will be suppressed: East and Cemetery Shopping Center.With this urban bus line, citizens will be served to the San Jorge Hospital and even different commercial surfaces.In the case of weekends, it has been decided to maintain the service for the displacements needed by the health personnel of the San Jorge Hospital.Lines C1 and C2 will be suppressed from next Monday during the alarm state.


Italy now closes the parks and prohibits displacements to the second houses.Italy has hardened the measures already adopted to contain the coronavirus in the country and has arranged the closure of all public parks and gardens, as well as the displacements on weekends to the second houses.These measures arrive on the worst day in Italy since a month ago the first infected with 627 deaths in the last 24 hours, which elevate 4,032 deaths were detected.In the ordinance of the Ministry of Health, the public prohibition to parks, villas, and play areas and public gardens throughout the country, among other measures, is established.


El alcalde de Almudévar, Antonio Labarta, se encuentra hospitalizado y en observación después de que su padre, que vive también en la misma localidad, diera positivo el jueves en el test de coronavirus e ingresara en el hospital San Jorge de Huesca. El propio Labarta tiene algunos síntomas aunque su estado de salud es bueno, según ha informado el Ayuntamiento a través de un comunicado. Deberá estar en cuarentena por lo que durante el período de baja ha delegado sus funciones en el teniente de alcalde, José Luis Abad. >> LEER MÁS


Tribute to toilets on balconies with cheers and applause.As every night at 20.00, since the isolation measures began by the Spaniards because of the alarm decreed by the Government, citizens from all over the country go to balconies and windows to applaud health professionals, who are leaving their lives.


Farmers from several villages of the Monegros have joined the daily struggle against the coronavirus.In Alcubierre, José Manuel Cajal has sprayed this Friday 2,500 liters of disinfectant for the variant surrounding the town and the urban area.In his task, he has been accompanied by a municipal worker.


Huesca Televisión retransmite en directo este domingo la misa desde la Catedral de Huesca. Huesca Televisión retransmite en directo este domingo a las 11 de la mañana desde la Catedral de Huesca la eucaristía presidida por el obispo de la Diócesis, Julián Ruiz Martorell. Los altoaragoneses podrán seguir la misa y contemplar la imagen del Santo Cristo de los Milagros situado en el altar mayor en este momento tan especial.>> LEER MÁS


The Minister of Economy of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, announced Friday that the Government will pay 80 % of the salary of workers who run the risk of being fired by the Coronavirus epidemic.The plan will cover salaries up to a total of 2,500 pounds per month (2,700 euros) and allow employeesHe has assured that "there is no available financing limit" for that plan: "We will pay to support as many jobs as necessary," he stressed.


La Guardia Civil ha recibido este jueves por parte de una empresa de Huesca unos 1.200 kilos de filamento de polímero, material necesario para realizar la carcasa de las máscaras que se utilizan por los sanitarios para cubrirse los ojos. Esta iniciativa se ha llevado a cabo gracias a un grupo de particulares y la inquietud de un aficionado a la impresión en 3D, los cuales han decidido unificar esfuerzos para imprimir en sus domicilios carcasas para las máscaras. >> LEER MÁS


REPORTAJE I Una oscense en Florencia: "Al principio parecía todo de película, pero ahora ya empiezo a tener miedo". Ana Bescós y su familia llevan ya 11 días confinados en su casa y lanzan un consejo a sus familiares y amigos españoles: "La única forma de ayudarnos es estando alejados unos de otros". >> LEER MÁS


REPORTAJE I 'Sálvame' se salva estos días. El programa de las tardes de Telecinco, que este jueves cumplió once años en emisión, bate récords de audiencia como referencia didáctica y empática en los primeros compases del confinamiento. >> LEER MÁS


The Fraga City Council announces that it will return, compensate or suspend public fees and prices of the services canceled as sports activities, children's school, music institute or market.


Contesta el ministro del Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska: "​Se han abierto 31.000 denuncias, por haber transitado por la vía sin justificación, incumpliendo la norma de confinamiento y poniendo en riesgo del conjunto de la ciudadanía. Que todo el mundo piense primero en los que ya han fallecido y todo el personal sanitario que se está jugando la vida. Antes de mantener una conducta insolidaria y pensar en uno, que piensen en todos".


The Minister of Justice answers, Juan Carlos Campo: "No court in the country is going to be closed."


Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska: "We have a contagion of 157 troops between Police and Civil Guard. It is an index of contagion slightly higher than the rest of society because they carry out an important risk work."


The Minister of Justice answers, Juan Carlos Campo: "The shared custody agreements must continue to be fulfilled. The return to the usual docimil is included. There is no regulations that prevents the meeting point."


Live the Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska: "In a vehicle a person has to circulate; if a dependent has to go, the situation is uncomfortable, but the goal is to limit the spread of the virus."


Carlos Falcó, Marqués de Griñón, ha muerto este viernes a los 83 años en el hospital madrileño Fundación Jiménez Díaz, donde estaba ingresado por coronavirus, según ha informado 'ABC'. El padre de Tamara Falcó estaba ingresado la Fundación Jiménez Díaz de Madrid tras haber dado positivo por COVID19 y haber empeorado su estado de salud. >> LEER MÁS


Le toca ahora el turno al ministro de Justicia, Juan Carlos Campo: "Se poner al servicio de la Sanidad 756 médicos forentes que operan en el territorio nacional. Son todos. Además se suman 180 facultativos, 84 técnicos especialistas de laboratorio y 83 ayudantes de laboratorio". >> LEER MÁS


The Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska appears live: “Everyone who goes outside has to be for an essential, specific cause: for reasons of work, health care, urgency, accompanying dependent and accredited causes ... theLet it leave can be interrogated by the agents of the authority. "


It is now the turn of the Minister of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo: "Essential services are considered: face -to -face judicial process, urgent treatment to non -voluntary internment, courts of violence, expedition licenses, births, and marriages, detainees of detainees, bodies of corpses, celebration of urgent judgments. processes that are urgent and preferred. "


The Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska appears live: "In the field of penance institutions, measures are being taken to ensure the safety of workers and public health of inmates."


The Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska appears live: “Measures have been implemented to follow up on the set of machismo victims in all grades and are affected by the situation we live.The State Coordination Committee has also been constituted with the communities in Civil Protection. "


The Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska appears live: “The circulation movement has decreased more than 65%.But there are also citizens who are not supportive;Security forces and bodies have maintained a pedagogical attitude.But today there are more than 30,000 complaints and arrested 315 people. "


Comparece en directo el ministro del Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska. “Quiero agradecer a fuerzas y cuerpos de Seguridad del estado, a los servicios médicos, y a pedro, un guardia civil fallecido por el coronavirus. Trasladar agradecimiento a ciudadanos porque están mostrando una conducta solidaria. No podemos bajar la guardia, no flaquear en nuestra respuesta al coronavirus". >> DIRECTO


Miguel Poveda: "Si su empresa presenta un ERTE no tiene que hacer nada. Se pondrán en contacto con usted". El presidente de la Asociación Empresarial de Asesores Laborales de Aragón (AEAL) responde a los lectores de HERALDO las dudas laborales que le han planteado sobre el Covid-19. >> LEER MÁS


La Guardia Civil destaca que los delitos bajan a la mitad, pero alerta sobre el cibercrimen. Suben las comunicaciones y el consumo de internet, lo que puede dar lugar a que la ciudadanía caiga en engaños con ofertas sobre la crisis del coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


The Permanent Commission of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) recalled Friday that the registrations of births in the Civil Registry is one of the actions that have not been suspended by the statement of the alarm state, last Saturday, March 14, by the pandemic of the Coronavirus.Therefore, it has agreed that all those procedures that are within the peremptority will continue to be practiced.This agreement has been adopted to respond to the consultation elevated by the President of the Superior Court of Justice of the Region of Murcia in relation to this judicial action.


El primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, ha ordenado el cierre de bares, restaurantes, teatros, gimnasios y otros centros de ocio a partir de hoy viernes en el Reino Unido para tratar de frenar el avance de la epidemia de coronavirus. El jefe de Gobierno conservador afirmó que "cada mes" a partir de ahora se analizará la situación para determinar "si se pueden relajar algunas de las medidas" que se están adoptando. >> LEER MÁS


The IBEX 35 has ended the week with a decrease of 2.81%, which has led the selective to stand at 6,443.3 integers. Specifically this Friday, the index has ended up in 'Green', with an increase of 0.74%. However, since the expansion of the Coronavirus Covid-19 began in Spain, just two weeks ago, Ibex 35 has lost more than 16% of its value. This behavior occurs despite the measures taken by the authorities, both by the Government and by the central banks and other authorities of the financial field. This Friday, the greatest promotions were presented by Aena, which was revalued by 19.66%, and ACS, which bouncing 16.84%. They have also highlighted Arceormittal (+14.78%) and Colonial (+13.62%) increases. On the opposite side Bankia has been placed, which has collapsed 12.59%. Just behind Indra (-6.5%), MasMóvil (-6.15%), Telefónica (-5.62%), CaixaBank (-5.47%), Amadeus (-5.28%) have been placed. and Merlin Properties (-4.94%).


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced today that Covid-19 cases are already more than 210,000 worldwide and deaths exceeded the 9,000 barrier, and launched a warning message to young people, noting thatThe coronavirus can also be dangerous for them."You are not invincible, this virus can take you to the hospital or even kill you," the WHO general director Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference, addressing the younger generations, given the impression that many think the coronavirus onlyIt affects elderly people."One of the things we have learned is that although the elderly are the most beaten by the disease, young people are not exempt and there is a significant part of people with less than 50 years who need to be hospitalized," warned the Ethiopian doctor.


UPTA Aragón insiste en la necesidad de un cheque para los autónomos. Una ayuda directa y un cheque ligado al IRPF para los autónomos. Esa es la principal demanda de UPTA Aragón en relación a los trabajadores por cuenta propia. Este viernes en una rueda de prensa celebrada de forma telemática, su secretario general, Álvaro Bajén, ha vuelto a hacer hincapié en esta cuestión. >> LEER MÁS


They cease the Chief of Nursing of Infanta Elena de Huelva for shift changes in full crisis. The Nursing Director of the Infanta Elena Hospital has been ceased in full controversy for the change of shifts made in a "unilateral" manner by the manager of the hospital, Paloma Hergueta -The president of the Association 'Huelva for a dignified health He has set seven -hour shifts instead of twelve, as the Personnel Board claims: all this occurs at the current moment of health crisis generated by the Coronavirus. By its part, the Personnel Board has requested the cessation of the Management Directorate of the center to insist on his decision to modify the work shift of health professionals, "although all professionals and intermediate positions want to keep their 12 -hour shift." Specifically, in a statement, the Nursing Technicians Union, as a member of the Personnel Board of the Infanta Elena Hospital, has made this demand publicly.


Canada will reject asylum seekers from the US.The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, said in a press conference that Canada and the USA today signed an "unprecedented" agreement that will prevent asylum plaintiffs from remaining in Canadian territory as the norm was so far."From now on we will send the US back to the irregular migrants who try to cross the border," said Trudeau, who explained that the controversial measure is "temporary and that the people who reach the border irregularly will be deliveredto the US authorities. "


Última hora sobre el coronavirus, en directo

Empresas de Teruel donan material sanitario para afrontar la crisis del coronavirus. La escasez de algunos materiales para la atención sanitaria provocada por le epidemia de coronavirus ha estimulado en Teruel la solidaridad vecinal y también de algunas empresas, que aportan sus reservas de batas, mascarillas y calzas para uso sanitario. La fábrica de Piensos Sol y la distribuidora Ferrando, ambas de la capital turolenses, han realizado donaciones. >> LEER MÁS


Muere un segundo guardia civil por coronavirus. La Asociación Española de Guardias Civiles ha comunicado este viernes el fallecimiento de un agente destinado a la prisión de Herrera de la Mancha, en Manzanares (Ciudad Real), por lo que se trataría del segundo agente muerto por coronavirus en España, tras el de ayer en Valdemoro (Madrid). En el comunicado de la AEGC se precisa que el fallecido es Francisco Javier C.G., que fue delegado de esta asociación en la provincia de Ciudad Real, y ha indicado que desde hace varios días se encontraba en cuarentena "con todos los síntomas del coronavirus". Además, otras fuentes han informado de que el fallecido tenía 38 años y era padre de un niño de 10 años. >> LEER MÁS


More than 4,000 fatalities in Italy.The deaths in Italy with the Coronavirus are already 4,032, when registered 627 only in the last 24 hours. The positive cases grew by 4,670 and there are already 37,860, while from the beginning of the crisis the total number of patients a month ago in ItalyIt is 47,021, of which 5,129 have been discharged, according to the data offered by Civil Protection.Most of the new deaths, 381, have taken place in Lombardy, the most affected region, which already has 2,549 case,


The Teruel City Council launches the 'creativity at home' contest to stimulate artistic production from homes taking advantage of the mobility limitations imposed by the alarm derived from the coronavirus.The contestants must send a video between one and four minutes through WhatsApp at 676258544. In less than 24 hours the audiovisual will be hung on the social networks of the Marín Theater and the work that receives the most 'likes' between the 21st ofMarch and April 14 will be the winner.


Movistar+ bats consumption records with the crisis of the coronavirus.The confinement of the population and the state of alarm decreed by the government have led Movistar+ to get an audience record: last weekend consumption grew 47% compared to the previous one, according to a statement released Friday.The percentage refers to March 14 and 15.Each of those days users as a whole spent more than 42 million hours on the platform, compared to the more than 30 billion hours of the previous weekend.As for the number of spectators, the annual maximum was reached, with a daily 8% growth.


Los cooperantes sanitarios de un programa del Servet regresan de Malaui. Tres pediatras residentes y otros tres enfermeras del hospital Miguel Servet regresaron este jueves de Malaui, donde participaban en un programa de cooperación. "El coronavirus ha truncado el trabajo de nuestros equipos y hemos tenido que repatriarlos dada la inseguridad que se está generando en todo el mundo", explicó la doctora Carmen Ferrer que dirige del programa. >> LEER MÁS


REPORTAJE I El superpoder del ozono llega desde Villanueva. Una empresa local y el alcalde de la vecina Paniza unen fuerzas para desinfectar las calles; varias localidades de la comarca están interesadas en solicitar el servicio. >> LEER MÁS


Bruselas congela las reglas fiscales para que los gobiernos puedan aumentar el gasto contra el coronavirus. La Comisión Europea ha suspendido este viernes la aplicación del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento, el conjunto de normas fiscales comunitarias, abriendo así la puerta a que los gobiernos nacionales puedan elevar su gasto público todo lo necesario para combatir la propagación del coronavirus y mitigar sus consecuencias económicas. Lo ha anunciado la jefa del Ejecutivo comunitario, Ursula von der Leyen, en un nuevo vídeo compartido a través de las redes sociales. "Hoy, esto es nuevo y nunca se ha hecho antes, activamos la cláusula de escape general del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento", ha expresado. "Significa que los gobiernos nacionales pueden invertir en su economía lo que necesiten. Estamos relajando las normas presupuestarias para que puedan hacerlo", ha explicado. >> LEER MÁS


La Delegación del Gobierno en Aragón aclara que no está permitido ir al huerto ni de paseo. La Delegación del Gobierno en Aragón ha remitido un comunicado para aclarar información sobre la aplicación del Real Decreto de estado de alarma, cuyo objetivo que frenar la pandemia de coronavirus que ha provocado la actual emergencia sanitaria. En el comunicado se afirma que no están permitidas las salidas a segundas residencias, al huerto ni los paseos. Además, apunta que las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad incrementan estos días su presencia en calles, vías y carreteras para evitar desplazamientos no permitidos. >> LEER MÁS


Iberia will operate flights with Buenos Aires, Lima and Quito to repatriate Spaniards this weekend.Iberia will operate this Saturday, March 21, three flights to Buenos Aires, Lima and Quito, which on Sunday will go back to Madrid, to repatriate hundreds of Spanish citizens affected by the restrictions to fly established in Argentina, Peru and Ecuador.As reported on Friday, the company, which has organized the repatriation in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, the passenger listings are organizing with the embassies and consulates of Spain in these countries.Additionally, in recent days Iberia has scheduled another repatriation flight from Tokyo and another from Senegal with a plane with capacity for 288 passengers.The airline operated yesterday a journey between Madrid and Santo Domingo, which flies this afternoon from the Dominican Republic to Spain.


The state of New York decreed Friday that all non -essential services employees must stop going to their positions and work from their homes in order to reduce the rhythm of infections of the coronavirus."Only essential businesses will work. People can work from home (...), but only essential businesin pause "and that will come into force on Sunday night.As he said, there will be fines and binding closures for the companies that do not comply."These measures will be applied. They are not recommendations," he insisted.Among the essential services that are excluded are, among others, supermarkets and pharmacies, he said.


Amazon ya no entregará la compra en mano ni llamará al timbre para avisar. Los paquetes se dejarán en la puerta. En Estados Unidos, esta nueva medida para evitar contagios por parte de la compañía ha provocado numerosos robos de productos. >> LEER MÁS


Ibercaja will anticipate the payment of its clients' pensions on the 25th.Ibercaja customers with domiciled Social Security pension will receive in their accounts the corresponding income of their pension of March next Wednesday, the 25th, as reported in a statement.The Aragonese entity anticipates, without any cost, the payment of these benefits in order to contribute to mitigate the impact that its clients are having as a result of the health crisis of COVID-19.This measure will remain until this difficult situation has been overcome.


Andalusia adds 33 killed by Coronavirus after registering throughout this Friday the first two fatal victims in the province of Córdoba, in the municipalities of Belmez and Montemayor, and the first in the province of Cádiz, a patient admitted to the Punta Europe hospitalof Algeciras.These three deceased did not appear in the official balance released by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía on the morning of this Friday, which encrypted in 30 the deceased, in 1,287 the positive cases and in 72 theCuronavirus patients in Andalusia.


Jesús Celada, General Director of Disability: "We have managed to approve an instruction in health that makes it clear that families with children with disabilities can go out for therapeutic walks."


The Barbastro City Council has hung a banner from its balcony to ask citizens to stay at home.


HISTORIAS DE LA PANDEMIA I "Siempre he vivido solo, pero es ahora cuando me siento solo". A los que viven en solitario por elección, la cuarentena les ha dejado sin su intensa vida social y una independencia que valoran particularmente. La soledad buscada tiene muchas ventajas, pero estos días, también, algunos inconvenientes. >> LEER MÁS


The Vatican states that Holy Week processions are postponed until mid -September. The congregation for the divine cult and discipline of the Vatican's sacraments has issued a statement aimed at bishops in which it suggests that Holy Week processions are postponed until mid -September as a measure of prevention before the emergence of the coronavirus. "The expressions of Popular Piedad and the processions that enrich the days of Holy Week and the Pascual Triduum, in the opinion of the diocesan bishop may be transferred to other convenient days, for example, on September 14 and 15," it is indicated in the Document that has been published in the official Twitter account of Cardinal African, Robert Sarah, who presides over this Vatican agency. The text includes guidelines and indications that must be ultimately valued by the diocesan bishop to perform the acts and cults of the Lord's passion after summer after the suspension of these by the world health crisis.


The government of the US president, Donald Trump, announced an agreement with Mexico on Friday to "the suspension of non -essential traffic" of the southern border to stop the expansion of the Pandemia of the Coronavirus.In a press conference at the White House, the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said that both governments have agreed to restricted "non -essential traffic", which will be exempt from trade, in a pact similar to that reached with Canada this week this week.


The common ones ask Torra not to start battle between governments and territories.The deputy of Catalonia in Comú Podem David Cid has asked the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, not to convert the health crisis for the coronavirus "into a battle between governments, parties and territories", since "it is not time forThe confrontation: we must add and cooperate. "In a video broadcast through his profile on Twitter, the deputy of the Commons in the Parliament David Cid claims to be concerned about the possibility "of starting a partisan and reproaches battle" in the middle of the crisis by the Coronavirus. In referenceTo a statements from Torra to the BBC in which he accused the Spanish government of not wantingconfronting, it is not time for political confrontation. "


Teatro 'online' para sobrellevar el aislamiento por coronavirus. El Teatro de Robres también quiere sumar en esta difícil situación creada por la creciente crisis del coronavirus y para ello, ha creado un canal de Youtube en el que ha colgado las grabaciones de algunas de sus representaciones más destacadas. De momento, se pueden visionar tres obras: 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba', 'Yerma' y 'El Florido Pensil'. >> LEER MÁS


Leciñena suena en los balcones de Zaragoza gracias a un gaitero del pueblo. César Marcén ha conseguido "recuperar" la fiesta en la ciudad. Toca la gaita desde hace 25 años, y el pasado miércoles se sumó a una iniciativa de la Asociación de Gaiteros de Aragón, que propuso a todos ellos salir a las 19.00 a sus balcones y compartir su arte. Hoy volverá a tocar por su cuenta. >> LEER MÁS


Carinsertas, Cáritas Diocesana in Huesca's insertion, has temporarily suspended the collection of clothing and footwear in its 80 containers distributed throughout the capital and by the regions of Los Monegros, La Hoya and the Jacetania to ensure customer safety, workersand collaborators since they consider that it is not a matter of first necessity.Meanwhile, from the entity, which works for the socio-labor insertion of people at risk or social exclusion and caring for the planet, they ask not to throw anything and keep donations at home.


Press conference of the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez."The data of the people who are dying in residences do not reach our department. You have to inform each community. All institutions are concerned about the distribution of individual protective equipment. Social services are very important and users have everythingThe right to receive them. "


Press conference of the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez."The Ministry of Health is working on a rapid medicalization of the residences of elders. We must build a social shield for all the families of this country."


Press conference of the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez, together with the general directors of the Imserso;Childhood;Family diversity and social services;and disability: "There is a fund of 25 million euros so that the dining scholarship service must continue. We must ensure that the nutritional quality of the services that are given is correct."


La DGT refuerza los controles para evitar salidas al Pirineo, la costa y los pueblos el fin de semana. Tráfico quiere evitar desplazamientos hacia segundas residencias, que están prohibidos por el coronavirus. La A-23 y la AP-2 serán algunas de las carreteras en las que se refuerce desde hoy la vigilancia. >> LEER MÁS


Motivos para la esperanza: seis noticias positivas que deja el coronavirus. El cierre de hospitales destinados a frenar la pandemia, la reapertura de comerios o la recuperación de una mujer de 103 años constituyen un rayo de luz entre tanta oscuridad. >> LEER MÁS


The workers affected by ERTE shoot until 152,230 in Catalonia.The workers affected by Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTES) have shot this Friday until 152,230 in Catalonia, almost 120,000 more in just one day, with a total of 8,640 files presented by the crisis of the Coronavirus, about 8,000 more respectto Thursday.The presentation of ERTES has been increasing exponentially with the days: last Friday some 17 companies had registered files in Catalonia, with 203 affected workers, and on Monday there were already 70, with 3,819 affected workers.


Vincci Hotels Dona Sanitary Material to support the fight against COVID-19.The hotel chain wanted to contribute its small grain of sand in the work they are developing hundreds of professionals who have been fighting for this unprecedented health crisis for weeks.All their establishments have donated to health centers and security forces all the material they had to be useful for the containment of COVID-19.


Grupo Schréder announced this Friday that it will temporarily suspend the production of four of its European factories to mitigate the propagation of the Coronavirus Covid-19 among the population of the cities.The company specialized in intelligent solutions in outdoor lighting has explained that the affected factories will be those of France, Hungary and Portugal, as well as that of Spain, located in the province of Guadalajara, which will remain closed until April 5.


UEFA postpon several living room events until new order.The health crisis derived from Coronavirus has forced UEFA to postpone the seven qualifying qualifiers for the Eurocup of 2022 and both for the World Cup of the same year.With regard to the first competition, whose postponed duels should be played between June and mid -December, there will also be a modification in the draw of the classification groups phase when this one from May 14 to July 7.As for clashes on the way to the World Cup, the desire is that they take place between June and mid -August.Likewise, between June and September, the minitorneos of the preliminary phase of the 2021 female Eurocup are also expected to be played.


Malestar entre los funcionarios de Justicia de Aragón por los servicios mínimos. El estado de alerta decretado por la pandemia del coronavirus está poniendo a prueba a todos los sectores de la administración y la Justicia no es ajena. Algunos funcionarios han cuestionado los servicios esenciales planteados, creen que son "desproporcionados" y que se está arriesgando "innecesariamente" la vida del personal. >> LEER MÁS


La Guardia Civil investiga a un vecino de Alcañiz por vender 7 mascarillas en Wallapop. Aprovecharse de una situación de crisis sanitaria como la actual para hacer negocio no solo es éticamente reprochable, sino que también puede tener consecuencias legales en forma de sanción. Y eso es lo que puede ocurrirle al vecino de Alcañiz al que este jueves le requisaron siete mascarillas que trataba de subastar a través de Wallapop, una popular plataforma de ventas entre particulares. >> LEER MÁS


El hospital Obispo Polanco de Teruel está habilitando una segunda unidad de cuidados intensivos (uci) en el espacio utilizado hasta ahora para cirugía mayor ambulatoria. La uci actual, con seis camas, está ocupada por dos pacientes con coronavirus y otros cuatro con patologías que nada tienen que ver con la pandemia vírica. >> LEER MÁS


El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza retrasa a julio el 50% del cobro del IBI. El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza cobrará ahora la mitad del importe del Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles (IBI) y el 15 de julio el otro 50% con el fin de ayudar económicamente "a todos los zaragozanos", lo que supondrá que el consistorio deje de percibir en este momento 40 millones de euros que quedarán "en los bolsillos" de la ciudadanía. >> LEER MÁS


Primer rescate de un militar español con coronavirus en Yibuti a bordo de un avión de la base de Zaragoza. Un avión Airbus A400M del Ala 31 de la Base de Zaragoza, que estaba preparado con lamedicalización de la Unidad Médica de Aeroevacuación (UMAER), ha llevado a cabo la noche del jueves la primera evacuación de un militar español infectado por coronavirus desde Yibuti, en el cuerno de África, cerca de Oriente Medio, hasta España. >> LEER MÁS


Ander Herrera, en su cuarentena de París. Ander Herrera, exfutbolista del Real Zaragoza ahora en el PSG francés, vive estos días de confinamiento acompañado de su familia en su casa de París. Con dos niñas pequeñas dentro del hogar, le sobra tiempo para estar entretenido, tal y como se observa en un vídeo que el centrocampista formado en la Ciudad Deportiva ha subido en su cuenta de Twitter. >> LEER MÁS


El COI ya estudia "diferentes escenarios" para los Juegos.El presidente del máximo organismo olímpico considera "prematuro" posponer ahora Tokio 2020, "porque nadie puede decir cuáles serán los acontecimientos dentro de cuatro meses". >> LEER MÁS


The Benasque City Council is studying measures to alleviate, as far as possible, the economic and social circumstances that the crisis of the Coronavirus will leave.The first that has adopted will benefit all those hotel and restoration establishments that have terrace or public candle since it will apply a 100% reduction in the rate based on the liquidation data of last year 2019 (with respect to the number of tablesand meters of occupation).


Christian Lapetra: “Si la situación lo requiere, habrá partidos a puerta cerrada”. El presidente del Real Zaragoza aborda los puntos cardinales de la actual situación del club y no cierra la posibilidad a un ERTE entre la plantilla no deportiva: "Tendremos que estudiar bien la repercusión que tiene esta situación sobre las finanzas del club”. >> LEER MÁS


Los médicos decidirán el ingreso en UCI según la esperanza de vida y el valor social de los pacientes. Mientras dure la pandemia los criterios de los médicos intensivistas para decidir el ingreso en UCI serán una expectativa de vida inferior a 1-2 años, la edad "biológica" o el "valor social" del paciente. >> LEER MÁS


The number of cases confirmed in Germany Razof disease control in the country. In total, in the country 13,957 cases have been counted, after joining another 2,958 more.The most affected regions are Renania of the North Westfalia, in the west, with 3,497 cases (464 more), followed by Baden-Wuertborgg (South), with 2,746 (591 more) and Bavaria (South), with 2,401 (709 more).As for the number of deaths, the Robert Koch Institute has 31 dead, eleven more with respect to the balance of Thursday when the deceased came exclusively from the three most affected regions: 12 in Bavaria, 10 in Baden Wuertbor.


Formula one will carry out a virtual competition using the official video game of the competition, which will take place on the days in which the great awards that have suspended for the Pandemia of the Coronavirus were planned. The championship, called 'F1 ESports Virtual Grand Prix Series', will begin this Sunday 22 with the dispute through the Baréin Grand Prix video game, scheduled for this weekend until the expansion of COVID-19 forced its postponement.


La Dirección General de Trabajo del Gobierno de Aragón está tramitando ya un total de 264 expedientes temporales de regulación de empleo (ERTE), que afectan a 3.307 trabajadores, según ha informado este viernes el departamento de Economía de la DGA. De esos expedientes, 198 corresponden a la provincia de Zaragoza (con 2.951 empleados de empresas afectados), 60 a la de Huesca (273 afectados) y seis en Teruel (83 afectados). >> LEER MÁS


Located in the town of Binéfar (Huesca), Portavet donated last Wednesday, March 19, the amount of 6,750 sterile gloves to the town's health center, to help in the fight against the coronavirus.Portavet is a distribution company of zoosanitary and nutritional products for the veterinary sector, both for production animals and for pets.


El Ayuntamiento de Cantavieja ha anunciado que, hasta que finalice el estado de alarma, pospone el cobro de los impuestos municipales. Una vez pase este periodo se facilitará a los trabajadores, autónomos y empresas el fraccionamiento de los recibos pendientes de pago. De este modo el consistorio quiere contribuir, en la medida de sus posibilidades, a hacer más viable la actividad económica durante este episodio. Así lo ha anunciado el alcalde, Ricardo Altabas, en un bando publicado por el consistorio. >> LEER MÁS


The Biescas City Council is taking all necessary measures to avoid contagios and to stop the progress of the coronavirus.The Municipal Brigade is carrying out disinfection of streets and urban furniture, as well as entries to the establishments that remain open.In this town there are already 6 confirmed cases


The Civil Protection Volunteer Group of the Zaragoza City Council is collaborating with the Emergency Coordination Center of 112 in the distribution of health material of diverse type.In different shifts of four people every day, currently up to 27 members of the group are participating in this action, helping to expedite the arrival of such material to the necessary places.


A post delivery hand in La Pobla de Caramunt (Barcelona), 51, has died for Coronavirus, CGT of Catalunya reported in a statement this Friday.She was an eventual worker, who distributed in La Pobla de Claramunt and performed customer service in the municipality's post office, which precisely depends on the Igualada, a city that has been confined since March 12.


Los usuarios de la residencia Monegros de Grañén, que fue una de las primeras en restringir las visitas, han elabora un vídeo, con el ánimo de mostrar que se encuentran bien y animados, agradecer la labor de los sanitarios y concienzar a la población de la necesidad de quedarte en casa. >> VER VÍDEO


Red Cross in the Somontano is attending throughout this week to the elderly in a situation of asylum and reduced mobility that cannot access essential products, medications ... bringing them closer to their homes with the necessary protection measures, as well as according to the vulnerable population with the food cast.


The cleaning services of the Jaca City Council are intensifying the cleaning and disinfection of containers and other garbage collection elements that are distributed throughout the city.Ghusa operators, protected with insulating divers, are dedicated to applying disinfectant and cleaning products through appropriate hoses and other specialized tools.


Casado: "El aumento de los contagiados coincide con el pico de las concentraciones multitudinarias". El líder del PP, Pablo Casado, ha reclamado "eficacia" y garantizar medios materiales a las autonomías y a los hospitales porque, según ha recalcado, la situación del personal sanitario es "desesperada". Además, ha solicitado más respiradores y "tests masivos" para la población para detectar el coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza retrasa a julio el 50% del cobro del IBI. >> LEER MÁS


A service team of the Middle Cinca region has proceeded this morning to cleaning and disinfection in the most busy public use zones of Fonz and Cofita, as well as the containers.It is one of the preventive measures adopted by the City of Fonz and the Middle Cinca region.From the City of Fonz they maintain their commitment to strengthen this cleaning and disinfection as far as possible in the coming days. On the other hand, in the municipality a network of neighborhood solidarity has emerged to be able to bring food to the elders who came dailyof the town's day center, closed to the public before the alarm state caused by the expansion of the coronavirus.Groups of neighbors who cover several streets have been formed by carrying food already prepared by the staff of the day center. The cast is made at 13.00 and at 19.30.Those interested in joining this network can contact the City Council.


European stock markets reduced their profits compared to opening after noon and advanced between 1.5 % and 5 % due to the decrease in the rise of future Americans, according to market data. At 11.30 GMT, Paris rebounded 5, 1 %, while the Euro Stoxx 50 index, in which the most capitalized companies in the euro zone are quoted, revalued 4.18 %.Fráncfort earned 3.18 %after the expiration of futures in the stock marketGerman, while Madrid rose 3.26 %;London, 1.83 %;and Milan, 1.62 %.


The fees for the municipal teaching and sports services of the City of Binéfar - children's school, music school, folklore school, municipal sports arts and activities - will be prorated.The period will be taken into account that the service is not provided, discounting the days that are kept closed due to the alarm state decreed by the Government of Spain.


Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca is organizing a shift system to accompany the homeless people in the Isuela river pavilion during the days that this health crisis lasts.It would be present in this space from 9.00 to 18.00 (in turn) to ensure the leisure activities and daytime stay of the people hosted here.Those people, workers and volunteers can participate, who are not within the risk groups determined by the Ministry of Health.Volunteers can contact Cáritas through the mail or on the phone 974 223 179 from 9.00 to 14.00.


The Barbastro City Council has celebrated a Board of Spokespersons to analyze the situation in the town.Mayor Fernando Torres has reported the decrees adopted this week, the organization of the telework and face -to -face daily, of the donation of the 500 masks by a Chinese merchant, of the new location of 061 in the old Pedro I school, annex to the centerHealth, or the availability of several companies to clean the busiest areas, as well as all the measures that have been adopted in the residence of the orchards such as the prohibition of visits and the consultation by videoconference with the residents.


The Chinese Bazaz de Sariñena has donated protection and hygiene material to Civil Protection volunteers in Los Monegros, such as masks, gloves, cleaning and hydrogen percohol.Also elastic rubber so that the population can continue to make masks.In addition, the group is collaborating in its collection in several populations and in Sariñena, it contributes its vehicles to the disinfection of public spaces.


The Barbastro Hospital detects the first two cases of positive in Coronavirus.


The Secretary of Public Health of the Generalitat, Joan Guix, explained this Friday that the concentrated outbreak of Igualada (Barcelona) began in a meal of more than 80 people who "many were health professionals" of the hospital of Igualada.


The Spanish Stock Exchange kept at noon the profits of the start of the session with a rise of 4 % that allowed it to approach the level of the 6,700 points thanks to the advance of international markets and the recovery of the euro and oil, according to market data.The main indicator of the national market, the IBEX 35, earned at that time 260.5 points, 4.07 %, up to 6,656.3 points.


Aragon adds 79 new positive for Coronavirus and the number of confirmed cases reaches 360 cases, 17 of them dead after two new deaths were counted.The counselor Pilar Ventura says they are made up of the day in Aragon 300 test to detect the virus.


España supera la barrera de los mil muertos por coronavirus y los contagios rozan ya los 20.000. >> LEER MÁS


The Pope has requested prayers by the authorities whose extreme decisions before the pandemic are not often accepted by society before the Coronavirus pandemic."For them it is not easy to manage this moment, because many times not sonmidented their decisions, although they defend us in this crisis," said the pontiff.


The coronavirus outbreak recorded in the Santa Oliva elder residence of Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) has caused the death of five inmates and the entrance of ten at the Martorell hospital (Barcelona).In a statement, the municipality of the municipality has reported that, in total, seven residents of the town have died from the virus.


Ghusa and the cleaning services of the City of Huesca are carrying out disinfections from the city streets as a prevention measure to stop the expansion of the coronavirus.During this health crisis, in addition to the usual cleaning works that have also been reinforced, a special cleaning service composed of two targets and a sidewax machine has been created.In addition, three other work teams have been launched that are undertaking periodic special cleaning with a hydrolympiadora in the container islands, both in the underground and in those found on the surface.


Torra critica ante Europa la gestión del Gobierno sobre el coronavirus y recibe multitud de críticas: "No vale todo". El presidente catalán envió cartas a líderes europeos y criticó en la BBC que no se hayan cerrado puertos y aeropuertos para frenar la pandemia. >> LEER MÁS


The urban buses of the city of Teruel will be free for users who need to use them during the period of the alarm state for the crisis of the coronavirus.


The governor of the Bank of Spain, Pablo Hernández de Cos, has warned this Friday that "we face an unprecedented disturbance" in the economy, which will have an intensity still "uncertain" but in any case "remarkable." The consequences ofThe Coronavirus epidemic will imply a deterioration of economic activity that could be "very accused in the short term," he adds in statements distributed by the Bank of Spain.


Una mujer escupe a siete guardias civiles al ser arrestada en Cuarte y luego da positivo en coronavirus. Los agentes la detuvieron por agredir a su compañero sentimental. Al día siguiente comprobaron que estaba contagiada y alertaron al abogado que la había defendido, aunque a este no le quieren hacer la prueba. >> LEER MÁS


No se multará por ir al huerto o pasear con permiso médico, pero sí por ir a la casa de la playa. Guardia Civil y Policías unifican criterios para saber cuándo sancionar con hasta 1.000€ por desplazamientos no autorizados durante el estado de alarma. >> LEER MÁS


The Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, stressed that the pedagogical work that the security forces were making in the streets the "minority" that skipped the prohibitions of the alarm state has gained "another importance", in which"The coercion is" essential. "After ensuring that" citizens who are absolutely insolidaries "are" a real minorA sanction.


Ya es oficial. El Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) publica este viernes una instrucción del Ministerio de Sanidad que autoriza a las personas con discapacidad, con alteraciones conductuales y un diagnóstico de espectro autista y conductas disruptivas que pueden agravarse con el confinamiento, a salir a la calle acompañados durante el estado de alarma.La Confederación Autismo España había reclamado esta medida de forma excepcional.>> LEER MÁS


El Gobierno ha acordado este jueves el cierre de todos los hoteles y alojamientos turísticos similares en el plazo máximo de una semana como complemento a las medidas puestas en marcha para tratar de contener la expansión del nuevo coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


¿Por qué preocupan los datos de España respecto a los de Italia? España registra más muertos que Italia en el mismo día de la pandemia. La curva que mide la evolución de fallecidos desde el primer caso mortal muestra que nuestro país, en el día 17, alcanza los 767 fallecidos cuando Italia no había llegado a los 500. >> LEER MÁS


China returns to register another day without coronavirus infections nationwide.The Ministry of Health has confirmed this Friday that, for the second consecutive day, there has been no case of contagion by Coronavirus in the city of Wuhan, capital of the province of Hubei and epicenter of the pandemic, and nor any case of infection toLocal level. However, China has registered 39 cases of coronavirus exported from abroad, which raises the balance to 228 positive from other countries.


El impuesto de circulación, la factura del agua del primer trimestre o las tasas de uso de recintos deportivos de Sos del Rey Católico son algunos de los pagos que van a ser pospuestos o condonados con motivo de la crisis del coronavirus. Las autoridades municipales han acordado llevar a cabo una serie de medidas económicas con el objetivo de tratar de subsanar parte de los daños que la situación de emergencia está provocando. >> LEER MÁS


Una pizca de solidaridad y una máquina de coser porque tiempo hay de sobra. Son los únicos requisitos necesarios para poder colaborar con la campaña de confección de mascarillas que se está difundiendo a nivel nacional. El motivo es la escasez de este material protector tan necesario en la situación actual de crisis sanitaria. La comarca del Aranda se ha sumado al llamamiento e insta a sus vecinos a contribuir con la causa para poder ayudar así al personal sanitario y de servicios sociales que lidia a diario con el coronavirus. >> LEER MAS


Desde el lunes, operarios de la empresa caspolina Planas Martínez están recorriendo las calles de Caspe para pulverizar una sustancia desinfectante a base de lejía. Con esta operativa desinteresada la entidad, dedicada a la gestión de residuos, se vuelca ante la emergencia sanitaria provocada por el coronavirus. De esta manera, las calles de Caspe están siendo desinfectadas todos los días mediante la pulverización de un producto químico compuesto por una mezcla de lejía y 10.000 litros de agua. >> LEER MÁS


The United States activates the alert 4 and orders the "immediate" return of its citizens.A week after President Donald Trump vetoed the entry of flights from the European Union, and one day after the border with Canada, the State Department raised the alert to level 4 -the highest possible -With a disturbing order for all its citizens abroad: return "immediately" home, "unless they are willing to stay out for an indefinite period," says the statement the notice published on the federal government's website also orders notI travel abroad-"They should avoid all international trips," he says-and, at the same time, authorizes the return of all diplomatic personnel and their relatives deployed by the world who have determined to be at greater risk if they contract COVID-19.


The Hollywood Academy does not rule out changes in the Oscar for the Coronavirus.The Hollywood Academy announced Thursday that its priority right now is to help members of the film industry during the crisis by the Coronavirus, and also said that it does not rule out changes in the Oscar due to the effects of the pandemic."The Academy is focused on helping our workforce, our members and the industry to make their way to this global and economic health crisis," said an academy spokesman in a statement sent to EFE."We are in the process of evaluating all aspects of this uncertain panorama and what changes may have to be done. We are committed to being agile and foreseeing while we discuss what is best for the future of the industry and we will make more ads in the next few days.", he added.


The American actor Mickey Rourke is one of the foreigners who cannot leave Latvia, where he is shooting a film set in World War II, for the measures imposed in the country by the Coronavirus.Rourke, 67 and protagonist of films such as 'Nine and a half weeks' (1986) or 'El fighter' (2008), cannot leave the country, where he arrived with other film performers, 'Warhunt', the Americans alsoRobert Knepper and Jackson Rathbone, according to the Latvian '' portal.Rourke's film is directed by Mauro Borrelli and several of his scenes have had the lethal ethnographic museum outdoors in the town of Pakaini.


The UN warns that if the virus extends without control, it will kill millions of people.A leader in the coronavirus world chaos was needed and this Thursday the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, went up.In his first virtual press conference, he warned that we are living a global crisis "like no other in the 75 years of the history of the United Nations", an organization created following World War II.A crisis that cannot be stopped with the unilateral responses of each country, but with a global response. The virus does not respect borders.That Spain or Italy isolate its citizens will not stop it, if other countries do not take the same measures.That is the complexity of the crisis, not only in the medical response to the pandemic, but in which the global recession "of a record dimension" will require, which is coming to so much speed that "it is almost a certainty."


Bruselas pide a Nexflix que difunda en baja calidad para no sobrecargar las redes. El comisario europeo de Industria, Thierry Breton, ha pedido a las plataformas de contenidos audiovisuales en línea como Netflix que difundan en calidad estándar y no en alta definición para "prevenir una congestión de internet" en situación de confinamiento generalizado por el coronavirus. "Muchas autoridades públicas y empresas han puesto en marcha arreglos de teletrabajo. Algunas universidades y colegios proveen herramientas de enseñanza en línea. Más aún, la gente que está confinada en sus casas usa más aplicaciones de entretenimiento, como películas en 'streming' o juegos 'online'", indicó la Comisión Europea. >> LEER MÁS


El Gobierno ha acordado este jueves el cierre de todos los hoteles y alojamientos turísticos similares en el plazo máximo de una semana como complemento a las medidas puestas en marcha para tratar de contener la expansión del nuevo coronavirus. El Ministerio de Sanidad ha publicado a última hora de este jueves esta norma en un Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) extraordinario en el marco de la declaración del estado de alarma por el impacto del Covid-19. >> LEER MÁS


The former president of Peru Alejandro Toledo, who ruled between 2001 and 2006, will leave the US prisonof Coronavirus.In an extraordinary hearing held by telephone, Judge Thomas Hixson of the Court of the Northern District of California ordered that Toledo be released and immediately confined in his home in the area of the San Francisco Bay (where there is a confinement ordermandatory) with a GPS surveillance system.Toledo is 74 years old and suffers hypertension, so his defense ensures that he has a 6% chance to die in case of contracting COVID-19, significantly higher than those of the population average.


Inditex sufragará el coste de su toda su plantilla en España, integrada por 50.000 empleados, hasta el 15 de abril y presentará la próxima semana un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) preventivo para los 25.000 empleos de tienda que se activará únicamente si se prolonga el estado de alarma decretado por el Gobierno. Así lo han confirmado en fuentes de la compañía que han subrayado que el ERTE no afectará a los empleados de su red logística, fábricas y servicios centrales. >> LEER MÁS


Puerto Rican artist Ricky Martin reiterated on Thursday to his followers and people the total isolation in their homes to try to stop the propagation of COVID-19 and have called "gross and ignorant" and "criminal" to anyone who walks in theStreet in front of confinement at home as it could be a carrier of the virus.This has been claimed by the artist in a video that has hung on his Instagram account, in which he emphasizes that the "only way in which you stop a virus is with quarantine, severe quarantine, radical, because this virus is radical, it is severeIt has no compassion with us. "" The only unique protection is social isolation, because unfortunately people are in the streets, on the beaches, in the bars, it goes to restaurants and I have no other to think that they are gross andignorant, "says the singer.


800 deaths and more than 17,000 affected in the ascension to the contagios peak.Reach the contagios peak and do it as soon as possible, that is now the objective in the fight against the Coronavirus epidemic, looking right back, as experts recommend, and examining the data with perspective, which this Thursday encrypts in more than 17,000 theAffected people, you are of 3,500 new cases, and 800 deaths, after adding more than 190 in the last 24 hours.The Ministry of Health is confident in reaching that peak "in a few days", without further details about the time of ascension, although on its hardness, as stressed by the head of the department, Salvador Illa, and the director of the Emergency Center andSanitary alerts, Fernando Simón, stating that the days that come "will be difficult, because the cases will increase, although the growth rate will be reduced."


The Department of Health of the Generalitat has confirmed Thursday that he has died by Coronavirus in the province of Lleida a 50 -year -old person and with disabilities who were at his home, with which there are already three killed by the disease in the regions in the regionsLeridanasThe Ministry has explained in a statement that there are 12 new positive cases of Coronavirus Sars-COV-2 in the province, with which there are already 78 those declared in Lleida.


The CIE of Barcelona is empty and the police release inmates for the COVID-19.The National Police have let the immigrants who remained in the Center for Internment of Foreigners (CIE) in Barcelona out today, which has been empty after obtaining the judicial permission to free their inmates before the impossibility of expelling them in the coming weeks by theCoronavirus.As police sources have informed Efe, the last inmates, a group of five immigrants, have been able to freely abandon the CIE of the Free Zone of Barcelona, in an emptying operation of these facilities that had begun in recent days.


The International Charage Federation ruled out to celebrate the pending classification tournaments for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, given the situation created by the Coronavirus pandemic, and will consider resorting to the Ranquin in Eslalon and the 2019 World Cup in Esprint for the remaining squares.The World Federation (ICF, for its initials in English) canceled the pending competitions to award 15% of the places that are missing to grant to participate in Tokyo 2020. Games that are also in the air, hurrying the deadlines to know if they canor not be held before the health crisis worldwide.


Un joven de 21 años y vecino de Badia del Vallès (Barcelona) ha muerto por coronavirus, ha informado el Ayuntamiento este jueves en un comunicado. Estaba ingresado en el Hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell (Barcelona) y tenía "condicionantes de salud que predisponían al riesgo", y se trata de la primera víctima mortal de este municipio del Vallès Occidental. >> LEER MÁS


Teruel se queda sin autobús a Madrid y Valencia. La empresa concesionaria de la línea regular de autobuses que une Teruel con Madrid y Valencia, IRB, ha suspendido todos los viajes entre las tres ciudades desde el pasado martes. La capital turolense se queda sin transporte público a Madrid, pues no tiene conexión ferroviaria con el centro de la península, y sin autobuses a Valencia, aunque hacia la capital levantina sí hay tren. >> LEER MÁS


Isabel II asks the British unity against "uncertainty" by the coronavirus. Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday asked the British to stay united before the "period of great concern and uncertainty" in which the country is administered by the epidemic of the new Coronavirus. The 93 -year -old monarch today abandoned the Buckingham Palace, in London, to move to Windsor Castle, west of the British capital, as a precautionary measure in the face of the propagation of the pathogen, which has so far left 137 dead in the United Kingdom. "We have all been warned that we change our normal routines and our usual life patterns for the good of the communities in which we live and, in particular, to protect the most vulnerable," the sovereign said in a statement, which has been Installed in Windsor along with her husband, the 98 -year -old Edinburgh Duke. "In times like these, I remember that the history of our nation has been forged by people and communities that have joined to work as one, concentrating our efforts with a common goal," she added.


The Zaragoza company AGM is providing its support to the almost thousand students who has led to the United States to make their university and sports career compatible with this health crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Through a statement, AGM explained that "isproviding support to a thousand families to repatriate their students or to help them in everything necessary in their isolation in the United States. ""It is not always easy to have a child thousands of kilometers away in a situation like the current one," said the Zaragoza company.AGM said that it is in contact with families and young people "to study each case individually", since it understands that the decision to "return or stay" is personal.


Tarazona espera nuevos casos positivos de coronavirus en los próximos días. Así lo confirma el alcalde Luis José Arrechea en un mensaje dirigido a los turiasonenses. “Los facultativos nos dicen que, en estas próximas horas o días, es lógico que aparezcan más casos. No podemos creer que vaya a ser un caso aislado el que aparezca en Tarazona, lo lógico y normal es que haya más afectados”, insiste Arrechea quien lamenta que el primer caso apareció “en el sitio más cruel en el que podía hacerlo, al ser una residencia de ancianos”. >> LEER MÁS


The City of Monzón and the Middle Cinca region will be launched together with a Red Cross, Civil Protection and Cáritas a service for older and dependent assistance to buy drugs or food and take them home.The purpose is that this group vulnerable to COVID-19 avoid abandoning its homes.


A supply pipe burst in the Zaragozano neighborhood of Torrero affects Pina, Barbastro and Cuarte streets.The Local Police will supply drinking water to those who need it at home, being an area with older neighbors and some buildings without elevator.


The Premier League suspended until April 30.The instances of English football decided on Thursday to prolong until April 30 the suspension of this season, while committed to take it to your term, announced the English Federation (FA)."We decided that the professional parties in England be postponed at least until April 30," explains the statement after a meeting held by videoconference, to respect the slogans issued by the British government against the spread of the coronavirus, between the FA, the leagueEnglish and representatives of male and female championships.


The Cannes Festival has announced that it cancels its next edition for the Coronavirus pandemic that rates everyone and that prevents it from celebrating it normally."In this period of global health crisis, we think of the victims of COVID-19 and express our solidarity with all those who fight against the disease. Today, we have made the following decision: the Cannes Film Festival cannot be held inThe scheduled dates, from May 12 to 23. Several hypotheses are being studied to preserve their progress, the main one would be a simple postponement at the end of June, early July 2020, "says the statement.


Policía Local de Zaragoza: "¡¡Gracias a todos y cada uno de vosotros por quedaros en casa!!". La policía Local de Zaragoza agradece a los ciudadanos que se mantengan en casa. "Hacéis que nuestro trabajo, incluso en estos momentos de adversidad sea verdaderamente gratificante". >> VER EL VÍDEO


'Assassin's Creed Odyssey', videojuego gratis para jugar este fin de semana. Las iniciativas para el entretenimiento gratis en casa no paran de crecer ante el confinamiento por el coronavirus y este fin de semana los aficionados de la franquicia de vídeojuegos 'Assassin's Creed' podrán jugar de forma gratuita la última entrega, 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey'. >> LEER MÁS


The president of the United States., Donald Trump, ordered on Thursday to accelerate clinical trials in his country to use in Coronavirus patients two medications designed to combat malaria and Ebola. In his daily press conference at the White House, Trump initially said that the US Food and Medicines Administration The whole country, but the head of that federal agency contradicted him shortly after. "We are going to (administer the chloroquine and the sedivir of Coronavirus patients) in the context of a clinical trial," said the FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, at the press conference. The chloroquine, a medication used for decades to combat malaria, and sedivir, developed to combat Ebola by the American pharmacist Gilead, have given signs of "effectively inhibit" the new coronavirus in vitro, according to a study of a group of scientists Chinese posted in February in Nature magazine.


El Ayuntamiento de Teruel no cobrará los alquileres de los locales comerciales municipales mientras persista la situación excepcional creada por la pandemia de coronavirus. Así lo ha indicado la alcaldesa de la capital, Emma Buj, recordando que se trata de espacios en los que se desarrollan actividades comerciales y hosteleras que se han visto interrumpidas. >> LEER MÁS


Europe has 40% of all cases of COVID-19.Europe already has 40 percent of all cases detected in the world of the new coronavirus, whose disease is known as COVID-19, and is already exporting cases to the African continent, according to the regional directors of the World Organization of the World Organization of the World Organization of theHealth (WHO) for Europe, the Western Pacific and Africa in a press conference.Of all the diagnosed and, as the WHO regional director for Europe, Hans Henri P. Klug, and the number of affected people is increasing rapidly.


The Brazilian government determined on Thursday the temporary closure of its terrestrial borders to contain the expansion of the coronavirus, although it will allow the traffic of goods and the returns of its citizens, among other exceptions.The measure, published in the Official Gazette, will be valid for 15 days from this Thursday and temporarily prohibits the entry of "foreigners from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guayana, Guyana, Guyana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru and Surinam.


The Generalitat Valenciana, through the Ministry of Justice, on which emergencies depend, has hired the construction of three campaign hospitals with 1,100 beds, as reported by the regional administration in a statement.Thus, he said that they will be located in Valencia, Alicante and Castellón and has indicated that 500 of these beds will be available on fifteen day.This announcement was made by the president of the regional government, Ximo Puig, after a videoconference maintained with the Minister of Universal Health and Public Health, Ana Barceló.


The University of Zaragoza suspends the elections to rector.In view of the agreements and forecasts, in relation to the university's performance before the health alert for the COVID-19 and under the regulation of the Governing Council, for urgency reasons, this morning he has met by telematic means,The Permanent Commission of the Governing Council of the University of Zaragoza has decided to suspend the elections to Rector, after the decrees of the Government of Spain that declare in alarm until March 31.


The Catalan government warns that the health system can collapse next week.The Catalan Catalan Government Conscious and spokesman, Meritxell Budó, has alerted Thursday that the health system can enter "stress" this weekend and can collapse next week if the government does not apply more drastic measures, such as confinementtotal."If drastic measures are not taken, which is the total confinement, the health system will enter stress this weekend and next week it could go into collapse," he said at a telematic press conference next to the consellers Alba Vergés and Miquel Buch.


La Delegación del Gobierno en Aragón recuerda a los aragoneses que de cara al fin de semana es necesario continuar con el esfuerzo colectivo para frenar el coronavirus. "Quedarse en casa es, en estos momentos, la mejor herramienta que tenemos para frenar los contagios mientras los profesionales sanitarios, los expertos y las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad realizan su trabajo”, ha recordado la delegada Pilar Alegría. >> LEER MÁS


El último boletín epidemiológico de Aragón, publicado este jueves, informa de que desde que se puso en marcha la vigilancia por coronavirus Covid-19, y hasta el 18 de marzo, a las 20.00, se han registrado en Aragón 1.460 casos en investigación, de los que se han confirmado microbiológicamente 281. Entre estos últimos, se han identificado dos casos en menores de 15 años. >> LEER MÁS


Internos y trabajadores de la residencia de ancianos de Ansó están pasando por una situación difícil, después de que un hombre de 94 años haya dado positivo en la prueba del coronavirus. Hay inquietud y nerviosismo, por si pudiera haber más contagios, pero la actividad en este centro se sigue desarrollando con normalidad, con todas las medidas de prevención. Este jueves, los 14 trabajadores de la residencia y cuatro personas más, la mujer del contagiado y otras cuatro que tuvieron más contacto con él, se han realizado las pruebas, cuyos resultados se conocerán mañana. “La realidad hay que saberla para saber cuál es la situación”, ha explicado Alfonso Pardo, director de la residencia. >> LEER MÁS


Cómo sobrellevar mejor el aislamiento: el doctor Ezquerro y su equipo responden. ¿Se sube por las paredes por estar tanto tiempo encerrado? ¿Sus hijos están irascibles y a la mínima estallan? ¿Está deprimido porque sufre solo el aislamiento? Si quiere ayuda para afrontar la cuarentena, el equipo de psiquiatría y psicología del doctor Vicente Ezquerro resolverá sus dudas en un encuentro digital en >> LEER MÁS


Policía y Guardia Civil detienen a 60 personas y anuncian que "se acabó el tiempo de informar, hay que cumplir". Los máximos jefes operativos de la Policía Nacional y la Guardia Civil han valorado este jueves la normalidad generalizada en cuanto a incidentes por incumplir el confinamiento de los ciudadanos en sus casas dentro de las restricciones del estado de alarma, razón por la que en las últimas 24 horas se han realizado 60 detenciones. >> LEER MÁS


Hernando carga contra Fernando Simón, "una burla" para enfermos y sanitarios. El senador del PP Rafael Hernando ha lanzado este jueves un duro mensaje contra el director del Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias, Fernando Simón, y ha asegurado que ve "una burla" para enfermos y sanitarios que todos los días ejerza de portavoz de la evolución el coronavirus y de las medidas para detener su expansión. >> LEER MÁS


El Ibex sube y se queda a las puertas de los 6.400 puntos tras la inyección del BCE para animar los mercados. El lanzamiento de un programa de emergencia para combatir el coronavirus que ha propuesto el BCE mediante la adquisición de activos públicos y privados con un alcance de 750.000 millones ha permitido la subida. >> LEER MÁS


El grupo Inditex está trabajando con los representantes legales de sus trabajadores en la presentación de un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) encaminado a preservar y garantizar los puestos de trabajo de cerca de 40.000 empleados principalmente de tiendas, además de logística. Inditex se encuentra en conversaciones con los sindicatos para analizar como aplicar una regulación temporal de empleo al tiempo que la compañía compensa las retribuciones en aquellos casos que sea necesario durante el periodo de cese de actividad de las tiendas ocasionado por el coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, on the Spaniards abroad who cannot return: "It is not contemplated to close the airspace. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is following the Spaniards who are outside the country. I appealthat mobility conforms to the absolutely essential. And I am going to worry about our nationals. "


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda: "El Prat Airport has today had 270 flights, when such a day of last year there were 900. In all airports, traffic has been reduced by 50%"


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, talks about the exceptions to get out of the house: "There are proven and other exceptional causes, with singular nature. Mobility must be individual unless accompanied by children, older people, people, people, peopleWith disabilities ... there are situations that can be exceptional, but you have to pay attention to the norm. Because the virus is passed with the movement of people. "


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, talks about taxi drivers: "All self -employed can be hosted by a stop if their income is reduced by 75%. And they can benefit from the six -month postponement of tax debts,"


Teresa Ribera, vice president for the ecological transition: "No Spanish will suffer any supply cut in their homes."


Teresa Ribera, vice president for the ecological transition: "Butane prices will remain frozen if they do not go down in the coming months. We do not want the government to be distanced from a complicated situation for all Spaniards, before the coming weeks that will beHard, with everyone confined in our homes. "


Teresa Ribera, Minister for Ecological Transition: "We share the measures in which we are working: reinforce the electric social bonus, no supplier can cut light, water and gas. And when I finish, we will work with municipalities and companies to be able to solve situations in situations inEach of the affected homes. "


Teresa Ribera, Minister for Ecological Transition: "We observe in natural gas a demand very similar to those of previous weeks. There is a slight decrease in natural gas in the services sector, but little significant. Something similar occurs in the production sectorof water. Availability is guaranteed. "


Teresa Ribera, ministra para la Transición Ecológica: "Ha habido en torno al 8,7% menos de la demanda de industrias y en grandes consumidores como empresas motor, y especial indicencia en País Vasco y Cataluña. La interrupcion de suministro eléctrico a la gran industria no se va a producir. ​Se observa en los combustibles, una caída de la demanda de queroseno que se cifra en torno del 70 y 80%. También de gasolina y gasoleo, mas acusado desde el lunes en las gasolinas".


Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition: "We have reinforced the weather services so that we are prepared before any phenomenon. Another issue is such important energy and water supplies. We have monitored the evolution of demand, prices, identifyAny risk and monitoring the incidents. We have seen in these last two weeks is that there has been a drop in electrical demand, between 5 and 7%. Acute in Madrid. "


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda: "The Resriction of Flights to the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands has already entered into force. The Army will disinfect this afternoon the port of Barcelona and the airport of El Prat. Now, the policeYou can require passengers to explain the reasons for your trip. "


José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda: "Renfe has annulled all the tickets sold and yesterday 125,000 tickets were reintegrated. On the road, mobility has been reduced by 89%. The railroads are at 2% of their occupation;and the vicinity, 15%. "


The Minister of Transportation, José Luis Ábalos, and Vice President Teresa Ribera appear in La Moncloa for the Coronavirus."Society is becoming aware that there should be no mobility. We have drawn an order for the terrestrial sector so that in the buses that has no screen, users have to climb the rear. And we have also shortened the capacity of the taxisand VTC ".


El presidente de la Asociación Provincial de Autotaxi de Zaragoza, Mariano Morón, ha exigido que el Gobierno central les aplique las mismas medidas fiscales y económicas que a los autónomos durante el tiempo de vigencia del estado de alarma decretado por el coronavirus Covid-19 y que supone el confinamiento de toda la población en sus casas. >> LEER MÁS


La SD Huesca elige durante la cuarentena sus mejores goles en un reto viral. Pasar el tiempo durante la cuarentena provocada por el coronavirus alimenta la imaginación de todos. También de los futbolistas, que durante estos días se han lanzado a las redes sociales varios retos que, también, sirven datos curiosos e interesantes para los aficionados. Por ejemplo, cuál es el mejor gol que los futbolistas de la SD Huesca han marcado en sus carreras o la mejor parada en el caso de los guardametas. Todo vale para aliviar las horas. Además, el club azulgrana ha impulsado un juego en Twitter con el que adivinar películas a partir de imágenes de los futbolistas. >> LEER MÁS


Italia se ha convertido este jueves en el país con mayor número de muertos por el nuevo coronavirus al contabilizar ya 3.405 fallecidos, una cifra que supera los 3.245 muertos que ha habido en China, el país donde se originó esta pandemia. Según el último balance oficial, hasta el momento se han contabilizado 41.035 casos en Italia, una cifra que supone algo menos de la mitad del total de 80.928 casos que hay en el gigante asiático. En las últimas 24 horas, se han registrado en todo el país 4.480 nuevos casos, mientras que la cifra de muertos ha aumentado en 427. >> LEER MÁS


Hasta 700 euros al mes y exención de cuotas para los autónomos. Las dudas en torno a las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno de España desde el inicio del estado de alarma en nuestro país a causa de la crisis sanitaria del coronavirus son numerosas, pero, sin duda, en el ámbito laboral –sobre todo desde el inicio del periodo de confinamiento- ha dado mucho que hablar. De entre todas las medidas adoptadas, aquellas que afectan a los autónomos son las que más controversia están generando. >> LEER MÁS


La Policía Local de Zaragoza hace sonar sus sirenas en agradecimiento a la población. Fue un gesto en homenaje a todos los colectivos que cuidan de la seguridad y la salud de los ciudadanos en esta crisis sanitaria sin precedentes. >> LEER MÁS


Saca a pasear una cabra para evitar el confinamiento. Un vecino de Palafrugell (Gerona) ha sido denunciado por sacar a pasear una cabra a modo de mascota para saltarse el confinamiento, según los Mossos. >> LEER MÁS


Los Bomberos de Zaragoza han recibido este jueves siete lavadoras y siete secadoras que han sido donadas por Balay para facilitar el cumplimiento de los protocolos de limpieza y seguridad implantados por el Cuerpo para limitar el contagio del coronavirus. Estos equipos de limpieza y secado se van a repartir entre los diferentes parques de Valle de Broto, Romareda, Centro y Casetas, así como en el campo de maniobras de La Cartuja. >> LEER MÁS


Café gratis para aliviar un esfuerzo titánico contra el coronavirus. Las empresas Éboca y Cafés Orús agradecen la dedicación del personal sanitario regalándoles café, un producto imprescindible en jornada de trabajo maratonianas. >> LEER MÁS


Los autobuses y tranvías de Zaragoza tendrán un aforo máximo más limitado. El Área de Servicios Públicos y Movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza ha ampliado este jueves las medidas en el transporte público de la ciudad para reducir las posibilidades de contagio de coronavirus: se va a limitar el aforo máximo en autobuses y en tranvía y en el caso de los buses, la entrada se realizará por la puerta central de los vehículos, permaneciendo la delantera cerrada. Además, ha recordado a los viajeros que hay que emplear el transporte público "solo en los casos que sean necesarios". >> LEER MÁS


The deceased elders of the Albertia de Moratalaz residence in Madrid rise to 9.Nine older people of the Albertia residence in Moratalaz have died in recent days, two of them this Thursday, with medical confirmation or with relevant symptoms of Coronavirus, while another 40 are isolated in a geriatric, where 240 elders live, they have reportedTo Europa Press sources of the geriatric.Specifically, the dead resident four confirmed by COVID-19 are those who have died at the Gregorio Marañón hospital and the five with symptoms are those killed in the center itself.Almost a hundred elderly have died in recent days in nursing homes of several autonomous communities because of the expansion of COVID-19 ..


The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has encrypted in 30,000 the respirators that the State needs to deal with the crisis of the Coronavirus, while the businessman who directs Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk, has offered to use its technology forManufacture this type of hospitals.At a press conference, Cuomo said that "we have about 5,000 or 6,000 respirators that we can identify, but we need about 30,000.""This is a national problem. Each state is buying respirators and we are buying, we have people in China buying," said Cuomo, who said that "this is a big problem in which the federal government can do a lot."


Temperature controls begin passengers at the Canary Islands airports.The Government of the Canary Islands has decreed Thursday a series of control measures for passengers that move within the scope of the Autonomous Community regardless of their origin and the environment they use, continuing with the preventive measures to avoid the spread of the coronavirus or covid-19 among the population of the islands.In this decree, the order is also collected to establish preventive controls in all Canarian airports with connections with the Peninsula, to take the temperature to travelers who arrive from outside the Canary Islands, controls that will carry out qualified personnel and with the measuresof adequate protection.


The French president, Emmanuel Macron, announced an injection of 5,000 million euros on Thursday for the next ten years in the investigation budget, which he wants to strengthen after the coronavirus outbreak."The Covid-19 crisis reminds us of the vital character of scientific research and the need to invest massively in the long term," he wrote on the social network Twitter.Macron pointed out that those 5,000 million supplementary will mean "an unprecedented effort from the post -war" for research.


Cruz Roja multiplica su labor en Huesca para facilitar el confinamiento por el coronavirus. La teleasistencia y los centros de contacto están en continua comunicación con los usuarios y, a petición del Ayuntamiento, responde al teléfono de atención ciudadan. >> LEER MÁS


Militares reparten 25 toneladas de alimentos a nueve residencias en Zaragoza. Militares de la Agrupación Logísticia AALOG 41 está repartiendo este jueves por la tarde25 toneladas de comida procedente del Banco de Alimentos en nueve residencias de ancianos, entre Zaragoza y varias localidades de la provincia, según informaron fuentes militares. La petición llegó al Estado Mayor del Ejército de Tierra y se trasladó a los efectivos de Zaragoza para que fueran a recoger los alimentos en Mercazaragoza, donde están depositados en el almacén que tienen en el Polígono de Cogullada. >> LEER MÁS


The German Borussia Moengladbach German has become this Thursday the first club of the Bundesliga in which the players, coaching staff and directive agreed to cut the salary while the break lasts for the crisis of the Coronavirus.With this measure, soccer players and other senior managers intend to protect the work and income of other club staff.According to the 'Rheinischen Post', the club will save more than one million euros with this initiative."I am very proud of the boys. We remain united by Borussia in the good and bad times. They wanted to return something to Borussia and thus all the fans who support us," said Max Eberl, sports director of the team.


The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has announced that the Basque Government will expand the budget item for Social Emergency Aid (AES) and create a fund to reinforce the attention to the homeless or in a situation of exclusion as a protection measure for these groups, especially affected by the crisis of Coronavius.Both measures have been released this Thursday by Urkullu, in a public appearance by videoconference on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic and the actions of the Autonomous Executive to deal with this socio-health crisis.


Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds han aplazado la gira que tenían previsto ofrecer a partir del próximo mes de abril en Europa, lo que incluye los dos conciertos que debía celebrar en Madrid y Barcelona los días 25 y 26, respectivamente. Así lo ha anunciado su promotora en este país, Doctor Music, así como la propia web del artista australiano, en la que lamentan la decisión, pero la defienden como lo mejor que podían tomar en aras de la "seguridad" de todos. Se señala asimismo que en estos momentos se está trabajando en la reubicación de la gira.


"Coso las mascarillas como si fueran para acudir a una boda". Asún Juderías y otras compañeras se han unido a Modistas Solidarias. Como en otras inicitivas similiares, se afanan en fabricar este necesario y escaso elemento protector. Ellas, muchas diseñadoras, les añaden además un extra de creatividad y color para estos tiempos grises. >> LEER MÁS


Sanidad incorpora a 50.000 sanitarios a la lucha contra el coronavirus. El Ministerio de Sanidad ha incorporado a 50.000 profesionales sanitarios a los equipos asistenciales de las diferentes comunidades autónomas, de los cuales 7.633 médicos son residentes R4 y R5 (de último año de formación) de todas las especialidades, los cuales verán prorrogado su contrato para continuar desarrollando su labor en los servicios de salud. >> LEER MÁS


¿Tendremos que hacer la declaración de la Renta igual que otros años? El Ministerio de Hacienda mantiene el 1 de abril el inicio de la campaña de la renta de 2019, que cuenta entre sus novedades con una simplificación en la consignación de los inmuebles, según publica este jueves el BOE. Hacienda ha publicado los modelos de declaración del IRPF y el impuesto de patrimonio de 2019, cuyo plazo de presentación se mantiene entre el 1 de abril y el 30 de junio. >> LEER MÁS


¿Qué pasa si mi empresa presenta un ERTE por el coronavirus? Un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo permite a la empresa suspender la producción y durante ese tiempo los trabajadores cobran el desempleo. Hay nuevos requisitos si la razón es el impacto del Covid-19. >> LEER MÁS


H&M anuncia un ERTE para todo su personal de tiendas. H&M también presenta un expediente de regulación temporal de empleo (Erte). La compañía sueca de distribución de moda ha aplicado esta medida, que afecta a 6.000 trabajadores, tras el cierre forzado de las tiendas del grupo en el país por la crisis del coronavirus.


Gemelas Sánchez Alayeto: "Cuando esta situación acabe, valoraremos más el día a día". Mapi Sánchez Alayeto (Zaragoza, 1984) ha sido durante muchos años la número uno del circuito de pádel junto a su hermana. La temporada pasada sufrió una lesión que la alejó de las pistas varios meses. Majo Sánchez Alayeto (Zaragoza, 1984) se proclamó en 2009 campeona del Mundo junto a su hermana. Ambas estudian Ciencias de la Educación Física y el Deporte en la Universidad San Jorge. >> LEER MÁS


The second season of 'Iron' has seen its filming suspended this week due to the crisis of the coronavirus and the alarm state declared in the country, reports the Portocabo producer that has decided to stop the recording after a month rolling on the island and mostFrom the technical and artistic team he has already returned to his home.At the end of February, the filming of the second season of 'Hierro', the police thriller who is starring Candela Peña and Darío Grandinetti, with Jorge Cira to the address and Pepe Coira at the head of the script team.


The Prince of Asturias Hospital, without guts, masks, glasses ... the union representatives of Amyts, CC.OO, CSIF, CSIT, SATSE, UGT and USAE of the Prince of Asturias Hospital have launched a "SOS" message to the "desperate" situation of the center's workers in relation to the individual protective equipment."We beg the competent authorities to take into account the desperate situation of the workers of this hospital in relation to the individual protection teams," the unions indicate in a letter entitled "S.O.S Prince of Asturias Hospital."The unions detail the lack of waterproof guts, FPP2 and FPP3 masks, protection glasses and large containers of waste, "with all the consequences that this can cause."


La antorcha olímpica abandona Grecia mientras sigue la incógnita por los Juegos de Tokio. La entrega de la antorcha olímpica por parte del Comité Olímpico Heleno (HOC) a los organizadores de los Juegos de Tokio 2020 tuvo lugar hoy a puerta cerrada en el Estadio Panatinaico de Atenas. >> LEER MÁS


The Aragonese Libraries Federation (Fagal) claims to the Aragon Government the immediate payment of the scholarships of textbooks, after six months from the beginning of the school year.More than 40 companies continue without receiving the total amount of the books corresponding to the Aid Program for the 2019-20 academic year, without the expected payment date being communicated.The collective of booksellers regrets that this is repeated every year, which makes the financial situation of many of them very complicated.


Lambán admite que Aragón podría entrar en recesión por la crisis del coronavirus. El presidente de Aragón, Javier Lambán, ha admitido este jueves que la Comunidad podría entrar en recesión por el coronavirus. Se trata, según ha afirmado en Teruel, de un escenario que no es descartable “en modo alguno”. La evolución de la pandemia, que deja ya 281 contagios y 15 muertos en Aragón, hace que ni a nivel nacional ni autonómico se pueda prever el impacto económico. No obstante, el líder autonómico ha reconocido que será “muy elevado a corto plazo y para este año en curso”. >> LEER M ÁS


Música en tiempos de coronavirus: Sr Isasi interpreta 'No soy capaz'. Los cantantes aragoneses se suman con sus canciones al reto de animar y emocionar a las personas que estamos en casa en cuarentena. Sr Isasi interpreta desde su casa para el tema 'No soy capaz'. >> VER EL VÍDEO


El Real Zaragoza cuida (aún más) la dieta. El nutricionista del equipo, Raúl Luzón, explica alguna de las pautas o consejos alimentarios con los que los jugadores del conjunto aragonés complementan sus entrenamientos individuales durante la cuarentena por el coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


Jaque al cicloturismo aragonés. Varias pruebas populares de ciclismo de la Comunidad han visto alterado su calendario ante las medidas impuestas para contener la epidemia de coronavirus: Orbea-Monegros, Sesé Bike, Jamón Bike, BTT Quinto… >> LEER MÁS


The professionals of the Fraga Health Center request citizen collaboration to make waterproof fabric aprons.In their blog, they establish different collection points, offer information about the type of fabric and attach images of the most appropriate models.In Ballobar the aprons are collected in the pharmacy;In Torrente, Zaidin, Velilla and Miralsot can be taken to the office and there will be collected by the nurse.


India announces a national exhaustion touch on March 22.The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, announced on Thursday that on March 22 it will govern a single -day touch touch as a test throughout the country from 7.00 to 9:00 p.m. (local time), within the framework ofthe measures taken to fight the coronavirus.Modi has given a message to the nation to announce the new measures taken by the Indian government in a global context that he has considered even worse than during the world wars.


Estos son los casos confirmados de muertos y contagiados de coronavirus en Aragón. Los casos de coronavirus siguen aumentando tanto en el conjunto de España, donde ya se superan los 17.000 casos, como en Aragón. La cifra de confirmados con coronavirus en nuestra Comunidad, a fecha de 19 de marzo, alcanza ya los 281, lo que supone una tasa de infección de 21 por cada 100.000 habitantes. De ellos, 224 son de Zaragoza, 27 de Teruel y 24 de Huesca. Hay seis casos de no residentes en Aragón. >> LEER MÁS


Piden más ambulancias especiales para el traslado de casos sospechosos de coronavirus en Teruel. El portavoz de la sección de Transporte Sanitario del Sindicato Cooperación Sindical (SCS) en Teruel, Pedro Royo, reclama un mayor número de ambulancias especiales para eltraslado a los hospitales de la provincia de pacientes con síntomas de estar infectados por coronavirus. >>LEER MÁS


The Spanish Formula One GP, scheduled for May 10 in the Barcelona circuit, has been postponed, according to the FIA and the organizers of the Spanish race, due to the Pandemia of the Coronavirus and to "ensure health and thePeople's security, "they said in a statement.The Spanish race should be the sixth test of the calendar this season, but after canceling the test of China, where the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus originated, it became the fifth, but with the suspension of the inauguration of the World Cup, theLast Sunday in Australia, he was sung that this year to F1 was going to cost to give date to his tests.


Los bomberos de Teruel desinfectan sus equipos para prevenir el contagio. La Diputación de Teruel ha adaptado su actividad a las circunstancias que conlleva la declaración del estado de alarma para frenar la propagación del coronavirus, pero garantizando especialmente aquellos servicios considerados esenciales. En concreto, el Servicio de Vías y Obras y el Servicio de Extinción de Incendios y Salvamento han reorganizado su estructura y protocolos para poder atender las incidencias que se puedan producir, al tiempo que se preserva al máximo la seguridad de los trabajadores públicos. >> LEER MÁS


Hogares con casos de coronavirus y en cuarentena: así hay que separar y tirar la basura para evitar contagios. El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza ha enviado una nota informativa a los medios para explicar cómo deben tratarse los residuos domésticos para evitar la propagación del coronavirus. En esta misiva, el consistorio se dirige en especial a los hogares con casos positivos de coronavirus y también a aquellos que estén en cuarentena a causa de la enfermedad. >> LEER MÁS


El servicio de Urgencias del hospital Obispo Polanco de Teruel ha reforzado el sistema de triaje de enfermos para evitar la saturación innecesaria del centro. Desde esta semana, un médico y un enfermero deciden conjuntamente, a la vista de los síntomas que presentan los pacientes que llegan, quiénes de ellos deben ingresar en el hospital y quiénes regresar a su casa para permanecer allí aislados. >> LEER MÁS


The president of the Illustrious College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Aragon, Jaime Alfonso, has delivered more than 20,000 masks and sanitary material to Fernando Navarro Gonzalo, Head of Logistics Service of the Center for Integrated Management of Corporate Projects of the Government of Aragon."The dentists have responded quickly and generously, delivering all the protection material they have been able to, material that they will need later and that we do not know when it can be replaced," said Alfonso, in a press release.


¿Qué medidas ha tomado la mayor empresa de Huesca, con cerca de 1.000 trabajadores, para seguir abierta? En el macromatadero del grupo Pini de Binéfar han reforzado las labores de desinfección y fumigación, controlan la temperatura a todos los empleados, evitan aglomeraciones en las entradas y salidas... >> LEER MÁS


El alcalde de Aliaga, Sergio Uche, ha emitido un bando municipal para tranquilizar a la población -400 habitantes-tras la alarma surgida en la localidad al registrarse un caso positivo de coronavirus entre los vecinos. Uche señala en el comunicado que se trata de un caso "controlado" y que, hasta la fecha, no han aparecido nuevos contagios. >> LEER MÁS


La planificación deportiva de la SD Huesca, a expensas del coronavirus. El parón no detiene la labor de la dirección deportiva. Nueve de los jugadores del actual plantel tienen contrato en vigor más allá del 30 de junio. >> LEER MÁS


The Board of Extremadura, together with the City of Cáceres and the Diputación de Cáceres, entities that make up the Consortium of the Great Theater of the City, have decided to suspend the 29th edition of the Womad Festival (Womad 2020), due to the health emergency that livesThe country caused by the Coronavirus. The dates planned for the celebration of the festival were from May 7 to 10 of this year and, due to this suspension, the next edition will be in 2021.


The San Jorge University has donated abundant sanitary and laboratory material to the General Directorate of Health of the Government of Aragon to collaborate with the main hospital and socio -health centers of our Autonomous Community in its task of dealing with the crisis raised on the occasion of the pandemicof COVID-19.


Zaragoza es una de las principales ciudades españolas en la que menos se ha reducido el tráfico en sus accesos desde la declaración del estado de alerta frente al coronavirus, un 48 % menos en las entradas y un 43 % en las salidas durante la jornada del miércoles.A nivel nacional, el tráfico en los accesos a estas ciudades se redujo el miércoles en un 59 por ciento y el número de trayectos de larga distancia también mostró una tendencia a la baja del 51,26 por ciento, respecto a la misma fecha del año pasado, por las restricciones de movilidad por el coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


Luis Suárez: "Hay que quedarse en casa y estar tranquilos". Acompañado de su esposa, sus hijos, uno bebé, recién nacido, el goleador del Real Zaragoza sobrelleva la cuarentena del coronavirus entre juegos, series, películas… Y entrenamientos, convencido de que el equipo retomará la competición con buenas piernas. >> LEER MÁS


¿Cuál es la media de edad de los afectados por coronavirus en Aragón? El infectado medio es de 61 años, aunque hay dos casos en menores de 15. El 79,7 % de los positivos son de Zaragoza. Así se recoge en el Boletín Epidemiológico Semanal de Aragón (Besa) de este jueves en el que se notifican 15 fallecimientos desde el inicio de la crisis del COVID-19 en la Comunidad autónoma. >> LEER MÁS


A Wuhan doctor has declared the Kiodinian news agency that the Chinese government manipulated the balance of the new coronavirus to reduce the number of people infected for the visit that the president of the country made the president of the country, XI last week, XIJinping, to the city where the pandemic originated.The local doctor, who works in a quarantine center, has indicated that several patients who still had symptoms of the disease generated by the Coronavirus and who were in quarantine were discharged and that, in addition, part of the tests was suspended, all thiswith the aim of lowering the number of people infected.


National Police agents have intervened in Madrid 19,600 masks, 12,880 bottles of hydro-alcoholic solutions, 1,280 protective glasses, 498,000 nitrile guates, 468 bottles of alcohol and 150 disposable batters in two actions carried out within the framework of the COVID-19 health alert.The products have been located in two inspections carried out in commercial premises in Madrid located in the towns of Fuenlabrada and in the Usera neighborhood, and have been made available to the health personnel.


More than 300 shootings have been suspended in Spain since last March 11 as a result of the impact of COVID-19, half of them Spanish (52%) and almost the other half (48%) international productions, according to the count made byThe Spain Commission Spain (SFC)."The paralysis is total and has been produced in a staggered manner in recent days," Carlos Rosado, the president of that entity that groups more than 30 offices of the offices of tax facilitators distributed throughout Spain, told Efe..The highest percentage of affected shoots are advertising (26%), followed by series (13%) and television programs (12%), feature films (11%), documentaries (10%), short (9%), photographic sessions (photographic sessions (7%), video clips (5%) and others (7%).


The Ume cleans the Zaragoza Torrero cemetery to combat corronavirus.A team of 24 military and 11 vehicles (eight light and three heavy) disinfects the funeral home and surroundings because they are very frequented from citizens.Now you can only go to a burial.


La cuarentena deja al Camping de Zaragoza, que sigue abierto, en un limbo legal y a un paso la quiebra. Esta concesión municipal no puede cerrar unilateralmente y está a la espera de respuestas. Ahora alberga autocaravanistas intentado alcanzar la frontera, residentes temporales y trabajadores desplazados, algunos de ellos sanitarios. >> LEER MÁS


The Barbastro City Council is going to carry out the cleaning and disinfection service of the most sensitive to the city's public access and not on alternate days as reported on Tuesday.The company that takes care of these tasks has reported that the schedules will be from Monday to Saturday from 8 to 13:30.


Cáritas Huesca has joined the initiative of the Episcopal Delegation of Pastoral Health Huesca so that everyone who wants to elaborate masks for the city's toilets.Those interested can contact Cáritas staff on the phone 974 223 179. It is that, following some video and using sheet fabrics or others, these protections are made, which would be collected.Its distribution would be made through the collection center that has been enabled at the San Jorge Hospital, and leading to residences according to existers.Some laundries have facilitated sheets.The delegation is made available to take them and then collect the masks and take them to the San Jorge hospital or the residences.


A citizen initiative proposes to celebrate San José's Day in Barbastro in a curious and extraordinary way given the circumstances.By social networks, neighbors are being called to leave at 7:00 p.m. to the windows and balconies and sing the popular song of the clowns of TV "Hello Don Pepito, Hello Don José".Everyone who lives in odd portals will begin to sing and all those who live in pairs.


Prince Alberto de Monaco, first head of state with Coronavirus.Prince Alberto de Monaco has tested positive for Coronavirus although "his health status is not any concern," the Monegasca Royal House announced, which in this way has confirmed the first spread of a head of state worldwide.


The Colombian president, Iván Duque, announced on Thursday the suspension for 30 days of the entry of travelers from abroad, including Colombians, given the need to contain the progress of the coronavirus that already leaves 108 infected in the country.The measure will begin at zero on Monday, March 23.


The San Esteban de Litera City Council has begun to disinfect, as an exclusively preventive measure, areas that could be more risky according to the indications received based on the passage of people to the supermarket and the pharmacy.The hired company itself will expand the areas under technical criteria.


Edu, Candela and Maribel, three kids between 4 and 6 years, have sent a drawing to the Chus Gabarre and Rosa Cacho agents, which make up the family protection and care team (EPAF) of the Local Police of Huesca, forthank you for your work.They show their gratitude for the drawing and the love received this photograph.


La expresidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid Esperanza Aguirre y su marido, Fernando Ramírez de Haro, han dado positivo en la prueba de coronavirus, según informa Telemadrid. Ambos están ingresados en un hospital público de la capital para ser tratados. >> LEER MÁS


The Bank of England announced this Thursday a 0.25 to 0.1 % of interest rates in the United Kingdom and an increase in its quantitative relief stimulus program to 645,000 million pounds (about 700,000 million euros).After an emergency meeting, the entity indicated that these measures are necessary to underpin the economy in the face of the impact caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.


Iberia ha presentado este jueves un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) de fuerza mayor debido a las restricciones de vuelos por el coronavirus que afectará hasta el 90% de su plantilla. 15.000 trabajadores se verán afectados. >> LEER MÁS


Varios vehículos cruzando la pista para impedir aterrizar un avión de Iberia en Ecuador. Fue una decisión personal de la alcaldesa de Guayaquil. La aeronave tenía previsto recoger a ciudadanos españoles para repatriarlos, un vuelo que ha sido finalmente cancelado. >> LEER MÁS


El 55 % de los 281 contagiados por coronavirus en Aragón son hombres y la media de edad es 61 años, si bien, se han identificado dos casos menores de 15 años. >> LEER MÁS


Miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas se desplegarán este jueves por primera vez en Cataluña dentro de la operación de lucha contra la propagación del coronavirus. En concreto, realizarán labores de desinfección en el puerto de Barcelona y en el aeropuerto de El Prat. >> LEER MÁS


The Coordinating Board of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Monzón has decided to suspend the Holy Week proclamation definitely, which was going to take place on March 28 after the Eucharist of the 7:00 p.m.Also, and in accordance with the Vocalía de Instruments, the celebration of the XXII MEMORIAL JESÚS CALDERÓN is suspended, which would take place on April 4 through the streets of the city.With respect to the rest of the acts scheduled for Holy Week, the Board will continue to wait for the guidelines of the Bishopric of Barbastro-Monzón, an entity to which it responds.In the same position is the Coordinating Board of Brotherhoods of Barbastro that awaits events to decide whether to suspend its Holy Week of National Tourist Interest.


The Canfranc underground laboratory Dona 5,000 gloves, 4,000 surgical masks, 40 insulating divers and a lot of closed glasses that have been distributed, according to the needs, between the health center of Jaca and the San Jorge de Huesca hospital.In addition, several construction, cleaning and other sectors, including one of the establishments run by Chinese families, have also provided the Local Police and the Sanitary Coordinators material for protection and preventive, such as gloves, masks and disinfectants.


The Huesca City Council establishes that while the alarm decree for the Coronavirius is in force, the presence of relatives in burials and incinerations in the municipal cemetery is limited.In both cases, a maximum of three people who have to be first or second degree relatives of the deceased or deceased may attend.In addition, they will have to respect at all times the prevention measures that the health authorities mark.


El ministro de Sanidad, Salvador Illa: "Vienen los días más duros. Seguiremos viendo un incremento de casos, mientras nos acercamos al pico de la curva". "Tenemos que alcanzar el pico y vencerlo". "El cumplimiento de las medidas es relevante porque los días van a ser duros y complicados".​"Quiero poner el valor el compromiso de la ciudadanía". Finaliza la rueda de prensa de Illa, y Pablo Iglesias.


Pablo Iglesias: "We are aware of the situation of many people who can see in the situation of not being able to pay the rent.""We will look for the formulas not to leave anyone behind.""It is a first package of measures and there will be more."


The orders for elderly residences, according to Pablo Iglesias, imply that the necessary protection equipment will be provided for the residences of the elderly.Centers that do not meet conditions will be closed and minimum medical care will be guaranteed and as the accesses will be restricted.


Pablo Iglesias ends his appearance before the media with the request to strengthen public services, "the only social shield that the population has."


"You live in Torres" is a chat that the residents of Torres del Obispo have created to help each other these days of isolation and generalized imparation.Open exclusively to residents in this small nucleus belonging to the municipality of Graus, it is an excellent channel to collect information from the state of the convecinos, especially the older ones who live alone and are for them more vulnerable to this generalized quarantine situation,Offer products from the orchards of the town or, those that have to move for professional reasons, make them available to those who cannot leave home to fulfill their orders.


More than 19,500 beds distributed in more than 1,000 social services buildings have been made available to health.


Pablo Iglesias acknowledges that "one of the main concerns of the Minister of Defense is homeless people."He thanked the participation of the Armed Forces to serve the weakest.


Red Cross performs in Tamarite de Litera and Barbastro deliveries at home products or food for people who are in a situation of special vulnerability these days of confinement.


Medidas importantes del "escudo social" contra el Covid-19: ​600 millones de euros para los colectivos más vulnerables.Este viernes se ha convocado el Consejo interterritorial de Servicios Sociales y Atención a la Dependencia para transferir 300 millones más a las Comunidades para atenciones específicas:​- Reforzar la asistencia a domicilio de mayores y dependientes afectadas por el cierre de los centros de mayores. Se reforzará la teleasistencia domiciliaria​-Se reforzarán las plantillas de las residencias de mayores y servicios sociales."Es prioritario responder a la situación de los centros de mayores, medicalizar los centros con personal sanitario y equipos de protección individual". -Se asistirá a las personas sin hogar con el apoyo de las Fuerzas Armadas que entregarán kit de higiene, alimentación y les midan la temperatura. Comida para llevar en los comedores sociales. >> LEER MÁS


Vice President Pablo Iglesias speaks of the "greater mobilization of public and private resources" in the history of Spain."You cannot leave anyone neglected in the sanitary, economically and socially."And he adds that the crisis "with greater security" will be faced."Security means that an autonomous will be entitled to a benefit.""That no one is going to cut off.""We are going to guarantee that the crisis will not be paid by the usual," explains Iglesias.


Illa anuncia que se va a dar a las Comunidades210 millones de euros añadidos para que luchen contra el virus. ​Además añade que se va a convertir el protocolo de atención a las residencias de mayores en una orden. ​Justicia coordinará a las administraciones de Justicia para que se dispongan los servicios mínimos. Y se garantizará el suministro eléctrico a la industria.


All public and private health facilities are under the orders of the Health Councils of the communities, explains Illa.He also adds that the amount of material that is available is being studied and also the mechanisms for the purchase of protection materials have been reinforced."We have distributed 1,500,000 masks in recent days and today we have distributed 327,000 more."We are distributing only when necessary and we are guaranteeing the distribution of these types of products. ​


The Minister of Health and the Vice President of the Government, Pablo Iglesias appears at a press conference.


Confirmed a positive case in Sabiñánigo.This is a man who is admitted to the San Jorge de Huesca hospital.


Una enfermera del Servicio Vasco de Salud ha fallecido con coronavirus, la primera profesional de Osakidetza que ha muerto desde que se declaró la crisis del Covid-19. >> LEER MÁS


The Local Police of Huesca has received this Thursday protection material donated by the company Oscense Agrigán, dedicated to the distribution of veterinary and agricultural products, to deal with the health crisis generated by the Coronavirus.This material, specifically masks and divers, will be distributed between the Local Police of Huesca and Cadis, the coordinator of associations of people with disabilities.From the City of Huesca Agrigán is appreciated his collaboration in this health crisis.


From the security forces they explain that "the days of informing are over and that people are not going to leave home on the weekend."With the phrase "this virus stops among all" ends the press conference of Fernando Simón and the members of the crisis cabinet.


Los bomberos de la DPT desinfectan sus equipos para prevenir contagios. >> LEER MÁS


La mayor empresa de la provincia de Huesca, el macromatadero de porcino Litera Meat que tiene el grupo Pini en Binéfar con cerca de 1.000 trabajadores, continúa en funcionamiento pese a la crisis del coronavirus. ¿Qué medidas ha tomado para seguir abierto y proteger a los empleados? Entre ellas, el refuerzo de las labores de desinfección y fumigación, el escalonamiento en las entradas y salidas de la plantilla para evitar aglomeraciones, el control de temperatura a todo el personal de producción y de oficinas, respetar el número de personas permitido y la distancia de seguridad durante las pausas y los horarios de comida... >> LEER MÁS


Zaragoza firefighters have received seven washing machines this morning and seven dryers that have been donated by Balay to facilitate compliance with the cleaning and safety protocols implemented by the body to limit the spread of the Coronavrius.


Fernando Simón: "The new virus detection tests are antigenic, they find the virus, not the antibodies, but require specialized training to take the samples," explains Simon.


Fernando Simón: "The impact of extra measures, such as the confinement of autonomous communities, is not worth it," there are discrepancies in increasing these measures "


Javier Lambán, the Minister of Health and the General Director of Health end their press conference.Fernando Simón continues.


Fernando Simón, general director of the Epidemias Coordination Center: "We are gradually approaching the maximum peak, but we have to maintain tension"


Fernando Simón says that, according to the available data, by age it is known that 33% of cases are over 65 years old and that percentage, 18% are over 75 years old.In addition, about 32% of the elderly who suffer from it have serious pneumonia.


Javier Lambán continues to explain the resolutions of the Crisis Cabinet of the Government of Aragon."We demand from Pedro Sánchez a relaxation of the deficit path, resources to health, release the remnants to the municipalities."But this decree is not that.Of the 300 million, 11 or 12 million would correspond to Aragon.


Municipal Labrigada de Sabiñánigo disinfects the streets of the town


The City Council of Zaragoza distributes elaborate food at home to 675 elderly and dependent people during the crisis of the Coronavirus.95 of them are users of the dining rooms of the municipal centers of the elderly who now receive the menus in their homes at the price of 4 euros


El director gerente del Salud confirma que se han detectado casos de coronavirus en 12 residencias de Aragón y también añade que solo los hospitales de Barbastro, Calatayud, Fraga y Ejea están libres de ingresados con coronavirus.​Hay personas con coronavirus ingresadas en los siguientes centros:17 en Huesca, en el Obispo Polanco7, en el Hospital de San Jorge de Huesca​2 en AlcañizEl resto están en los hospitales de Zaragoza capital.​


From the Local Police they report that Seles are saturating the 092 switchboard with consultations about the Coronavirus.They say people have to call 010 for consultation issues.


CORONAVIRUS TESTS have been carried out in Aragon.Now they are not testing quickly.Although microbiology tests evolve vertiginously.


Of the 15 deceased in Aragon, 12 of them were from residences, explains the Health Manager.


The Health Manager explains that there are individual protections for all toilets if they are used efficiently.He also adds that all the teams of Aragon can transfer patients from Coronavirus.He also explains that the Alcañiz hospital, despite not having UCI beds, but that up to 6 beds can be used in the area of awakening of the operating rooms.


Pilar Ventura explica que la Dirección General de Salud Pública contabiliza 281 casos de coronavirus, 21 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes, una tasa "baja" según Pilar Ventura.​Hay 2 nuevos fallecidos, residentes de centros de mayores de la provincia de Zaragoza. Ya hay 15 fallecidos en Teruel.​224 casos en Zaragoza​27 en Teruel ​24 en Huesca​6 casos no residentes​165 están aislados en su casa​101 hospitalizados​14 en UCI​De los infectados, hay 25 profesionales sanitarios.


The president of the Government explains that Aragonese industries are being located that produce epis and hand washing gels as well as respirators to be able to distribute them to the health and workers who need it.


Lambán explained that the Governing Council has talked about improving the situation of the self -employed and wants to ensure the food chain from the field to the consumer."We want it to work with the greatest efficiency and security" "We will try to guarantee the opening of food factories and public transport," said Javier Lambán.


The Ministry of Health has confirmed a total of 17,147 positive cases of Coronavirus, 3,431 new which represents an increase of 25 % in the last 24 hours, and the deceased amount to 767, 169 more.They are the latest data provided by the department directed by Salvador Illa and that also indicate that 939 people are in intensive care units and 1,107 have been cured.The director of the Ministry's alert and emergencies coordination center, Fernando Simón, has indicated in the press conference after the meeting of the Cornavirus monitoring committee that the evolution by communities "remains the same" and that the data on data onThe cases "are unqualable day by day" since you have to see the trend of several days in a row.


Spain records 767 dead with Coronavirus after adding 169 in the last hours, they have explained it from the government.


Hemos trasladado a las instituciones el trabajo que hace el Gobierno de Aragón en Gabinete de Crisis Permanente:​Se ha hablado de que el IASS ha reajustado sus servicios para adaptarlos a la nueva situación: desde los hogares de mayores, 31, que están cerrados y se está en contacto con los 125.000 socios. Desde este miércoles, los hogares de Turia y Gallur, ofrecen comidas a las personas mayores que usaban los hogares de mayores para comer. ​Además desde Educación, que ha cerrado los comedores, pondrá 18.500 menús a disposición de los que lo necestian.​Preocupa el colectivo de los mayores, "mucha de la afección del virus tiene lugar en las residencias y preocupa la situación de las residencias, se va a dar respuesta de forma inmediata a los problemas que surjan allí.


Lambán considers the work of the municipalities of large municipalities such as that of Teruel, who works in a magnificent way, also of the small municipalities whose mayors work for their neighbors and do overtime."The mayors are fundamental and they will be more and will have the necessary help from the DGA."


Javier Lambán asks for tension to citizens to live up to us and adds that this tension should be shared with the sense of security.That is why the Aragon government is in the three provinces: in Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel.


The president of the DGA, Javier Lambán, appears live from Teruel.


La Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo de Huesca pone al servicio de la administración todo su 'stock' de material sanitario. >> LEER MÁS


The taxi service in Huesca is reduced during the days that the alarm state decreed by the central government is in force.Huesca's own fleet has been distributed in different shifts to maintain this public service.There will be two shifts, from 7.00 to 15.00 and from 15.00 to 23.00.In the first one will work eight taxi drivers and in the second there will be four taxi drivers serving.At night, there will be three taxi drivers to be able to attend in cases of emergency.Two will make the guard in person, while the third will be at home.Huesca City Council thanks this group for their collaboration and work.


The hospital of Igualada, focus of the main outbreak of Coronavirus in Catalonia, "is at the limit" and cannot open all the beds of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to the lack of personnel, as explained on Thursday the health director of the healthcare director of theCentro, Joan Miquel Carbonell..


The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will meet again by videoconference with the regional presidents next Saturday morning to address the crisis of the Coronavirus, as reported by Moncloa.The meeting, which will begin at 10 in the morning, will serve to inform and reinforce all the lines of coordination and collaboration with autonomous communities and cities in the fight against pandemic.


The Media Association denounces that Correos does not distribute home subscriptions.In a statement, he has transferred his "deep rejection" to this measure that will enter into force from this Thursday by assuming "a flagrant discrimination" for citizens of many parts of the country that do not have access to direct points of sale.Along the same lines, he considers that this decision "clashes frontally" with the spirit of the decree of the government that regulates the state of Alarmay that enables kiosks and magazines for the sale of information media in its character as "public service".


The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has argued that the Coronavirus had been in Spain for much more time. "The connection with China is direct, we do not have a single rubber of the hair other than 'Made in China', The relationship with China is direct. This was coming. It is impossible to think that a virus that has been spinning everywhere was not going to arrive here in that way, "he said in an interview in' Esradio '.


La Policía Local de Gijón ha detenido este jueves por resistencia y desobediencia de un hombre de 40 años, S.M.P., vecino de este municipio, que fue sorprendido circulando en bici y llegó a toser sobre los agentes en un intento de huir.>> LEER MÁS


The City of Sariñena also begins this Thursday the disinfection of streets, parks, railings, containers or industrial areas, according to municipal sources.


The Fraga Health Center encourages the preparation of fabric masks.Different collection points have been established in the capital of Bajo Cinca and in the nearby populations.The health center has hung an explanatory video about its preparation.He also remembers, together with the Consistory, that the material collected will be destined for non -health professionals such as home help workers, supermarket employees or taxi drivers.At the moment, there are many women in the area who have responded to their call and have taken several days overturned in this solidarity work.

En Alfajarín (Zaragoza), una vecina de 71 años se ha hecho viral con este tutorial para confeccionar mascarillas de tela y enviarlas a los centros de salud y residencias de la localidad. >> LEER MÁS


The Prime Minister of Italy, Guiseppe Conte, has advanced Thursday that the government will extend the confinement measures imposed to stop the coronavirus pandemic when it concludes its validity on April 3.

"At this time it is not reasonable to say more but it is clear that the procedures we have promoted, whether the closure of commercial activities or related to schools, will have to be extended when they conclude," explained the head of the Italian government, inAn interview with the newspaper 'Il Corriere della Sera'.


The City Council of Extreme Monzón The cleaning of its most busy public areas to avoid infections.Since the beginning of the week, the road cleaning staff and the Municipal Brigade with External Disinfection Services work coordinated.The main spaces for action are the immediate vicinity of health centers and specialties, supermarkets, open establishments.There is also an exhaustive disinfection of all the containers of Monzón, Selgua and Conchel.


El Ayuntamiento de Estadilla difunde por las redes un vídeo en el que aparecen los miembros de la Corporación municipal y los trabajadores municipales dando palabras de ánimo y recomendando quedarse en casa. >> VER MÁS


The London Metro closes since Thursday 40 stations and substantially reduces its network to contain the propagation of the new coronavirus, as reported by Transport for London (TFL), operator of the city transport network.The measure coincides with the increase in the measures taken by the Government in the face of the rapid extension of the COVID-19 in the United Kingdom, where London records the largest number of infected.


Recuerda: habrá multas de 300 a 1.000 euros si viaja más de una persona en el coche hasta que duren las restricciones de movilidad impuestas por la crisis del coronavirus. >> LEER MÁS


El expresidente del Real Madrid Lorenzo Sanz ha sufrido un empeoramiento en su estado de salud este miércoles después de padecer un "fracaso renal" que se ha sumado a la insuficiencia respiratoria provocada por las complicaciones causadas tras contraer el coronavirus COVID-19. >> LEER MÁS


El Ministerio de Salud de China ha confirmado este jueves que no se ha registrado ningún caso de contagio por coronavirus en la ciudad de Wuhan, capital de la provincia de Hubei y epicentro de la pandemia, y tampoco se ha confirmado ningún caso de contagio local en el país.No obstante, China ha registrado un total de 34 casos de coronavirus exportados desde el extranjero, lo que eleva el balance a 189 positivos procedentes de otros países.>> LEER MÁS


The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has confirmed at the last minute of this Wednesday that he has overcome the coronavirus after a week of quarantine "without any symptom" and has given negative in a new analysis."The laboratory confirms that I have overcome the COVID-19. Negative," Abascal has congratulated himself, which confirmed his positive for Coronavirus last Thursday, just like the general secretary of the party in Congress, Macarena Olona.


Citizens of several Spanish cities have protested against King Felipe VI with cacerolates from the balconies and windows of their houses during the televised speech that the monarch has directed on Wednesday to La Nación.The protest against the king has had unequal follow -up according to cities and neighborhoods.The initiative has been convened through social networks and message chains in WhatsApp, in which citizens were located to go out to the balconies to carry out a 'cacerolate by the Republic' and make it coincide with the broadcast of the King's messageat 21.00.This manifestation, however, has been less sound than the daily applause in favor of the health and professionals who work against the coronavirus pandemic.


The prisoners classified in third grade or open regime may serve their sentence at home controlled by a telematics bracelet or, in the event that there are not enough devices of this type, by phone.Thus it appears in an instruction that the Ministry of Interior, through the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, has sent to the centers as the development of the order that, due to the coronavirus, restricts the departures and communications of the inmates.


The New York Stock Exchange announced Thursday that it will temporarily close its parquet and operate only with electronic operations as a caution against the coronavirus pandemic.In a statement, the New York stock market explained that the new format will begin to use next Monday.


ARADE, la Asociación Aragonesa para la Dependencia, se suma a la reivindicación realizada desde las asociaciones profesionales de todas las comunidades autónomas a través de CEAPS (Círculo Empresarial de Atención a las Personas) para exigir al Ministerio de Sanidad que las trabajadoras y trabajadores del sector sean declarados oficialmente profesionales del NIVEL 1, como lo son los profesionales sanitarios, y por lo tanto se les haga la prueba diagnóstica de coronavirus, especialmente si presentan síntomas. >>LEER MÁS


El Centro Comercial Abierto (CCA) de Teruel, que aglutina a las tiendas y hosteleros del Centro Histórico, ha puesto en marcha la campaña "Caseros generosos" para apelar a la solidaridad de los arrendadores de locales con sus inquilinos comerciantes, que soportan un duro castigo económico por el cierre impuesto por el estado de alarma derivado del coronavirus. La iniciativa, que acaba de arrancar en las redes sociales, ya ha tenido la respuesta positiva de nueve propietarios que han anunciado rebajas o aplazamientos de los arrendamientos mientras dure la clausura de establecimientos. >>LEER MÁS


The former president of Real Madrid Lorenzo Sanz has suffered a worsening in his state of health this Wednesday after suffering a "renal failure" that has joined the respiratory failure caused by the complications caused after contracting the Coronavirus Covid-19.As explained by his son, Lorenzo Sanz JR, in his official Twitter account."We have just talked to the doctor and the news is not good.The worst is not being able to be with him, "he says.


Si algo está quedando claro con la llegada de esta pandemia es que el coronavirus se ceba sobre todo con los mayores. Desde que comenzó esta crisis, antes incluso de que el Gobierno decretara el estado de alarma, se cerraran colegios y establecimientos y se instara a la población a recluirse en sus casas, no pasa un día sin que se conozca la noticia de ancianos muertos en sus residencias, y no de uno en uno precisamente. >>LEER MÁS


Las 45 páginas del decreto que incluye las medidas económicas aprobadas por el Gobierno para amortiguar los efectos del coronavirus incluyen tal cantidad de requisitos que es necesario aclarar no solo en qué consisten esos planes, sino quién puede beneficiarse de los mismos para esquivar cualquier tipo de confusión. >>LEER MÁS


La declaración del estado de alarma y las recientes restricciones sobre la libre circulación de personas han obligado a miles de españoles a quedarse en casa. Un acto de responsabilidad que está teniendo consecuencias notables en el consumo y los hábitos de las personas. Por fortuna, existen numerosos trámites que podemos seguir realizando 'online', sin necesidad de salir de casa. >>LEER MÁS


Lea aquí el discurso íntegro del Rey. >>LEER MÁS


El rey Felipe VI ha dirigido este miércoles un mensaje televisado a los ciudadanos para llamarles a "resistir" ante la epidemia de coronavirus y a unirse en torno al objetivo de superarla. "Este virus no nos vencerá. Al contrario. Nos va a hacer más fuertes como sociedad; una sociedad más comprometida, más solidaria, más unida. Una sociedad en pie frente a cualquier adversidad", ha proclamado. >> LEER MÁS


The president of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, declared the state of emergency in the country on Wednesday, a measure that was not taken for 45 years, to try to stop the expansion of the coronavirus, which leaves for the moment 642 infected and twodeceased in the country.The presidential initiative was supported by the government of the Socialist António Costa and then approved by the Assembly of the Republic.


King's appearance: This virus will not beat us, we will be strengthened.


King's appearance: We will recover the economy, jobs, workshops, Spain will recover its strength.We will also overcome this situation because Spain is a great country, a great people that grows from difficulties.


APPARENCE OF THE KING: The entire State, all public institutions, are overturned to resolve this crisis that constitutes our essential priority and all Spaniards may feel protected. "


King's appearance: Now we have to resist and endure.We must all contribute to the collective effort with our actions, however small.


King's appearance: I am sure that once again we will give an example of solidarity especially with the most vulnerable, so that no one feels alone or unprotected.


King's appearance: to health services: you can not surprise you that from the houses of all Spain a sincere applause that I am sure comforts and encourages you is heard.


King's appearance: to all those affected, a lot of strength and a lot of encouragement.I thank all the public services that are not being sacrificed for others.


King's appearance: Felipe VI ensures that all public institutions are overturned to resolve this crisis, and all Spaniards can feel protected in this new, serious and serious crisis that puts our health at risk throughout Spain and alters the normal development of ourlives.


King Felipe VI directs a message to the nation.


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