Jujeña designer participated in New York Fashion Week Jujeña participated in New York Fashion Week

By : ujikiu / On : 07/02/2023

The designer Jujeña Sabrina Aguirre participated in the New York Fashion Week presenting the "Pacha" collection with garments of her brand called "Aguirrre".Jujuy's tribune spoke with the 25 -year -old creator about the special parade that took place in the "Dor" gallery of the Big Apple in the framework of one of the most important calls in the international fashion industry.

Fashion Week in New York has managed to capture emerging talent and lock names in the global market.

In this way Aguirre that resides in New York for several years said that since he graduated from the UBA (University of Buenos Aires) he thought about being part of this meeting that this year was completed from September 8 to 12, "I wanted to participateThis year at the New York Fashion Week and I looked for ways to get sponsors but things did not give and thought: Well, it will be next year, until a friend DJ contacted me and told me that a galleryI was looking to organize a parade and asked me to build a collection in a week and I accepted, "he said.And he said that he immediately got to work, "I summoned a colleague from the university who is a textile designer and we made all the garments, I sewed and she did the embroidery and textures.And I called other people for styling, music and to gather models, "he explained.

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And providing details about his collection called "Pacha" said: "The concept has to do with Mother Earth, with Pachamama, it is an offering of thanks.In my brand I like to inspire cultural issues that are linked to Latin America and Jujuy in particular considering our great wealth in that sense and wanted to demonstrate what Pachamama was for people who are here in New York, because they do not understand what happens inThe province on August 1, then wanted to personify the Pachamama, take it in the form of energy.Thus, during the parade there were models and dancers with masks in an attempt to convey the power of the ceremony, when you feed, give drink and thank Mother Earth ".He also referred to the colors and shapes of the garments he presented, "I decided to use very strong and striking colors, because they are those that are linked to me to Jujuy, everything that is color reminds me of my province and gives me joy.In addition, we use many textures and embroidery and stam.He added: "And as for morphology, the vast majority are oversize and anatomical garments, I also wanted to rebuild certain native garments of the province such as the poncho to take it elsewhere, with a morphology that is being rebuilt in the body".

The team that accompanied Jujeña during her proposal in New York was made up of Kim Munroyos (Styling, casting director, general organization), Paula Safronchik (embroidery, textures, styling, organization in general), Mellow Domingo (hosting, host of theMeeting, summoned makeup artists, hairstylists, dancers and models).

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"I wanted everyone to be Latin because it was difficult for an American to know what Pachamama was, wanted our culture to understand more," he said.


Luego habló sobre su marca llamada "Aguirrre" que nació el año pasado, "las cuatro ‘r’ surgen porque acá en Estados Unidos no pueden pronunciar esta letra y me pareció un guiño simpático y también porque somos cuatro hermanos en mi familia y tiene que ver con eso.And the brand is a continuation of my thesis in which I took as inspiration the Carnival of Jujuy and the brand is based on recycling, in recycling garments that people do not use, and use fabric pieces, the Descartes are so large in thetextile industry that I want to make my little contribution about it for the change in the world.My garments are made in Patchwork and with many colors always, because it is something that I want to be representative of the brand because it has to do with Jujuy, listening to Jujuy, Pachamama or Carnival leads me to think of colors and the colors leads you to think aboutjoy, party, happiness.And the morphologies of the garments were varying, I love oversize, and the typology of the garments are a mixture between the sports, the tailor, the lingerie, I like the destructure and redo the native garments, I want a brand thatRepresenting from Jujuy's cultural, I want.And he said that for the pandemic he returned to Jujuy last year for a while, "and I dedicated myself to making customary pieces, that is, people gave me garments that I no longer used and I did something totally new.I like to involve the consumer, to be more aware of the importance of recycling.With this work I could buy the tickets and return to New York and I did it, "he said.

"I can express my designs"

Then he was very satisfied with the achievement achieved, "from the parade in New York many people participated, he filled with people and many saw it from the outside and this for me means a lot, coming from Argentina, from Jujuy and that nobody knows me andSuddenly so many people come to demonstrate their support and be interested in your work is very exciting, it is very strong.One sees New York as something distant but being here and making a parade that people like and understand what you wanted to express is intense, and they told me that the theme of the ceremony was seen, the cultural in the movements of themodels and dancers.The language is a barrier but I could communicate with my designs, I could express myself through them and that people can understand me.I am happy, very happy, "he said.And he added: "I receive many messages from photographers and models that begin to contact us for photo productions or videos and I think that many opportunities will arise.This marked a change because many people express their interest and they told me that they got excited with my proposal so I want that to be my future, to be able to excite people through the work I do ".And in that section of the talk, Sabrina Aguirre revealed that even the Cazzu trapera was interested in her designs, "we went to see her during one of her presentations in New York to show her our clothes and received us very well and was surprised becauseI'm also from Jujuy, "he said.

He also referred to his professional future and said he is starting to think about the next fashion week, "it will be in February and I hope to make a new collection, I do not want to spend hours without sleep and without eating, so we want to plan itWith time to follow and progress with the brand, what I want, "he said.

Vale mencionar que la marca "Aguirrre" tiene su cuenta en Instagram y allí se podrá apreciar el trabajo de la jujeña.