Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal lights the United States

By : ujikiu / On : 13/01/2023

On Friday night, shortly after the absolutory verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse, the young court for killing two people in the protests against Racism of 2020,Donald Trump sent one of his emails with this message: “This trial has not been morethat a witch hunt from the radical left.They want to punish citizens who comply with the law, including a child, for doing nothing but follow the law ”.Two controversial republican congressmen, Madison Cawthorn and Matthew Gaetz, offered him a fellow post on his team.And the Fox, the conservative chain par excellence in the United States, announced an interview, this Monday in Prime Time, with its star presenter, Tucker Carlson.

By the time concentrations against the ruling began in progressive cities such as Chicago, New York or Portland, Rittenhouse had already become a symbol of the right.President Joe Biden tried to call calm in a statement, despite admitting that the verdict left him "angry and worried".The governor of California, Gavin Newson, warned that the jury had sent a message to the "armed justices" that "they can breach the law, bring military weapons, kill people and get rid".

The case of Kyle Rittenhouse has fueled the political and social fracture of a polarized country and can only be understood in the particular context of American society, where it is legal that groups of citizens are presented in armed disturbances to theteeth because they consider that they must protect the merchants from their community;where it is not surprising that a 17 -year -old boy has a rifle;where there are more weapons in private hands than inhabitants.

The trial of this young man who venerated the police since childhood has not put to the United States only in the face of the demonstrations of that summer of 2020 and his violent derivative, but before the philosophy of individual independent of the system, of the right to fight in a savageWest.He has also raised issues about the race, despite the fact that the deceased and the wounded of that shooting were white.The family of one of the deceased, Anthony Huber, sued the city of Kenosha for conspiring with armed militias and allowing their violent actions."If Kyle Rittenhouse had been black, he would have acted in a very different way," said the accusation.

La absolución de Kyle Rittenhouse enciende Estados Unidos

On August 25, 2020, Kenosha (Wisconsin) suffered the third consecutive day of disturbances for the shots of a policeman against Jacob Blake, an African -American who resisted a detention and got into his car, where there was a knife.In full wave of mobilizations for the death of George Floyd, the case caused peaceful manifestations in the city, but also serious acts of vandalism.

Some militias - armed civilian groups - decided to intervene.“The police are over number and our mayor has failed.Let's take arms and defend our city! ”Wrong one of the groups, Kenosha guard, on social networks.And Rittenhouse, who was then 17, chose to travel from his home in Antioch, a city in the state of Illinois just over 30 kilometers, with an AR-15 (an assault rifle) behind the back to lend a hand.

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In some images in video recorded on video, you can be seen helping to clean graffiti.In those at night, the activists are seen planting.Two of them - Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, both unarmed -, they persecuted him and made him fall.Shot them and killed them.The third, Gaige Grosskreutz, claimed that he took out a gun because he feared that Rittenhouse was a gunman but seeing his shots raised his arms.Wounded him on an arm.

The defense used the argument of self -defense, convinced the jury that the young man had really feared for his life in those circumstances and that he had received previous threats of at least one of the deceased.And, in these circumstances, a citizen has the right to use force to resist, even a lethal force.The Prosecutor's Office was not able to demonstrate that Rittenhouse was not, nor could he feel, exposed to a real danger, or treat him as an instigator of violence.The accusation did not even condemn him for the possession of the rifle, despite being a minor.The judge, Bruce Schroeder, knocked down the imputation shortly before the end of the trial because the length of the weapon was shorter than the limit and had not acquired Rittenhouse himself, but a friend of his elderly.

The writer J..D.Vance, Senate candidate for Ohio, was one of the first to leave in his defense: “We left our children without parents.Dejamos que los lobos prendan fuego a sus comunidades y cuando la naturaleza les dice que vayan y defiendan lo que nadie más está defendiendo, ponemos todo el peso del Estado y los monopolistas globales sobre ellos”, dijo en su cuenta de Twitter.

A moment of judgment serves to summarize the essence of this drama.Después del tiroteo, aquella noche, Rittenhouse caminó hacia una patrulla de policía brazos en alto para entregarse, pero los agentes le dijeron que se apartara.The uniformed Pep Moretti explained that he did not interpret for the boy's gesture that was the gunman and delivered.James Kraus, the prosecutor, asked Moretti: "Seeing someone with an AR-15 did not mean much for you at that point?".And the agent replied: "No, at that moment of the night, no".

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