Kate Moss's daughter, Lila, is applauded for parading with her insulin pump in Milan

By : ujikiu / On : 14/02/2022

Kate Moss, the iconic English model, returned to the catwalks during the Fendace show, the combination of Fendi and Versace, at Milan Fashion Week. But what surprised the most during this event is that her daughter, Lila Moss, also went up the catwalk, but with a small gesture she has made visible and supported millions of diabetics around the world.

The 19-year-old model wore a gold-detailed jacket over a skintight bodysuit that bared her legs, so she let her insulin pump show. Lila Moss wore a device on her thigh that acts as an artificial pancreas and releases the insulin necessary for the proper functioning of the body into the body.

The young woman's gesture has been applauded by many diabetes associations globally because children, and especially adolescents with this disease, often feel ashamed of having devices attached to the body (sensors, ports, catheters, pumps) to control the illness.

During an interview with The Kit, Lila Moss revealed that she suffers from Type 1 diabetes and that she needs this device so that her body constantly receives insulin and her health is not compromised.

"A lot of people don't know I have diabetes. It's not visible from the outside, so no one knows just by looking at me," Moss explained during the aforementioned interview. Although it is not the first time that the model has shown the insulin pump in public, she has made a historic step by displaying it with pride during Milan fashion week. A gesture highly applauded by Internet users and especially by those who suffer from this disease, who consider it relevant to make it visible and make the population aware of this disease.

Another supermodel makes diabetes visible

Lila Moss is not the only model to make diabetes visible. The Australian Bambi has shared with Beyond Type 1 what her care routine is like when she has to travel to attend to her professional commitments. The model even posted a photo of herself taking insulin and explained all the suffering she went through during the early years of the disease.

"I don't mind showing myself injecting insulin. This is my life. I take slow insulin once a day and fast with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I used to wear a pump, but now I'm back to syringes," explained the model.

WHAT Lila Moss and Bambi have done can help give visibility to a disease that continues to grow and affects 9.3% of the world's population.

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