Borxa Ramo, Teruel's candidate for Mister Spain RNB 2022: "The times when it was embarrassing to hear a coach speak are behind us"

By : ujikiu / On : 06/10/2022

Borxa Ramo is a man from Teruel who changed athletics -he came to compete in the Spanish Track Athletics Championship- for teaching, who is currently studying International Business in Valencia and has taken his first steps in the world of Fashion. She will now represent Teruel in the next edition of the Mister RNB Spain 2022 Contest, whose gala will take place next autumn in Nerja (Málaga).

-How did you decide to take the leap and participate in this contest?

-The truth is that I did not contemplate this scenario, but RNB contacted me and they offered me to participate representing Valencia, which is where I study now. They explained to me how everything worked and in the end I decided to do it, but I asked them to represent Teruel, which is why I'm from here.

-But did he have experience in this world?

-Not in this type of contest, but in the world of fashion, where I've already done some work. That is why they knew me in RNB and contacted me.

-Is modeling a possible professional opportunity for you?

-Well... for that you have to be very focused on that activity, in addition to living in Barcelona or Madrid. At the moment I am studying and I take this as a hobby that I combine with studies and with a business creation project in which I am immersed right now.

-How did your personal environment and your family take it when you told them that you were going to participate in the Mister Spain RNB contest?

-At first they were quite surprised, because it is something that surely they could not imagine. But since they found out that I had already made the decision and that I was willing to be exposed to the media, they have supported me a lot. My parents are almost more excited than me, and my friends are showing me that they are my number one fans.

-What you say is interesting... Are you prepared to see your image exposed in the media and on social networks and to receive criticism, which can sometimes be negative?

Borxa Ramo, Mister candidate for Teruel Spain RNB 2022:

-I don't know if there is a type of preparation that can be done in this regard, but it is true that it is necessary to have it in mind and I have it. I am aware that my image is public and somehow represents a group of people. That means you have to be open to some people liking you and others not. On social networks, any criticism comes to you more easily and you have to be prepared.

-Have you had any bad experiences with 'haters' or 'trolls'?

-No, and I hope I don't. It is inevitable to have some concern, but so far all the messages have been supportive and very positive. They have even come to me from South American countries or Indonesia.

-There is a contest going on on Instagram, but the contest, contest, will be in Nerja in autumn, right?

-Yes, that's the main one. Of the 52 participants, 24 will qualify for the final gala, which comes out of this multimedia test, which is what the votes that people make through Instagram are called -mine is @borya, with and Greek-, and others tests that will be carried out throughout the process; tests of general knowledge, extreme sports, talent, social projects, as well as interviews. With all these evaluations, the 24 that will go to the gala that will be held in the fall will be chosen, although the final date is not yet known. And we will be doing tests for a week until the winner of Mister Spain RNB 2022 is decided on Saturday.

-And if you win?

-Well, that would be putting Teruel at the top and it would be very good (laughs). In that gala there will be four winners, and each one will go to an international contest. That already means moving a lot around Spain doing different promotions and supposes a more intense preparation for the international gala. And in case of winning the international award, it would mean working on this for a whole year practically exclusively.

-How far do you choose? What would you like to achieve in this adventure?

-I don't give up anything, of course, but for me the main thing is to enjoy the experience it entails. It is something that not everyone can live and the important thing is to learn things, take advantage of the preparation they offer you, and meet many people. In the end, all this will make you meet people from all over Spain who, in the end, at a fashion or business level, can come in handy, so professionally it is also an opportunity.

-Everyone knows that these types of contests have quite a few detractors, who criticize the superficiality of these contests, the sexism or the values ​​they perpetuate... What do you think?

-Yes, those criticisms are widespread nowadays, but this world is unknown at all if you don't really get into it. Maybe before they were very sexist or superficial, but now they are quite up to date with respect to our society. It is true that the physical image is taken into account, but now more than ever many more things are valued, such as general culture, the ability to communicate, to know how to be... They are looking for people who are beautiful on the outside but also on the inside , and I assure you that if you are a bad guy or have nothing beyond a good physique, you will not get anywhere. We have all seen images in which a mister or a miss began to speak and it was even a bit embarrassing, but all that has been left behind, that has changed, and in particular the RNB franchise takes this factor very much into account, that of seeking people who are not just handsome.