Back 'Code 41', Andalusia Fashion Week with Córdoba and Crafts as protagonists

By : ujikiu / On : 24/09/2022

This Tuesday, the presentation of the different events that will be held in Córdoba took place on the occasion of the XVI edition of the Andalusia Fashion Week, Code 41, in which the prominence will revolve around the crafts and Córdoba.

As indicated by the organization in a note, the act has had the assistance of the Territorial Delegate of Development, Infrastructure, Planning of the Territory, Culture and Historical Heritage of the Board in Córdoba, Cristina Casanueva;the Councilor for the Historic District of the Cordoba City Council, María Luisa Gómez Calero;and the general director of the Andalusian Youth Institute (IAJ), Carmen Poyato.

Likewise, the Provincial Advisor of Programs of the Andalusian Institute of Youth, Salvador García;the general director of the Seville Higher School Fashion (ESSDM), Francisco Valderrama;and director of Code 41, Ignacio Gurrea.

After the success of the last edition in which the centenary of the Cordoba courtyards was commemorated through 'Fashion Films', in this edition, face -to -face parades are held at the headquarters of the Delegation of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía, located in the streetCapitular.The parades will be included in the official program of the Eutopía Festival, organized by the Andalusian Youth Institute, belonging to the Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work.

Thus, on Thursday, October 21, the parade will be held at the Capitular Headquarters and will have the institutional collaboration of the IAJ, Culture Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía and Delegation of Historic District of the City of Córdoba.The participating companies are Valerio Luna, Manu García, Joaquín Serra, Moscoso Elías, Sandra Rosa Collection and Florencio Pérez.Likewise, a 'Fashion Films' day will be held with the companies participating in various monumental enclaves of Córdoba.

Regresa 'Code 41', la Semana de la Moda de Andalucía con Córdoba y la artesanía como protagonistas

Code 41 celebrates its XVI edition between October 18 and 31, betting on artisan design, commercial fashion and youth entrepreneurship, extolling the heritage value of Andalusia through the choice of its locations.

Córdoba, Carmona (Seville), Malaga and Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) become the cities chosen for the XVI edition, where more than 50 companies will present their collections for the new season.

The new edition of the Andalusia Fashion Week is possible thanks to the participation of the Junta de Andalucía through the Ministry of Culture and Historical Heritage, the Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work through the Andalusian Institute of Youthand the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities through the brand 'Crafts made in Andalusia'.

The municipalities of Córdoba, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Carmona also collaborate;The Diputación de Málaga through the 'Málaga fashionable' brand and the Foundation Institutions Tres Culturas, ACME, Momad Metropolis, Festival Eutopía, Essdm and the EnsDM Business School.

The event will be attended by the block composed of professional signatures, coming from enclaves from all over Spain and Portugal;another formed by emerging signatures, mostly Andalusia;And the contest of young designers, 'Code 41 Talent', which has had more than 100 applicants.

Finally, the young students of ESSDM, Center for Higher Design Artistic Teaching, will participate in the event within the Focus format.