How Covid-19 could change nightlife forever, and that's not so bad

By : ujikiu / On : 15/01/2023


By Amelia Abraham

You already know the feeling: the excite.Maybe enjoy the bass, see people, let you go.Not so much the tail for the bathroom or the bar.

For many people, these experiences are a distant memory, because we have been in a pandemic for more than a year that has forced clubs around the world to close their doors to stop the propagation of the virus.At first there were online alternatives, such as Club Quarantine, the name adopted by two projects: the party on Instagram Live of DJ D-Nice that tune in Joe Biden, Michelle Obama and Rihanna, and another acclaimed as ‘The best queer club of Zoom.’

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By Marión Altamirano Alanís

In other places, United We Stream settled as a kind of virtual forum to anchor Berlin clubs, while other artists presented themselves on the live streaming platform Twitch.At first it was a novelty, but after a while we tired of seeing the screen and learned to accept that perhaps nightlife simply did not be part of the new normality.

Now, the new normality is changing again.With more and more vaccines available, it seems that the clubs will open in the United Kingdom and some European countries in summer.But how will they look after the COVID-19?And, most importantly, will they be safe?

The nights of one year like no other

‘There is a good reason why nightclub.PaulMcKay of Imperial College London, a scientist who works in a vaccine for COVID-19.‘During a pandemic, leaving at night could be the most dangerous in the world '.Dance increases the rhythm of your breathing, which can increase the amount of farewell virus.That, along with the lack of ventilation in most clubs, is what makes them high risk.‘The same thing happens in the gyms,’ says the dr.McKay, ‘But in nightclubs there are usually alcohol involved, which means that inhibitions are quite reduced and healthy distance.’

There may be a good reason to close the clubs, but that has caused some of the most beloved institutions in the world to close permanently.That happened especially in the United States: China Chalet, in New York - Chinese restaurant by day, meeting place of the night fashion scene - was one of the casualties.The EightTesh Street Lounge, in Washington, D.C., also closed after 25 years, like Rage, the well -known West Hollywood gay antrum.Live music forums have also been affected, which has made it difficult for emerging musicians to grow their audience in real life.

Cómo el COVID-19 podría cambiar la vida nocturna para siempre, y eso no está tan mal

In the United Kingdom, the subsidies for the forums, plus the additional support of the mayor of London for certain queer spaces of the city, helped them to endure the confinements of last year, while the night artists launched anchono campaigns.Anyway, the itinerant anthro.

Le cuadore and DJ Nadine Artois, Cofundandore of Pxssy Palace - a night of London Center dedicated to trans and queer people - is joining the many affected.‘The Covid took my main source of income and affected my mental health a lot,’ he says.‘There has been a collective duel for the clubs that close, especially between queer and trans people, because historically the club has been the place where we feel visible and protected.’

What will the night life ‘safe’ be?

In countries whose governments controlled the spread of the virus, the clubs reopened relatively fast, which gave a model to follow the rest of the world.In New Zealand, which had 26 deaths of approximately 2,500 cases, the clubs completely reopened in mid -2020.The Friendly potential party organizers had a festival called Catacombs in Auckland during two October nights.‘We can only party if we are in level one, that is, without active community transmission, and we track the contacts of our dancers,’ says Scarlett Lauren, coorganizer of the event.

In Berlin, a brief decrease in COVID-19 indices last summer made some clubs reopen, which takes us a look at the following months.The infamous Berghain opened his garden, as well as: // About Blank, under the condition that it could not be danced, the order was taken at the tables and covered covers when rising."Being outdoors is not totally safe, but the constant current makes it safer," says Dr.McKay.And what about the clubs?‘They could change the most often air with a new ventilation or extraction system as a precautionary measure.Basically, the problem is the amount of infectious particles in the air, so if you can reduce it, it will be a safer place.’

The doctor.McKay cree que la gente se va a relajar con la vacuna y que no creerá que es tan riesgoso salir de antro, pero esa confianza podría provocar un nuevo pico.‘In addition, some countries will not be able to produce millions of dose of the vaccine overnight, unless there are several suppliers,’ he says.‘In addition, people of more than sixty or seventy years are being prioritized.They are the most vulnerable groups and the least prone to go to a nightclub ’. The doctor.McKay añade que, aunque la vacuna esté disponible para todos los adultos, de todos modos necesitamos seis semanas para lograr la inmunidad.

In other words, although the vaccine means that many clubs can reopen in 2021, it will not be an immediate solution to party.Last year, the reopening of the forums in Seoul caused a new crown outbreak in a few days.Spain and Denmark reopened the clubs and closed again for the increase in infections.

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Reinvent a better and safer nightlife

Throughout the pandemic, it has been much thought about how a ‘safe’ night life would be like.Will the answer be the hermetic costumes designed by the creative study Angelino Production Club, for example, or the large plastic bubbles we saw in a concert with a healthy distance from the flaming Lips in October?

While we hope, Artois believes that it would be better to decide how we want to improve nightlife.‘When the COVID-19 attacked, many had financial and emotional problems, we began to support ourselves in other ways, so we have to ask how we can put that sense of care and accessibility in the clubs of the future,’ he says.

It concludes that nightlife as we know it will not remain the same, but that could be an opportunity: 'the queer, trans, indigenous, black and color communities are so resilient that we have created incredible things from our struggles andWe will continue doing.It is time to get creatives and think from scratch what is possible.’