How to manage to attend the Madrid Fashion Week?

By : ujikiu / On : 27/04/2022

For the uninitiated, Madrid Fashion Week is that event full of designers, models, 'front rows' and celebrities with extravagant outfits who settle in their stands to applaud the creations that, theoretically, we will wear in two seasons. . A week -well, almost- where the fundamental names of national fashion move to a pavilion on the outskirts of Madrid to see, be seen and comment on everything without cutting a hair. Isn't it all hilarious? Endless days in which parades are combined with cocktails and free souvenirs, especially in the form of magazines. Who wouldn't trade a tedious week at the office and coffee machine for this fun experience? Well, do not think that it would be too complicated for you.

Getting an invitation to the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid -formerly known as Cibeles- is within everyone's reach. You don't have to work in a specialized magazine, or be a personality in the world of fashion, or be a close friend of the participating designers. It is enough to have a bit of mischief and a good gift of ingenuity. Now, then don't complain if you drop the myth of the fashion catwalks, or if once there the only thing you think about is that you won't be able to last all day with those dizzying heels that you've got at eight in the morning. That is up to you. Do you want to know how to get one of the precious invitations? Well take note.

1. Be accredited as a specialized media. Nothing as simple as opening a fashion blog to get invitations to Madrid shows. Do not think that you are going to have to prove a long career as a journalist, or go sponsored by a leading publication. Nothing of that. Fashion bloggers continue to reign in virtual media. Young people -and not so young- interested in garments, trends and the most mediatic part of the fashion business who enjoy analyzing outfits and making improvised chronicles of the parades. Now, have a little knowledge. Do not open the blog three days before the start of Fashion Week. Give it a bit of trajectory and repercussion. If so, they will have no problem going to the parade that they like the most.

¿Cómo lograr asistir a la Madrid Fashion Week?

2. Get the most out of Twitter. Year after year, designers like María Escoté take advantage of her Twitter profile to raffle off some invitations to her parade. All you have to do is open an account, become a follower of the designer and show interest in getting an invitation as many times as possible, to have more chances in the draw. Do not think that it will be easy, since there are many people willing to spend a morning tweeting non-stop in order to step on the Cibeles carpet. Others, like Moisés Nieto, prefer to encourage their followers to say what they like most about Bianca Jagger, Mick Jagger's ex-wife and style icon in New York in the sixties and seventies, to raffle invitations to her parade. A range of possibilities that should not be missed.

3. Buy all the fashion magazines. When the fashion show season arrives, in addition to Readings, they have to buy all the national magazines specialized in fashion and aesthetics. In most they organize contests to be able to get invitations to attend several of the parades. But if you don't feel like going through them one by one, we've already told you the trick: make a list of the publications -it won't take you long-, look for them on all kinds of social networks and stay tuned. In some cases they will have to send an email, in others it will be enough to interact with them virtually. And if they are lucky, they will get one with a VIP pass and the opportunity to meet the corresponding designer.

4. Socialize in the right places. The easiest option, of course, is to go to the source of the invitations: the designers and sponsors. Don't expect to be intimate with Roberto Verino or Hannibal Laguna out of the blue, but there are other designers who are much more approachable. Ana Locking, Rabaneda, Juan Vidal or David Delfín himself are young, lively and sure to be willing to meet interesting people. Yes, do not get ahead of yourself, it is a risky option and for which you have to invest many hours of socializing, but you will secure a seat near the famous, and that is priceless. Your mother may even see you on television. Luck!