Colombiamoda 2021 opens its catwalk with designs of the Ecuadorian Cindy Castro

By : ujikiu / On : 18/07/2022

Hay artistas que descubren su vocación de forma temprana. Crecen y van desarrollando las aptitudes que luego determinan los propósitos que quieren cumplir. La ecuatoriana Cindy Castro es una artista de la moda, que se mudó a los 18 años a Estados Unidos y que puntada a puntada ha confeccionado la vida y el trabajo de sus sueños. Nacida en Quevedo, Castro es además una de las diseñadoras latinoamericanas en participar hoy en la pasarela inaugural Mira de Nuevo que se realiza en Medellín y que marca el inicio de las ferias Colombiatex+Colombiamoda 202.

Castro will be one of the Ecuadorian representatives - he will also intervene the Quito de Calzado Paulina AndaEliminate violence against women.

The Ecuadorian Paulina Anda arrives with her designs to the Colombiamoda 2021 catwalk

José Delgado: ‘I can walk along the second bridge of the perimeter, with a camera or without it, and nothing happens to me’

“The design came into my life since I am aware.Since I was little I always liked to see magazines, at home I alwaysI saw him as a career.While I was in Ecuador I had not thought about fashion as a race until I moved to the United States, ”says Castro.

The beginning

Established in New York since 2019, Castro says that his connection with fashion was always strong.“When I moved here I saw the opportunity, there are art schools and I said: this is my opportunity to fulfill my dream and from there I went to the university in Chicago, in Columbia College, and I studied four years.I didn't know anything about sewing, nothing to do patterns, absolutely nothing.Then those four years, although I didn't know anything, I graduated with honors and the truth is the best decision I could have made, studying to become a fashion designer, ”she says.

Colombiamoda 2021 inaugura su pasarela con diseños de la ecuatoriana Cindy Castro


Before graduating, the Ecuadorian began an internship with a designer of that town.At the end of her university studies and start looking for a job, she also discovered that the development of the industry had greater strength in New York.“I was looking for networks and everything was in New York and on a visit I made I applied for an internship and then returned to Chicago.They called me, they wanted the internship to start with them, I decided, it was determination and I had the opportunity to work in the industry since I graduated, ”she says.

He has worked with various fashion houses and American designers and approximately eight years ago created his own brand."I decided that I wanted to create my own line with the purpose of being able to help other people, especially minorities and also create an environmental change because in the fashion industry it is very necessary," she admits.

His first collection had an important protagonist.The Ecuadorian patriot Manuela Sáenz served as inspiration for the pieces of the line she took for the first time under her name.“Last year, in the middle of the entire pandemic, it was the first collection I designed.It was my salvation because working eight years and making the great decision to leave my salary, of the economic independence I had, was a great decision.But the pandemic saved me because I needed to continue creating and that was that I created it.I was inspired by the beautiful and brave Manuelita Sáenz and in September last year we had been working (we do it eight months in advance) we took the website, ”she says.

In his proposal, female empowerment, self -esteem and consciousness by the environment are his bases.“Be aware that there are people who are working delicately.Miimraca talks a lot about reusing your clothes, simply giving your own touch, reusing it is also Slow Fashion, which is slow fashion, with the purpose of buying more things for quality and not in quantity, ”she says.In her designs, priority is also working with natural and ecological fabrics.

Colombiamoda 2021

The invitation to join this fashion event was just because of the philosophy that has its brand of working with communities and promoting work while replicating it in Latin America.“In the midst of my search I met the great designer Diego Guarnizo, where I do my maquila, and I went to know his workshop, it was superimporting for me to go to meet the seamstresses, the team and know that they were receiving a fair payment and partOf my collections, the maquila is made in Diego's workshop, ”he says.

He proposed to join the Colombiamoda catwalk."Not only for your talent but for the social and environmental impact you want to create with your brand," Castro says.


For this inauguration will present a collection with silk, draped and hand -worked pieces, in which butterflies will also be seen."These are butterflies, because they talk about transformation, change, hope, and as we are talking about women, of self -love, this has a lot to do with the whole concept," she adds.The designs will be in warm tones, earth colors that become roses and fuchsias."My line has styles for celebration, I will celebrate life," she adds.

Each of the six designers (Paulina Anda, Cindy Castro, Annais Yucra will join with Silvia Tcherassi, Johanna Ortiz and Beatriz Camacho) who team up with garrisonSpecial event that will be held in the same place once the parade ends.(YO)