ESSDM Fashion Design students organize a solidarity market

By : ujikiu / On : 31/03/2023

Students from the Centro de Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores de Diseño, ESSDM, have organized a solidarity campaign that consists of a market on May 5 in the vicinity of the Arte Sacro Business Park in Seville.

The ESSDM community has donated garments, which may have a second life, and the money raised from the sale will be donated entirely to cover the needs of the population of the Ivory Coast.

The project, led together with the Tierra de Hombres Foundation and Dr. Pilar Donoso, is organized by the students of the 3rd year of the Official Degree in Fashion Design and Graphic Design.

The market will be open this Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and contributes to the solidarity project Gestures that cross seas and sew borders.

Gestures by Marfil

 ESSDM Fashion Design students organize a solidarity market

Ivory Coast is a West African country where the quality of life of its inhabitants is one of the worst in the world. This precarious situation affects above all the most vulnerable sectors of the population, such as pregnant women and their children, or the elderly without resources. From the desire to want to improve this situation, Gestos por Marfil was born.

Fundación Tierra de Hombres

The Tierra de Hombres Foundation has been working since 1995 to offer a chance of life to boys and girls with serious illnesses who need to be operated on in hospitals by qualified medical teams and not they have the possibility of life because they cannot be cared for in their countries of origin.

Almost 800 boys and girls have already been treated and intervened at a national level in the different delegations of Tierra de Hombres-Spain, and today they can lead a normal life with their biological families.

Tierra de Hombres was implanted in Spain in 1994 within the Terre des Hommes International Movement, which originated in Lausanne (Switzerland) in 1960. It belongs to the Terre des Hommes International Federation (FITDH), the second world group of NGDOs for attention to the childhood. With more than twenty awards for its humanitarian work and its defense of children's rights, Tierra de Hombres works at three levels: maternal and child health, child protection and promotion of children's rights through projects of cooperation to the development carried out in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.