Elaine Palacio, the Colombian in the big leagues of fashion

By : ujikiu / On : 02/01/2023

Her image was featured on the cover of Vogue Italia and on an inside page of the special September issue dedicated to the global campaign 'Black Lives Matter'. Thus she became the first Afro-Colombian model to be on the cover from the prestigious fashion magazine. Last August she had already appeared in this same publication. She was the image of the video cover of the new digital edition of the magazine and the print edition, which highlighted '100 Stories, 100 Characters' that have an impact on the fashion industry. Of a hundred guests, they chose only 20 to make, with each one, an audiovisual product. There, she captures the attention for her model poses and her qualities for dancing... she looks fresh, relaxed, smiling.The achievements in the modeling world of Elaine Palacio Mosquera, a skinny 18-year-old girl born in Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá, of Chocoano grandparents, are enviable: he has been on the catwalks of Fashion Week in New York, Paris and Milan; She is a Victoria's Secret catalog model (she had previously been one of her Pink line, the most youthful). She has worn haute couture needlepoint garments such as Alexander Wang, Jonathan Queen, Victoria Hells, Anna Connor...In addition, the famous British fashion house Burberry chose her as its image; participated in the soon-to-be-launched Reebok campaign; He has worked with famous photographers and stylists such as Italian photographer Mario Sorrenti (he took the photo for Shakira's 'Fixation' 1 album). And if that weren't enough, as Elaine stated, excited from New York, the city where she lives, "something extremely big is coming that I didn't expect. It's going to be another 'boom'." That, yes, he warns, he cannot anticipate anything else, "it is a surprise."

She acknowledges that Vogue Italia opened doors for her “in fashion” and that it was a pride for her to pose for this magazine, since she never thought she would achieve this goal so quickly, “since many models must have a great career to reach a Vogue, a Metropolitan or another of the largest fashion magazines in the world”. She assures that she is very happy to have participated in the Vogue campaign to exalt Afro culture.

She acknowledges that she has been a victim of racism in Colombia and other countries such as Mexico and the US. Also read: Pierre Cardin, 70 years of his legacy in fashion

Elaine Palacio, the Colombian in the big fashion leagues

For the images of Vogue Italia, the Colombian worked with the famous photographer Mario Sorrenti and again posed him for the next Reebok campaign.