Coronavirus in Spain: Summary on Saturday, August 21

By : ujikiu / On : 12/02/2023

Parents demand the reopening of schools in Peru

Hundreds of parents went out in Lima to ask for their children's return to the classrooms in Peru, since the face-to-face classes were suspended since March 2020 and the government does not announce plans for the return for fear of COVID-19.

"We are on the list that nobody wants to be, the list of countries that have forgotten education, I think there are seven countries in the world (in addition to Peru) without opening schools and without return plans," spokeswoman told EfeFrom the collective let's return to classes Peru, Milagros Saez, who summoned the march. Coronavirus en España: resumen del sábado 21 de agosto

The Covid-19 Pandemia exploded in Peru when the school year was starting, and immediately the then president Martín Vizcarra ordered the closure of schools and universities, and remote education was launched at the national level.

More than 17 months after that measure, only 5.350 schools have started a level of face -to -face in rural areas for 220.000 students in Peru, of a total of eight million schoolchildren who were enrolled in 2019.