BeTech: technology news What does the red flag emoji mean on WhatsApp and Twitter and when is it used?

By : ujikiu / On : 30/04/2022


Twitter has seen the use of red flag emoticons soar 455% in recent weeks.

Cesar Otero0

The use of a red flag means a signal or warning sign, or "something that indicates or draws attention to a problem, danger or irregularity". The dictionary notes that the first use of red flag as a noun dates back to 1748. And in today's hybrid parlance of social media, thanks to the red flag emoji, Twitter users can punctuate a tweet with the symbol, or even use a whole row of them to show that something is problematic.

And it is that, if you use Twitter or WhatsApp, surely in the last two weeks you have seen at least one message from a contact in which he/she put a string of red flags. Why is everyone now using this emoji on Twitter, and at their discretion?

The red flag emoji on Twitter

Lately, Twitter has become a sea of ​​red flags, all alerting users to a wide range of things: From men to avoid or times to worry about to fictional characters and pop culture, the trend is everywhere. That yes, with a lot of emojis of red flags following it. It's easy, it's fun, and it even says a lot about the user according to her message.

According to sites like Cnet or Mary Sue, the trend originally started on Black Twitter or black Twitter - a community consisting of mostly African-American users - to share the red flags in dating. And like many Twitter trends, it morphed into a fad without anyone really knowing its exact origin.

What do those flags mean?

BeTech: noticias de tecnología ¿Qué significa el emoji de la bandera roja en WhatsApp y Twitter y cuando se usa?

According to Twitter, over the past week there has been a 455% increase in tweets using the emoji in the United States. On Tuesday, October 12, there were 1.5 million tweets with the red flag emoji worldwide.

From people warning of a potential date's troubling behavior, to sports, food, movies, music, politics, and other things they find problematic, it's easy to use: You put the date first, sharing something you you know it's a red flag or something that should be a red flag content-wise, and then you just post a series of red flag emojis after the text to review it.

Lasting or passing fashion?

And the topics to choose from are virtually limitless: things like someone who's always online but slow to respond to text messages; someone who says that he is still friends with his ex, or that "he spends all day without talking to me"... Their use, scope and understanding are such that we even see accounts of brands that have adopted them - for example Netflix itself, or MTV saying "I can't keep up with Pop music."

At the moment, although we continue to see them on Twitter especially, it seems that the peak of popularity of this new fashion/trend was last week. Now the question remains whether it will become one of those types of messages that remain and we use from time to time, or it will totally go out of style in a few days / weeks.

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