Eternal Brexit

By : ujikiu / On : 13/09/2022

Three months of separation predict since Brexit's troubles will be eternal.And that, without tragedies, they will go worse.From the outset, they have harmed the British, differently, but cumulative to the virus crisis.

Of the scarce data on the first quarter of this year provided on Wednesday by the National Statistics Office (ONS) there is an especially relevant one: the number of active companies reached March 21 only to 73.8% of those registered,Almost 11 points less than 84.4% final of 2020 - the day before Brexit -, that last one is a percentage higher than the average of the entire pandemic.That is, against the attempt of the Boris Johnson government to mix both factors of the economic decline to hide the cause of himself, they can perfectly distinguish.

This will happen, with one or another intensity, when the temporary horizon of the initial collapse of the other data is extended.At the moment we already know that in January the GDP fell an abrupt 2.9%, when in December 1.2%had grown!And that exports to the EU were reduced by 40.7% (for 28.8% imports), when sales to third countries grew 1.7%!

Although softened in its consequences because the commercial treaty agreed at the end of the year avoided the chaotic withdrawal, Brexit, and only he, is the cause of the largest commercial setback in the United Kingdom.Because it is he, and only he, who has originated the increase in useless paperwork and bureaucracy, the multiplication of unknown procedures, the cost of transport, truck tails, the poor food supply to the supermarkets of Northern Ireland, the lack of lackof fresh food ...

Brexit eterno

The decline of the City has joined commercial jibarization.In just four weeks he yielded the throne of the stock capitality to Amsterdam, whose bag he quadrupled its volume (until intermediate 9.220 million euros per day), while the Londinense lost 40.8% of its size (up to 8.600 million).

The postponement by the Strasbourg Parliament of the Ratification of the Treaty, by breaking the Ireland protocol and unilaterally preventing the agreed customs controls, leads to the banks of the Thames serious consequences: the memorandum of understanding that the British banks asked for to reach before thelast Wednesday and by way of equivalence that the EU granted them a financial passport (in order to operate as always in the territory of 27) it has remained in Limbo.

Conoce en profundidad todas las caras de la moneda.Suscríbete

So, sovereign but foreigners, if the thing continues like this when in 15 months its transitory period ends, they will lose their share in the sweet European market of financial derivatives: 569.000 million euros per year, 75% of which irrigated its London headquarters."The medium -term stage for the City appears as nothing promising," writes Nicolas Véron (Financial Services, The Brexit Dust Begins to Settle, Bruegel, 11/3/21).

Together with trade and finance, another key sector for the economic future of the kingdom is damaged by the shooting at the foot of Johnson's Eurohostility: the white flat economy, the set of digital and creativity services, which includeThe MIC (media, information, communication/culture), the causes of true success in the revitalization of the registered economy of the last decades on the island, especially in the capital: “Three quarters of the London workers were born outside, and three quartersof that majority, in the European space ”describes the consultant Douglas McWilliams (The Flater White Economy, Duckworth Overlook, London, 2015).

But, oh, in 2020 more than 1.3 million foreigners - in much Europeans - left the country because of Europhobia and obstacles to migration and integration derived from Brexit.Up to 700.000 were neighbors of the capital.Less, and with more difficulties in expanding, inside and outside, his music (classical and modern), his fashion (and luxury industry and his art, his shrink threatens to wrinkle the inventive capacity of that economy.A severe setback against the one that does not immunizes the fastest vaccine.