Heart The Faber-Castell twins: the powerful heiresses who support the daughters of Julio Iglesias after their work setback

By : ujikiu / On : 03/02/2022

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It was in May 2019, just a few days after coming of age, when the twins Victoria and Cristina Iglesias (20 years old) dazzled on the red carpet of the MET gala, the most important fashion event in the world that is held annually In New York. Then it was possible to verify how the daughters of Julio Iglesias (78) and Miranda Rijnsburger (56) had made a great leap from girls to women and sought to establish their profile as international models in the most dazzling event in the Big Apple. That was two years ago, and in this time, the sisters have shown to have other concerns apart from the attractive world of catwalks and photo sessions.

The daughters of the singer of Me va, me va are carving their own path in the world of work. After a childhood without going to school due to the constant changes of their parents that forced them to receive classes through tutors at home, the young women decided to pursue higher education in which they are currently immersed; such as Interior Design and Economy by Cristina, and Fashion by Victoria. But both share their passion for healthy living and healthy eating, so they decided to start My Tribeü, their own vitamin supplements that they created together with the famous doctor Paria, a well-known naturopath in the United States. They announced their "next launch" in early April after months of working on it, but more than seven months later, the company still hasn't opened. In fact, this week, the sisters have made the decision to stop promoting their brand on their networks, as a form of withdrawal.

Cristina and Victoria Iglesias have been the absolute protagonists of the Debutantes Ball. Social media

Faced with this first labor setback for the twins, the young women have had the support of their best friends, the twins Victoria and Sarah von Faber-Castell. The four of them have known each other since they were very little, because they have spent the summer together in both Marbella and Miami. And these days they have been seen very united in various leisure plans that they have carried out on golf courses and outings with horses, as they are some of their great passions.

The Faber-Castell sisters, despite the fact that they are only 25 years old -5 more than the Iglesias twins- know what it means to start a business and the headaches that this entails, which is why they have become the best advisers for daughters from the singer. And it is that the Faber-Castell girls are the heirs to the almighty empire of pencils that bears their surname and that Caspar Faber founded nine generations before. Victoria and Sarah's father, Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castell, was the last president of the company for more than 40 years until he passed away in 2016, and now it is his four children - Charles, Katharina and the twins - who are preparing to lead the great empire.

The family also belongs to the nobility, so they are counts and countesses Faber-Castell. A dynasty that has been successful in the world of stationery for more than two and a half centuries thanks to the work carried out by his relative in the mid-1700s when, without being aware of it, he created in his workshop in Stein, Germany, what would become the most demanded pencils in history.

The twins Victoria and Cristina Iglesias with their great friends, also the twins Victoria and Sarah von Faber-Castell. Social media

A few simple pens have made the family gold. The best friends of the daughters of Julio Iglesias are the current generation of the saga, but while they study abroad, their two older brothers are the ones who run the international part and the Corporate Development of the company. However, the twins are not far from the work carried out by their family since they are aware that one day they will be part of the empire's leadership.

That dynastic background that is so linked to the business world makes the Faber-Castell sisters aware of the hard work behind a business and that is why they have supported their great friends Victoria and Cristina Iglesias all these months ago when they were preparing the launch of their own brand of healthy capsules. But finally, the singer's daughters have preferred to pause their project, and given that decision, their close friends have not hesitated to be by their side and support them at this time.

The four young women not only get together in times of difficulty, but whenever they have a gap in their agendas they let themselves be seen together enjoying luxurious plans to which only pockets like theirs have access. It is common to see them sunbathing in one of their family mansions, riding a horse through the green meadows of some paradisiacal destination or in the front row -first row- of some of the most important international fashion catwalks. When this happens and the four get together, they usually share a photograph of the moment on their social networks under the striking title "Twin conference" (twin summit).

[More information: The daughters of Julio Iglesias and Miranda exude style and beauty at the Debutantes Ball]

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