Chocolate can be part of your diet, and here we tell you about its benefits

By : ujikiu / On : 03/03/2023

By Monica Tirado -Miami

Chocolate is one of the richest foods in the world...Who can resist him?We can enjoy it as candy, in delicious desserts, ice cream, cakes and more, even in salty or haute cuisine dishes. Pero, ¿sabías que también lo puedes incorporar a tu dieta diaria? HOLA! USA conversó con la Nutrióloga Clínica, Diabetóloga y Educadora en Diabetes Alejandra García Quiroz, quien nos habló de los beneficios del chocolate oscuro (conocido también como negro o amargo) en nuestro organismo, además de revelarnos mitos, realidades e interesantes datos científicos para su consumo.

Chocolate radiography

Chocolate is a food that is obtained from the sugar mixture with two products derived from the manipulation of the seeds of the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao l.), cocoa paste and cocoa butter.From that combination, the different types of chocolate are elaborated.

Es importante señalar, que el chocolate puro, el oscuro; que no tiene otras sustancias añadidas, es aquel que reporta beneficios para la salud.The final proportion of cocoa dough determines how dark a chocolate is.

Chocolate as food, is nutritionally complete.The macronutrients it provides:

El chocolate SÍ puede ser parte de tu dieta, y aquí te contamos de sus beneficios

It is important to know the different types of chocolate bars that we can find in the supermarket, among them we have:

Both clear and white chocolate are not considered a real chocolate because their cocoa concentration is extremely low.

Para ser considerado una buena opción, la barra de chocolate debería tener al menos un 70% de sólidos de cacao.The higher the percentage of cocoa, it is better to obtain more health benefits. A mayor cantidad de cacao, más saludable es el chocolate.

It is recommended to consume it in moderate quantities.The suggested daily dose: 1 to 2 tablespoons tars of cocoa powder or equivalent to 20-30 g of bitter chocolate tablet with 70% cocoa or more.The chocolate tablet must contain low sugar levels (ideally 20% or less). No deberá contener nada de lácteos ni ningún otro ingrediente adicional.

It is a healthy alternative to eat chocolate.These are fermented cocoa seeds, descascarilladas, drying, roasted and crushed, and that are found in their purest form.They have a high content of magnesium, manganese, iron, fiber, antioxidants and polyphenols.Cocoa Nibs have more antioxidants than green tea (camellia sinensis), red wine, blueberries and even Goji berries.Cocoa Nibs can be added to countless recipes, to give them flavor and an extra contribution of nutrients.They can be added to: yogurt, fruit, salads, infusions, coffee, smoothies or smoothies, oats, and some desserts.

Chocolate with the highest cocoa content must be part of a healthy food pattern of all people, due to their properties that provide health benefits.One of the reasons we recommend including chocolate in food is because it has antidepressant properties that improve mood, inducing a sense of well -being and pleasure in the brain.