Francisco: "Let's not get dazzled by the glows of the world, let's not follow the fashions of the moment"

By : ujikiu / On : 07/10/2022

by Infovaticana |January 26, 2022

As is usually the case at the San Pablo conversion party, January 25, the Holy Father presided over the celebration of the second eve in the Basilica of San Pablo Extramuros.This act serves as the closure of the prayer week by the unity of Christians, and in it were representatives of other Christian confessions.

"We freak out Jesus' pressing desire, who wants us to all be one and, with his grace, let's walk towards full unity," said the Holy Father at the beginning of his homily.

On this path, said the Pope, "the magicians help us," and invited to contemplate the itinerary of the kings coming from the East.«They start their trip in the East, which is where the sun rises, but they go in search of a bigger light.These sages do not conform to their knowledge and traditions, but they want something else.That is why they face a risky trip, driven by the restlessness of the search for God.Dear brothers and sisters, let's continue the star of Jesus, ”said his holiness.

«Let's not get dazzled by the glows of the world, splendid stars but fleeting stars.Let's not follow the fashions of the moment, meteors that go out;Let's not fall into the temptation to shine with our own light, that is, to lock ourselves in our group and safeguard ourselves, ”said Francisco.

The Pope urged to look at Christ, "in heaven, in the star of Jesus"."Let's follow him, his gospel and his invitation to unity, without worrying about how long it will be the way to fully achieve it," he said.

«In the magicians we can see our differences, the different traditions and Christian experiences, but also our unity, which is born from the same desire: to look at the sky and walk together on earth.Walking, ”continued the Bishop of Rome.

"The East also makes us think of the Christians who live in several regions decimated by war andviolence," the Pontiff continued, "our brothers and sisters have many difficult challenges to face and, nevertheless, with their testimony they give usEsperanza remind us that the star of Christ continues to shine in darkness and does not go out;That the Lord from above accompanies and encourages our steps.Around him, in heaven, they shine together, without confession distinctions, many martyrs, which indicate to those who are on earth, a precise path, that of the unity ».

Francisco said that in "our path to unity we can stagnate" for "the shock" and "fear".«It is the fear of novelty, which shakes the acquired habits and assurances;It is the fear that the other destabilizes my traditions and my consolidated schemes;But, deep down, it is the fear that lives in the heart of man and from which the risen Lord wants to free us, ”he added.

"We do not fear before our fears, because the Lord wants us to trust each other and that we walk together, despite our weaknesses and our sins, despite the mistakes of the past and reciprocal wounds".

The Pope affirmed the full unity, "that being in the same house" can only be done "if we worship the Lord", the decisive stage of the road to full communion "requires a more intense prayer and the worship of God"."Let's ask God on this afternoon to grant us this courage, the courage of humility, the only way to get to worship God in the same house and around the same altar," continued his holiness.

Francisco indicated that if the Lord "is really in the first place, then our options, even the ecclesiastics, can no longer be based on the policies of the world, but on the wishes of God".He also recalled «the need to take care of the suffering flesh of the Lord, torn in the members of the poor.We serve the needy, we serve Jesus suffering together ».

As Paul before we meet Christ, «we also need to change the route, invest the course of our habits and our interests to find the path that the Lord shows us, the path of humility, the path of fraternity, of theworship".

Francisco: «No nos dejemos deslumbrar por los resplandores del mundo, no sigamos las modas del momento»

«We ask you sir that you grant us thevalue of changing the way, of becoming, of following your will and not our conveniences;to go forward together, towards you, that with your spirit you want everyone to be one.Amen, ”concluded Pope Francis.

We offer you the words of Pope Francis, published in Spanish by the press office of the Holy See:

Before sharing some reflections, I would like to express my gratitude to his eminence the Metropolite Polykarpos, representative of the ecumenical patriarchy, to his grace Ian Ernest, personal representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury in Rome and to the representatives of the other Christian communities present.And thanks to all of you, brothers and sisters, for having come to pray.I particularly greet students: those of the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey, who deepen the knowledge of the Catholic Church;The Nashotah College Anglicans in the United States of America;Oriental orthodox and orthodox.We welcome Jesus' pressing desire, who wants us to all be one (cf.Jn 17,21) and, with his grace, let's walk towards full unit.

In this way the magicians help us.Let's contemplate this afternoon its itinerary, which consists of three stages: it begins in the East, passes through Jerusalem and finally arrives in Bethlehem.

1- First of all, the magicians leave "from the East" (Mt 2,1), because from there they see the star appear.They start their trip in the East, which is where the sun rises, but they go in search of a larger light.These sages do not conform to their knowledge and traditions, but they want something else.That is why they face a risky trip, driven by the restlessness of the search for God.Dear brothers and sisters, let's continue the star of Jesus.Let's not get dazzled by the glows of the world, splendid stars but fleeting stars.Let's not follow the fashions of the moment, meteors that go out;Let's not fall into the temptation to shine with our own light, that is, to lock ourselves in our group and safeguard ourselves.May our gaze be fixed in Christ, in heaven, in the star of Jesus.Let's follow him, his gospel and his invitation to unity, without worrying about how difficult it will be the way to fully achieve it.Let's not forget that looking at the light, the church, our church, on the path of unity, it continues to be the "Myterium Lunae".Let's yearn and walk together, supporting us reciprocally, as did the magicians.Tradition has frequently described them dressed in different costumes, to symbolize diversevillages.In the magicians we can see our differences, the different traditions and Christian experiences, but also our unity, which is born from the same desire: to look at the sky and walk together on earth.To walk.

The East also makes us think of Christians living in several regions decimated by war andviolence.It is precisely the Council of the Iglesias de Oriente Medio that has prepared the subsidies for this week of prayer.These brothers and sisters have many difficult challenges to face and, nevertheless, with their testimony they give us hope, they remind us that the star of Christ continues to shine in darkness and does not go out;That the Lord from above accompanies and encourages our steps.Around him, in heaven, they shine together, without distinctions of confession, many martyrs, which indicate to those who are on earth, a precise path, that of the unity.

2- From the East the magicians arrive in Jerusalem with the desire of God in the heart, saying: "We saw his star in the East and we have come to worship him" (V.two).But from his desire for heaven they are taken back to the harsh reality of the earth: "When King Herod heard this," says the Gospel, "all Jerusalem was alarmed," (V.3).In the Holy City Los Magos, instead of seeing the light of the star reflected, they experience the resistance of the dark forces of the world.It is not only Herod who feels threatened by the novelty of a royalty different from that corrupted by worldly power, it is all Jerusalem that turbhes through the announcement of the magicians.

Even in our way to unity we can stagnate for the same reason that paralyzed those people: the shock, fear.It is the fear of novelty, which shakes the acquired habits and assurances;It is the fear that the other destabilizes my traditions and my consolidated schemes;But, deep down, it is the fear that lives in the heart of man and from which the risen Lord wants to free us.Let us, then, resonate in our path of communion his Pascual exhortation: "Don't fear!"(Mt 28,5.10).We do not fear before our fears, because the Lord wants us to trust each other and that we walk together, despite our weaknesses and our sins, despite the mistakes of the past and reciprocal wounds.

In Jerusalem, a place of disappointment and opposition, just where the route indicated by heaven seems to crash against the walls raised by men, is where magicians discover the way to Bethlehem;And it is the priests and the scribes who, scrutinizing the Scriptures (cf.Mt 2,4), give the indication.The magicians find Jesus not only thanks to the star, which in the meantime had disappeared;but also to the Word of God.Nor, Christians, we can reach the Lord without his living and effective word (cf.HB 4,12), which was given to all the people of God to be received, to pray with it and meditate together.Let's get closer to Jesus through His Word, but ourselves also approach our brothers through the Word of Jesus.Thus his star will emerge again on our way and give us joy.

3- This is what happened to the magicians when they reached their last stage: Belén.There they enter the house, they prostrate and worship the child (cf.Mt 2,11).This is how his trip ends: together, in the same house, in worship.In this way the magicians anticipate the disciples of Jesus, who even diverse but united, at the end of the gospel they are prostrated before the resurrected in the mountain of Galilee (cf.Mt 28,17);They become a sign of prophecy for us, that we long.Brothers and sisters, also for us full unity, that being in the same house, can only be done if we worship the Lord.Dear sisters and brothers, the decisive stage of the road to full communion requires a more intense prayer and the worship of God.

The magicians remind us then that to worship there is a step to take: it is necessary to prostrate themselves.This is the way, go, set aside our claims and put the Lord in center.How many times pride has been the true obstacle to communion.The magicians had the courage to leave at home prestige and reputation, to ab with the poor house of Bethlehem;This is how they were filled with "immense joy" (Mt 2,10).Above, leave, simplify.Let us ask God on this afternoon to grant us this courage, the courage of humility, the only way to get to worship God in the same house and around the same altar.

In Bethlehem, after prostrating themselves in worship, magicians open their chests and offer gold, incense and myrrh (cf.v.eleven).This reminds us that only after having prayed together, that only before God and in his light, we really realize the treasures that each one possesses.But they are treasures that belong to all, which must be offered and shared.They are, in effect, gifts that the Holy Spirit destines for the common good, for the building and unity of his people.And we find this when we pray, but also when we serve: when we give to those who need, we are giving it to Jesus, who identifies with the poor and marginalized (cf.Mt 25,33-40);And it is he who unites us with each other.

The gifts of the magicians symbolize what the Lord wants to receive from us. A Dios hay que ofrecerle el oro, el elemento másvalioso, porque Dios tiene el primer lugar. Es a Él a quien debemos mirar, no a nosotros; a suvoluntad, no a la nuestra; a sus caminos, no a los nuestros.And if the Lord is really in the first place, then our options, even the ecclesiastics, can no longer be based on the policies of the world, but on the wishes of God.Then there is the incense, which reminds us of the importance of prayer, which goes up to God as a pleasant perfume (cf. Sal 141,two).Let's not tire, then, to pray for each other and with each other.And finally, the myrrh, which will be used to honor the body of Jesus deposed of the cross (cf.Jn 19,39), reminds us of the need to take care of the suffering flesh of the Lord, torn in the members of the poor.We serve the needy, we serve Jesus suffering together.

Dear brothers and sisters, let's follow the indications of the magicians for our path;And we act like them, that to return home “they took another path” (Mt 2,12).Yes, as Saul before we meet Christ, we also need to change the route, invest the course of our habits and our interests to find the path that the Lord shows us, the path of humility, the path of fraternity, of the adoration. Te pedimos Señor que nos concedas elvalor de cambiar camino, de convertirnos, de seguir tuvoluntad y no nuestras conveniencias; de ir hacia adelante juntos, hacia Ti, que con tu Espíritu quieres que todos seamos uno.Amen.

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