Jenny Simpson, the compulsive luxury shopper who spent a thousand euros a week on clothes she never wore

By : ujikiu / On : 09/05/2022

It was last June when the life of Jenny Simpson, an English millionaire settled in Suffolk County, was extinguished forever at 89 years of age, however, it has not been until now that it has been discovered that this woman , who inherited a large family fortune, was a compulsive luxury shopper who spent 1,000 euros a week on clothes, which she never wore, and which she accumulated in the three residences she owned.


A regular at the most exclusive shops in London and New York, throughout her life Jenny stocked coats, dresses, sweaters, hats and even a collection made up of more than 500 pairs of shoes, which her heirs have now decided to auction with the objective of raising funds for the independent cinema of the seaside town of Aldeburgh, where Jenny lived, and to which she showed her support throughout her life. However, the items that have been put up for sale are only a third of what this wealthy heiress owned, as the rest is still stored in a garage waiting to be classified.

Described in her obituary as a "devotee of her hometown", Jenny never married and although it was common to see her attending different parties, she was never the hostess of any of them and never invited to any of her residences, perhaps so that they would not discovered the large amount of clothing that was accumulating.

Jenny Simpson, la compradora compulsiva de lujo que gastaba mil euros a la semana en ropa que nunca usó


In addition to feeling a passion for luxury clothing, the mysterious heiress collected French ceramics, as well as old stationery items and was a regular on trips aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 transatlantic that from 1969 to 2008 the route of Southampton, United Kingdom, to New York, United States.

Jenny is survived by her brother Robin, her nieces Anna and Kate and her nephews Charles and Hugo, who have publicly confessed that they will miss her very much. For her funeral, relatives asked that no flowers be sent and that donations be made to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a charity that saves lives at sea off the coasts of Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the island. of Man.

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