Do not give it to you: all the bulos, confusion and exaggerations on the palm volcano

By : ujikiu / On : 18/01/2023

Old Summit

Te desvelamos las falsas informaciones que han surgido a raíz de la erupción del volcán de Old Summit

Old Summit: ¿por qué erupciona el volcán? ¿Cuánto durará?

La Palma Volcano |Red alert on the island after the eruption, live

Eñaut Zuazo

The great news of this weekend is the eruption of the La Palma volcano.The old summit volcano began its seismic swarm on September 11 at 4.18 in the morning and 18 days later it has ended the eruption of this weekend.

During the last weeks more than 7 were detected.000 Breaths before the magma reached the surface.In the end, the eruption has originated in Rajada Mountain, in the municipality of El Paso and has caused the evacuation of 5.000 residents of five municipalities of La Palma.


False and decontextualized information

Undoubtedly, this event is on the mouth of all Monday, all media are talking about the subject, in social networks a lot of information is also being shared and all this causes an overinformation in which bulos, false data and exaggerations also sneak out.

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Que no te la cuelen: Todos los bulos, confusiones y exageraciones sobre el volcán de La Palma

In order for this hypothesis to be true, an exceptionally high magnitude earthquake would have to be given simultaneously and an explosive volcanic eruption of great magnitude at the old summit.It would also be possible if the volcano will reach its natural growth at least a thousand meters more than it measures now.And to reach this height, according to the average growth rate of the island in the last million years, it would need more than 40.000 years.

Will this eruption turn active to Teide?

"No, there is no evidence to give wings to this statement.There have been recent eruptions (El Hierro 2011, Teneguía 1971) and El Teide has not erupted.Most volcanic systems are not connected to each other ”.

The geologist himself also clarifies that firefighters cannot turn off the lava with their hoses.It seems obvious, but it doesn't hurt to corroborate it.

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Can the eruption of a volcano be predicted?

Volcanic eruptions are more foreseeable than an earthquake, because they always warn with small modifications in the field, with micro-theme, with gase emanations, among other signals.Even so, it is not easy to determine the date and time of the eruption in advance.

Could air traffic stand as it happened a few years ago with the Icelandic volcano?

In 2010 a series of important events in the eyjafjalajökull glacier in Iceland, caused the volcanic eruption on March 20.Another eruption on April 14 of that year threw volcanic ash several kilometers in the atmosphere, which took the closure of airspace in most of Europe for five days, affecting 10 million passengers.

In the case of eruption in La Palma, it does not seem that this eruption will cause any closure of the airspace because the smoke column is not as large as that time in Iceland.However, it could close the airspace in the Canary Islands if the winds go to the airport.In fact, it is already starting to pass: this morning the flights to the gomera have already been canceled for the arrival of an ash cloud after the eruption.

In Spain there are many volcanoes beyond the Canary Islands?

The Canary Islands is not the only volcanic nucleus in Spain.There are also several small and inactive volcanoes in Cabo de Gata (Almería), La Garrotxa (Girona), Campos de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), chest (Valencia), the Columbretes Islands (Castellón), among others.

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