Facebook data: chronology, controversies and what you should know about the social network

By : ujikiu / On : 19/08/2022

(CNN) - These are some Facebook data and facts throughout its history.

Facebook had 2.800 million monthly active users worldwide as of March 31, 2021.

It is blocked in North Korea and China.

There were 60.654 full -time employees on Facebook as of March 31, 2021.


February 4, 2004: Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin launched Facebook at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

March 1, 2004: Stanford's students, Columbia and Yale can join.


June 1, 2004: The company moves to Palo Alto, California.

December 1, 2004: Facebook adds one million active users on the site.

September 1, 2005: high school students can join Facebook.

September 20, 2005: The company eliminates the "The" of the name and becomes only Facebook.

December 1, 2005: Facebook already has six million users are active on the site.

April 1, 2006: Facebook is launched for mobile devices.

September 5, 2006: The news service is presented.

September 26, 2006: Facebook expands to allow anyone to register.

March 28, 2007: Cameron and Tyler Winklevos, Harvard class excommars.Subsequently, the two parties reach an agreement for US $ 65 million.

October 24, 2007: Microsoft buys a 1.6% participation on Facebook for 240 million dollars.

March 2008: Facebook hires Sheryl Sandberg as the company's operations director.

February 9, 2009: Facebook introduces the "Like" button.

June 2009: Facebook becomes the number one social network in the United States, surpassing MySpace, according to PC World magazine.

October 1, 2010: The movie "The Social Network" is released, a fictitious story of the beginning of Facebook.

September 22, 2011: Facebook presents Timeline's function.

November 2011: Facebook resolves the positions presented by the Federal Commerce Commission that participated in deceptive practices related to user privacy.

April 9, 2012: Facebook announces that you bought the site to share Instagram photos for US $ 1.000 million.

May 18, 2012: The initial public offer of Facebook shares is carried out.

October 4, 2012: Facebook reaches one billion monthly active users.

June 2013: Edward Snowden publishes documents on the PRISM program of the NSA.Snowden states that the NSA has monitored Facebook users and other Internet companies.Zuckerberg denies in a publication that Facebook has cooperated with the NSA.

February 19, 2014: Facebook announces that you bought the WhatsApp Mobile Mondo School for US $ 19.000 million.

March 25, 2014: Facebook announces plans to buy the virtual reality company Oculus VR, INC.for US $ 2.000 million.

June 17, 2014: A study conducted during a week in early 2012 by researchers at Cornell, the University of California in San Francisco and Facebook is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.According to the study, Facebook changed the content mixture in the news of approximately 690.000 users and manipulated the content to measure the user's emotional response.The study found that the users who were shown negative content were a bit more likely to produce negative publications.Users of the positive group responded with more optimistic publications.Many users react angry at what they say is a dangerous social experiment.

June 23, 2015: their shares rise 3% and reach a historical maximum.The company's market value is close to US $ 245.000 million, lo que la hace más valiosa que Walmart, una empresa de US$ 235.000 million.

August 24, 2015: Facebook reaches a milestone when 1.000 million de usuarios inician sesión en la red social en un solo día.

April 27, 2016: The shares rose almost 9% to reach a historical maximum of more than US $ 118 after the company reported that the sales of the first quarter increased 52% and the profits increased almost 200% comparedWith the first quarter of 2015.

October October 30, 2016: A propublic report says that the option of customization of advertisements of ethnic affinities of Facebook can be used to discriminate to users in housing related ads, which is prohibited by the fair housing law.Following the report, the company announces that it plans to deactivate the ethnic affinity function in housing, employment and credit ads.

November 15, 2016: Facebook and Google announce that they will no longer allow false news editors to use their advertisement services.Facebook says that the material of false news publications is included in the "illegal, misleading or liar" content category ".However, Zuckerberg rejects the idea that false news on Facebook has influenced the recent US presidential elections.

Datos de Facebook: cronología, las polémicas y lo que debes saber de la red social

April 13, 2017: Facebook announces that you have taken energetic measures against 30.000 false accounts in France before the presidential elections of the country.The accounts were aimed at preventing trolling, spam and deception, says a Facebook spokesman.

August 3, 2017: The company launches a "related articles" function that provides links to stories of verification sites such as Snopes and Politifact.

September 6, 2017: Facebook reveals that it sold ads worth approximately US $ 100.000 during the US presidential elections cycle.UU.2016 accounts and non -authentic pages "probably operated outside Russia".

September 14, 2017: Propublic reports that the Facebook platform allows advertisers to address users who enter terms such as "hate the Jews" in the fields of education or employment of their personal profiles.The next day, Facebook announces that it eliminated the anti -Semitic advertising categories.

September 15, 2017: The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook has given the special prosecutor Robert Mueller records related to ads linked to Russia that were published on the social network during the US presidential campaign.UU.

September 21, 2017: The company says that it will share content and related information of more than 3.000 ads that sold to accounts linked to Russia with the Intelligence Commissions of the Chamber and the US Senate.UU.

September 27, 2017: CNN reports that at least one of the Facebook ads bought by Russians during the US presidential campaign.UU.2016 referred to Black Lives Matter and was destined to reach users in Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri.

October 2, 2017: Facebook delivers copies of the 3.000 political ads linked to Russia.CNN reports that some of the ads showed refugees as rapists and others promoted the right to carry weapons.A high -ranking member of the Intelligence Commission of the House of Representatives says he hopes to launch a sample of the ads to the public.

October 27, 2017: The company announces new transparency measures, including the requirement that ads related to the elections reveal to the person or organization that paid the position.

October 30, 2017: CNN reports that Facebook executives will inform Congress that approximately 126 million Americans may have seen content generated by a troll farm connected to the Kremlin between June 2015 and August 2017.The next day, representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google testify to the Senate Judicial Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism while legislators continue to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

November 21, 2017: Propublic reports that he was able to buy dozens of housing ads aimed at audiences that excluded "blacks, mothers of high school children, people interested in ramps for wheelchairs, Jews, expatriates of Argentina and Spanish speakers".The company had said that it eliminated discriminatory advertising tools after Propublic published a report in September.A Facebook executive says that a technical failure allowed Provubica to buy the ads.

January 19, 2018: Zuckerberg announces that Facebook is surveying users to qualify news organizations and assign trusted scores.The scores and other factors will determine how much content of each publication will appear in the news sources.

March 16, 2018: Facebook announces that it will suspend a data company called Strategic Communication Laboratories and its subsidiary Cambridge Analytica, which provided the Donald Trump presidential campaign Trump..In a statement, the vice president and the attached general counselor of the social network say that Cambridge Analytic.The data were collected by Aleksandr Kogan, a Russian-American psychology professor who created a Facebook application and got about 270.000 volunteers responded a personality questionnaire.The volunteers agreed to share information from their profiles with Kogan for academic purposes.Then, Kogan delivered the data to Cambridge Analytica.When Facebook learned of the violation in 2015, the company eliminated the application and asked Cambridge Analytica to certify that he had deleted the data collected.

March 17, 2018: a joint investigation of the New York Times and the Observer of London reports that Cambridge Analytica obtained data from 50 million American users from Facebook through the Kogan application.Cambridge Analytica covered the expenses of creating the application and used the information to create political advertising addressed to Trump, according to the investigation.

March 20, 2018: A group of Facebook investors presents a federal lawsuit against the company for allegedly making "materially false and misleading statements" about their privacy policies.

March 21, 2018: During an interview in CNN, Zuckerberg acknowledges that Facebook made mistakes and should have responded more solidly to protect user data.He also says that his company is preparing to combat possible interference in the mid -period elections of 2018.Earlier in the day, Zuckerberg publishes a chronology of the events that led to the filtration of Cambridge Analytica.

July 26, 2018: the shares collapse 19% after executives warn that income growth would slow down as the company focuses on user privacy.The liquidation vaporizes around US $ 119.000 million en valor de mercado, la mayor pérdida en un solo día para cualquier empresa pública en la historia.

July 31, 2018: Facebook announces that it has eliminated a network of accounts and pages suspected of being linked to Russia that participate in the organization of political events in the United States.

September 28, 2018: Facebook announces that an attack on the social network has exhibited information about almost 50 million users.The FBI is called to investigate the attack, according to Facebook.The day the infraction is announced, two users have a collective claim against the company.

October 12, 2018: The company announces that it is investigating a security gap that allowed computer pirates to access telephone numbers and email addresses of 30 million users.

November 5, 2018: Facebook publishes a report that documents the failure of the company to prevent the spread of erroneous information in Myanmar, where the government was accused of carrying out a brutal campaign of violence and oppression against the Rohingya, a religious minorityof Muslims.Government propaganda was published on Facebook.Propaganda linked the Rohingya with terrorists.

November 14, 2018: The New York Times publishes an investigation into aggressive Facebook crisis management tactics in the midst of the controversy about the alleged use of the platform by Russia to interfere in the 2016 elections of 2016.The newspaper reports that the company hired an opposition investigation firm called Public Affairs Definers who participated in campaigns against Facebook critics.Definers allegedly encouraged journalists to investigate the possible links between an Anti-Facebook group and the liberal billionaire George Soros.After the history of New York Times is published, Facebook announces that it is no longer associated with definers.

November 15, 2018: During a telephone conference with journalists, Zuckerberg says he learned about the company's relationship with definers through the New York Times article.The company publishes an answer to the article citing alleged inaccuracies.

November 27, 2018: legislators from nine countries celebrate an audience on Facebook and misinformation in London.Richard Allan, vice president of public policies of the company for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, attends the session in the name of Zuckerberg.

December 14, 2018: Facebook announces that an error allowed third -party application developers to access photos that people had not shared publicly.Up to 6.8 million users could be affected.

December 18, 2018: The New York Times reports that Facebook offered more data from its users to companies than has admitted.Despite Zuckerberg's guarantees that people "have total control" on who sees its content, The Times said documents and interviews with 50 former Facebook employees indicate that the company gave other firms access to data from data from data from the users.

March 21, 2019: Facebook reveals that a vast collection of data from two third -party application users had been exposed to the public through Amazon cloud computing servers in a way that allowed the public to download it.

March 28, 2019: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces that it is accusing Facebook of violating the fair housing law.This follows a formal complaint filed in August 2018 in which HUD said that Facebook allows the owners and people who sell houses to use their advertising platform to "participate in discrimination in housing".The complaint says that advertisers can determine who sees housing related ads according to demographic data.

May 2, 2019: Facebook announces that it has designated some high -profile people, including the leader of the Islam Nation Louis Farrakhan, known for using anti -Semitic language, and the right -wing conspiracy Alex Jones, as "dangerous"And he said it will be purging them from their platforms.Other forbidden people include Paul Nehlen, an anti -Semit.

July 24, 2019: The Federal Commerce Commission announces a US $ 5 agreement.000 million con Facebook, que resuelve una amplia investigación de los reguladores sobre cómo la compañía perdió el control sobre enormes cantidades de datos personales y manejó mal sus comunicaciones con los usuarios.It is the largest fine in the history of the FTC.

September 6, 2019 - The Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, announces that the general prosecutors of eight states and the Columbia district are initiating an antitrust investigation on Facebook.James said: "We will use all research tools at our disposal to determine whether Facebook actions may have put in danger the consumer data, reduced the quality of consumer options or increased the price of advertising".

September 24, 2019: Facebook announces that it will hire third -party facts to analyze the content in order to prepare for the 2020 elections, but will continue to exclude politicians and political ads from their processes of verification of facts.

October 21, 2019: Facebook announces that it will begin to label the publications that are "totally or partially under the editorial control of your government as state controlled means", as part of a broader effort to prevent it from abuse of its platformTo interfere with the US elections of 2020.

October 23, 2019: Zuckerberg testifies to the Chamber Financial Services Commission on Facebook plans for Libra, its cryptocurrency project.The audience approach expands to include a wide range of concerns about Facebook, including questions for Zuckerberg about his company's policy not to verify the political announcements published by elected officials and candidates.
