Heat wave: the 3 best international destinations to escape the City

By : ujikiu / On : 06/06/2022

Destination 1 New York:

Although in the big apple temperatures in winter may be very low, during this time of year, the metropolis usually has fewer tourists. This allows you to travel it more easily, without having to wait long queues to visit its most iconic attractions.

PAG21-NY_opt.jpegResistencia. Muchos de los oficinistas de Nueva York prefieren seguir trabajando desde sus casas. Los comercios se quejan por la falta de clientes . Algunos estiman que la ciudad nunca volverá a ser la misma tras la pandemia.

One of the main plans to make in Manhattan in winter is to visit its viewpoints. They are located in the most recognized skyscrapers of the city and have the best prospects of skyline to photograph. The most recommended are the top of the Rock and the one World Trade Center observatory. If you visit the first one, located at Rockefeller Center, we suggest skating on your ice rink.

Another of the best activities to do, is to get to know its museums. The Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of modern Art, the Museum of Natural history, and the Guggenheim Museum stand out.

Destination 2 Paris:

Ola de calor: los 3 mejores destinos internacionales para escapar de la Ciudad

This destination is characterized by not so cold winters, but you can find yourself with several rainy days. However, in the right clothes, you will be able to continue enjoying the many attractions you have to offer.


If we wear clothes, Paris has its fashion week at this time of year, being one of the most recognized in the world along with that of Milan and London. There, you'll be able to see the most recognized brands on a global level. On the other hand, walking through the Lafayette Galleries can be a great opportunity to get to know them and, a good plan to cope with winter.

In addition, par excellence, this city is one of the most renowned for its gastronomy. Hot chocolate is one of the most sought after drinks in the winter season, and you can find them in cafes throughout the different neighborhoods. Poilane, Procope, 360, Café Signes and the Vénus Noire are some of the most recommended to fight the cold, accompanied by the typical French boulangerie

Recognized as the city of lights, in the winter, at early dusk, you can enjoy its picturesque streets and the spectacle that happens every night in the Eiffel Tower.

Destination 3 Toronto:

Although the days are shorter and colder in January, Toronto remains an ideal choice to have fun in one of the most icy months in the northern hemisphere.

Without a doubt, the must of this tourist spot is ice skating. This destination has more than 52 tracks, some with free entrance, to enjoy with friends or family.

For adventurers, one of the city's peculiar traditions, but which adds more adepts each year, is the possibility to experience diving in the frozen waters of Lake Ontario in Toronto Polar bear Dip. If this is too cold for you, the mountains near the city are an incredible option to practice Ski and Snowboarding.


The Distillery District at any time of the year is very beautiful, but during this month the Toronto Festival of lights is held with local and international light artists who offer a visual trip and a playful adventure, designed to educate, inspire or simply make visitors smile.

Now that you know everything these three cities have to offer you, do you already know which destination to escape from high temperatures?