Del Calamar that is not eaten, but the Kimchi is played with six years of fermentation: Korea is fashionable

By : ujikiu / On : 21/03/2023

¿Está huérfana la vanguardia en la cocina desde que cerró El Bulli?

Pilar Salas

Luke appeared at the Forum explaining the fermentations ("premiums of putrefactions", he compared warning about the toxicity of the latter) lactic (kimchi, an equivalent Korean to the German chucrut), alcoholic (sake), acetics (vinegar), oxidatives (wine wineof Jerez) and butyric (very cured Manchego cheese).

He gave as an example a traditional kimchi based on vegetables, brine, chilli, anchovy sauce and rice paste, which had been completing for six years.«The more time, the more delicate and more nuances it has.It's like a baby, if you forces it in growth, you hurt.It is necessary to grow quietly ».

He also made a garum (garo), fish sauce that the Romans already drove with ease.«In this sense, I am against evolution, because pasteurization stopped the fermented.Luckily they have become fashionable, ”reflects Luke Jang.From the age of two, in the elaborate basis with eel presented, the intestines of the fish are naturally dissolved, gas (carbonic acid) is generated and evolves to four years of fermentation.

Del calamar que no se come, pero se juega, al kimchi con seis años de fermentación: Corea está de moda

He completed his exhibition with a fermented pork blood that applied to a prawn and a tofu with fermented cod sauce."It is not usual for a European for so much fermentation time," he assumed."But nuances are created that are not obtained with a simple maturation as it happens with the meat protein," he also warns for the most skeptical.

To provide known references for lovers of good eating, he released related concepts that already sound close, such as Koji, Sake, Ceviche and soy sauce.

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