Josie, head of dressing Cristina Pedroche in the bells

By : ujikiu / On : 11/12/2022

Good tandem

The designer and the presenter have been working together in her New Year's Eve

The best memes of Cristina Pedroche's dress in the 2022 bells


Lorena Montón


Cristina Pedroche has managed to become part of one of the Christmas traditions of our country thanks to her work as a presenter on New Year's Eve.In recent years, both the media and spectators live expectant to know which dress will wear Vallecas in the bells and, as always, this year has not disappointed.What many do not know is that after the ideation of these costumes, someone who is also familiar to the public is hidden: designer Josie.

His real name is José Fernandez-Pacheco, he is 40 years old and was born in Ciudad Real.He studied journalism and humanities at Carlos III University in Madrid but at that time he was clear that the fashion world was his passion, specifically the design area.

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Now, his fame exploded when he participated in the 2020 edition of Masterchef Celebrity, a high audience success program that made him get into the houses of thousands of Spaniards every week.What the majority did not know was that Josie is responsible for designing the dresses that Cristina Pedroche looks during Lasxta's bells, a collaboration that lasts six years.

This year, as always, the work he has developed has managed to leave the audience stunned by the spectacularity of the presenter's design.A success that they have already celebrated, in company, also, from Manuel's Jacinto, Josie's couple whom he met during the New Year's Eve of 2019.

Manuel is a multifaceted artist who works on fashion design, sculpture, painting and ceramics, among other disciplines.Two years ago he agreed with Josie in his project with Pedroche and love emerged.

You just need to take a walk on the Instagram account of Josie to realize how happy it is both personal and professional.Travel, events, staying with friends, among which are known faces, and romantic dinners are part of the day to day of this Manchego designer who, every year, puts his grain of sand so that Cristina Pedroche is the television protagonist of the end ofyear.

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