Dior, Gucci or Vuitton will not hire models of size 32 or children under 16 years

By : ujikiu / On : 29/10/2022

France will penalize the extreme thinness of the models

Models denounce that the industry presses them to lose weight

Revented on a ladder and without light, an agent reveals the dark side of the work of the models

Read the LVMH and Keing agreement (PDF)

The fashion industry seems willing to banish, finally, the extreme thinness of the catwalks.After years of controversies, debates and scandals the LVMH luxury giants (Dior, Vuitton, Givenchy, Céline, Kenzo, Fendi, Loewe, Berluti, Pucci, Marc Jacobs and Lor, Alexander McQueen, Christopher Kane and Stella McCartney), have launched an ethical code in which they undertake not to resort to extremely thin models (size less than 34) or under 16 years.The unprecedented agreement has been made public on the eve of the start of the New York Fashion Week, which will be followed by the catwalks of Madrid, London, Milan and Paris, and after the controversy that was generated by a casting inThe Fashion Week Parisina edition of February.

The agreement establishes formalized rules in a letter on labor relations with the models that will also be applied outside France.Thus, LVMH and Keing will suppress in their models selections the size 32 for women and 42 for men, France Presse reports.

The agencies proposed by their professionals will have to do so with women whose morphology "corresponds to size 34" and 44 for men, the two luxury groups in their joint statement said in their joint statement.The famous and controversial size 0 American (32 in Europe) is, thus, is definitely banished."Many people did not even know the existence of size 32 but some designers made their prototypes in that size.That is over now, the carvings will begin from 34, which is already a fairly small size, "France Presse Antoine Arnault, a member of the LVMH Administration Board of Directors, has told France.

The two fashion giants will demand a medical certificate that demonstrates that the health status of the models is optimal and that they have the capacity to work.The certificate may not have been carried out more than six months before the parade or the photo shoot.

Dior, Gucci o Vuitton no contratarán modelos de talla 32 o menores de 16 años

In addition to excluding children under 16 in the parades or photo sessions that represent adults, specific rules are set for children under 18: they will not be able to work between 22.00 and 6.00 hours, they will have to be accompanied by a tutor (it can be one of their parents) that will be present at the workplace and will stay with them.In addition, the agency will have to certify that it respects the child's school obligations.Also foresees that they have access to "food and drinks adapted to your needs"."Abuses have occurred.A 15 -year -old girl does not have the bagog.

The two companies indicate in a statement that "respect for the dignity of women and men" are "at the center of their values" and that is why "they have always worried about the well -being" of the models with which they work.

Integrity and respect

They also ensure that due to their determining role in the sector they have "a specific responsibility" and should go "even further", which is specified in this letter that "promotes high standards of integrity, responsibility and respect".

"We hope to be a source of inspiration for the whole sector to promote a real change in the working conditions of models worldwide," François-Henri Pinault, president-director general of Kering, told AFP.For its part, Antoine Arnault, has assured that the objective of this ethical code is to guarantee the "well -being" of the models.

Pinault's wife, actress Salma Hayek, has shown her "pride" through Instagram for the implication of her husband in the agreement."I am super proud of my husband for continuing to defend the working conditions of the models including those that have the pressure of having to be under healthy weight," he said in a post in English and Spanish.

Natalia Vodianova also uploaded a post to her Instagram account thanking her partner's work."Thank you my love for this important initiative.I know how hard you have worked so that this has come true, "he has written.

A follow -up committee, formed by representatives of the brands and mannequin agencies, will meet every year to evaluate compliance with this letter, presented on the eve of the New York Fashion Week."The PDG of my group's brands are going to monitor so that these measures are applied everywhere.A brand that does not follow these rules will have to give me accounts, "said Pinault, who also wants" quickly advance "in the issue of diversity of models.

The agreement, historical in the fashion world, adds to the different legislative initiatives that several countries, such as France or Israel, undertook in recent years to fight anorexia.A law approved last May by the French Parliament penalizes the hiring of extremely thin models and demands a medical certificate to be able to exercise the profession.