Barcelona Bridal Week: Everything we learned from the first week of digital bridal fashion in history

By : ujikiu / On : 08/01/2023

But not only in the raw material lies the concept of sustainability.Now many are the girlfriends who conceive their wedding dress as an investment to make profitable in the long term, reusing one of their pieces.That is why we have seen girlfriends with bullfighters in Leonie Bridal, costumes in Cymbeline, Blazers in Isabel Sanchís or short dresses in Poeta Spose.A valid option for civil ceremonies or intimate celebrations that impose circumstances.

In total, 24 signatures will participate in the catwalk (only 9 less than in the 2019 edition) and the platform has also hosted an exclusive digital showroom for professionals. En él se han podido conocer las propuestas de un centenar de marcas, el 64% internacionales, como Watters (EEUU), Atelier Emelia (Francia) o las españolas Marco & María, Serena Whitehaven, Ramón Sanjurjo o Inuñez, lo que demuestra las ganas y energías del sector de la moda nupcial por salir adelante.

Barcelona Bridal Week: todo lo que aprendimos de la primera semana de la moda nupcial digital de la historia

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