Bernardo Noval and Brenda Jaet present "Mexico at Expo 2020 Dubai", with an exhibition of fashion and design, within the framework of inclusion and tolerance

By : ujikiu / On : 17/02/2022

• The Mexican Pavilion leads Dubái Fashion México from November 14 to 18. • They choose the Monarch Butterfly as a symbol of these two concepts present in Mexican culture. • Six renowned exponents from different regions of Mexico will present creations that reflect the feeling and art of our country. • Expo 2020 Dubai is a great business opportunity for Mexican designers, and a showcase to the world of our best creations.

Expo 2020 Dubai has been a platform for innovation for 170 years, this year Mexico will be present under the concept of mobility, where for the first time fashion and design will be the axis of their collaboration in this great exhibition.

For this edition, which will be held at the Dubai Exhibition Center with the participation of 192 countries, the Mexican pavilion will emphasize the theme of biodiversity and migration. from Mexico in an exceptional flight of thousands of kilometers, to then return, alluding to Mexicans who, even when they leave the country, always return home.

The Mexico show will take place from November 14 to 18, during Fashion Week, within the framework of inclusion and tolerance.

The previous edition of this international forum was held in the Italian city of Milan and the next one is scheduled for Osaka, Japan.

“We are very excited that for the first time the fashion industry is included in a project like this, since it is a very important sector in our country, with a lot of talent, on which many families depend, in a production chain that has Seen seriously affected by the pandemic,” says the Director of Dubai Fashion Mexico, Brenda Jaet.

Expo 2020 Dubai is a great business opportunity for Mexican designers, and a showcase for our best creations to the world.

It was difficult to choose only six designers, with different styles and from different regions of the country; however, since we are talking about the framework of inclusion and tolerance, it is ideal that everyone makes their creations with great social responsibility since they work in various communities of textile and artisans.

For the exhibitors, it was very important to have an entire infrastructure to be able to carry out a parade outside of Mexico, since it requires expenses on their part. Taking into account the vulnerable situation in which they found themselves due to the COVID 19 pandemic, they had to face problems such as the closure of stores, shopping centers, department stores and boutiques, for which many had to adapt their sales to electronic commerce, which allowed to get ahead. According to the National Chamber of Industry and Clothing and the National Chamber of the Textile Industry, sales of both industries fell by 95 percent and 70 percent, respectively. In addition, online sales had a report historical. In Mexico, spending on electronic commerce multiplied by 10 in the quarantine.

The production of masks and antibacterial gel were a new turn of production that helped many not to go bankrupt.

For this reason, the presence of Mexican designers at Expo Dubai is very important. The six Mexican exponents who will represent the industry at this exhibition are: Benito Santos, Gerardo Torres, Lydia Lavin, Montserrat Messeguer, Carlos Pineda and Armando Takeda.

This is an initiative of MWG with Bernardo Noval as president and this fashion week with Brenda Jaet as director, Marco Corral as fashion producer, Rames Xelhuantzi photographer and Sephora as an ally in makeup and hairstyle.